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Everything posted by zero

  1. surprised the anti-capitalism contingent hasn't weighed in here yet on all of this... there would be no ads if everything was open sourced free cummunism web 5.0
  2. don junior was secretly tasked with finding out if cocaine cures covid. he was forced to blow through eight ball after eight ball in the name of science.
  3. incredible isn't it? I know we've had numerous years now to adjust to his BS, and shouldn't be shocked any more. but I am still slightly amazed any time I read what he says, or listen to him, just how nonsensical, unintelligent, and frankly ridiculous his responses to simple questions always are. in any other normal real world context, a guy like that would be shut down pretty quickly, and not given the time of day any more because he (a) doesn't know what he's talking about, and (b) is obviously lying. but what do millions of 'mericuns hear? they translate his vagaries into some twisted messaging they feel they can identify with, while the rest of us are sitting there scratching our heads like huh? he's full of shit! don't you guys see that! it's like he continues to pull the "hey look over there" trick, and all the magas continue to look, even though it's a blank wall when they turn in that direction time and time again. and all those R d-bags continually defending him, the fox noosers pandering, it's fuckin bizarro land! idiocracy man, there's no other word to describe it.
  4. either that, or he's lying about it. are there any videos of him peeing in a cup and drinking it? I really don't want to google "piss drinking videos" for fear of what the cookies are going to do to my youtubes...
  5. dear abby, what is proper etiquette for responding to bat shit insane members of republican party? do we engage them? back slowly away with eyes tilted to the ground (similar to how one responds to that crazy guy on the street shouting profanities at the top of his lungs)? how can we improve the situation without creating turmoil? concerned democratic party
  6. American idol Clay Aiken running for Congress: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/589000-clay-aiken-launches-second-bid-for-congress I like his message. what he's saying seems reasonable.
  7. are things ever going to get better? not just covid but in general. is there ever going to be a time where everybody wakes up with all their needs/wants/desires fulfilled and thinks hey, life is just so great! or is this going to keep dragging on, day after day, the same old doom and gloom monotony repeating itself until the end. isn't that what death is advertised as? a great escape from the endless suffering we endure on this planet. act according to all the rules and you'll get your reward in the afterlife. heaven is where you are trying to get to. or the realm of souls, or whatever it's called. is that the point of all this? rushing through life unhappily in order to get to a made up fantasy place? I expect someone on watmm to be able to answer this.
  8. what's next...eating shit to cure covid? as if the the world needs more coprophagists running around out there
  9. Bob Saget dying...anti-vaxxers drinking piss...one of my work colleagues is leaving to go work at Meta...this has all been a bit too much for me today... I'd like to return to my bed and never leave it ever again.
  10. go for it! maybe if you're lucky, the brothers will send you an autographed cease and desist letter, which you can then sell for beaucoup dollars over on twoism!
  11. ^ looks like Joseph Gordon Levitt wearing a Khruangbin wig
  12. oh c'mon brian...I see you're in the 2nd stage of the grieving process...anger. is it really a requirement that someone needs to personally know another person in order to be affected by their death? none of us know any of these celebs personally (except JR knows Richard, ha!). but they have entered into some part of our lives/memories thanks to media. like I never met Bob Saget, but knew of him primarily because he was an actor on Full House. I too have a fondness for that show, due to growing up in the '80s, and being the perfect age to revel in ABC's classic late '80s/early '90s Friday night TGIF family friendly programming. it was a line up of shows like Family Matters, Full House, Perfect Strangers, and some other throwaways that didn't make as big of an impact. me and my sister used to camp out in the living room with sleeping bags watching that 2 hour block every Friday night, and of course we saw Bob Saget on screen portraying Danny Tanner, an archetype of what an all American TV dad was supposed to be like. so yeah, I didn't really know him, but knew only his image and characters he portrayed. when I heard yesterday he died, I was like oh damn, and for a split second was brought back to thinking about watching him on Full House back when I was a kid. that, I suppose, is what constitutes an emotion one is rightfully allowed to feel when learning of a celeb death...I did feel a little bit sad when I heard he died.
  13. ^ that is ripped off straight out of the x-files. "super soldiers" is literally from that show.
  14. the fact that all these R politicians are trying to downplay and defend the event is sickening. it is a sad reflection on the state of society in general. traits that have historically applied to those in positions of leadership, and humans in general, such as showing accountability, leading with dignity, humbleness...these are slowly being written out of the script and replaced with trump-like behavior. finger pointing, immaturity, messaging with racist undertones. tantrums are being rewarded, wasn't my fault, etc...I just don't know how we reign this in? the R party seemingly will not disavow this type of behavior, seeing as large chunks of their constituents all act and think the same way, and vote accordingly! social media, as has been brought up time and time again on here, IMO is the catalyst for this behavioral change we see throughout society. lol culture. creating and weaponizing false information posted online, resulting in people doubting straight up facts, was probably not what the social media godfathers intended. but it is what it is now, and whether or not them banning certain bad actors and deleting outright false content helps, is yet to be seen. gonna sound like an old man here, but I just don't remember "it" being this bad before FB, twitter, etc. started.
  15. ^ idk man...I just have a hard time believing there was an actual coherent plan in place as to what to do next after storming the capitol. and all those other tentacles shooting out in all directions to try and keep him in power just seemed so desperate, unfocused, and with next to zero chance of becoming reality. throw anything at the wall to see if it sticks type planning. that's how his whole presidency sorta was lol. this is largely IMO of course, and based on reading articles online, so maybe there was some overarching game plan strategy that will be brought to light. and yeah, I've never actually thought long and hard about how coup's of this nature are supposed to happen exactly, so maybe it does start with the maga clowns being sent in, and then things go down hill from there. like you said, military overthrow is usually what one thinks when the word coup it used, and this was of a different flavor than that.
  16. the metaverse is going to be such a great hangout place for pervs. how long before those digital blue hands start trying to grope the personal shopper chick? giving me windows 3.1 flashbacks maaaan
  17. which has always been one of the main problems with him. do we take him seriously? or is he just putting on an act, a stand up show, which he does to stroke his ego and get $ out of all this. even the Jan. 6th thing started as something of a joke, like some sort of maga festival in front of the capitol with dudes in costumes selling hot dogs...and of course escalated into the shit show it became, thanks to the inmates deciding to run the asylum, so to speak. that's why I have a hard time comparing him to a much more by-the-book totalitarian/authoritarian leader like Hitler, because I really don't think that's what trump intended on becoming...or turning this place into a Nazi state. any authoritarian inklings that started being tossed around throughout his term more or less started taking shape solely due to his massive ego, and adoration for Putin, etc. and other leaders that actually DO want to rule their countries like kings. trump only continued on down this path because backing off of it would make him look weak, his fan base kept egging him on, and so forth. bottom line - I don't think there's enough gas in the tank to complete some sort of massive government overthrow, as has been alluded to. even if those dickwads who stormed the capitol did kill Pelosi, Pence, or other heinous acts, there wasn't enough planning laid out as to what to do next. yes I know I've seen images from the event that made it look like some of those militia guys had it all mapped out, but IMO this is like some duck dynasty scooby-doo shit planning. taking hostages resulting in a stand-off with the military? how do you think that would pan out. they'd all be scoped out of existence.
  18. wonder if Jan. 6th will one day be celebrated as a holiday in the Q/loco/maga camps, kinda like some bizarro world version of Guy Fawkes night. burn an effigy of mike pence and all that.
  19. yeah wtf is he thinking here...seems only recently he shed his image of being a bad guy. now this. just get the fkin shots and get on with it! why is this so difficult???
  20. forks used by cannibalistic 19th century Fijian tribesmen to eat the bodies of rival soldiers:
  21. *ahem* you mean he's doing all kinds of grifting, right out in the open, where everyone can see, to tighten up his grip on all the marks still lining up to hand over buckets of cash to him, so they can receive their blessing from the almighty spray-tanned one, and possibly get a free sample of his exquisite new line of snake oil he's planning to roll out in the next coming months.
  22. it's so embarrassing. guys like that further perpetuate the stereotype that Texans are yee-ha stupid redneck racist cowboys. I know most intelligent individuals realize this isn't the case, and far from applicable to everyone here. Texas has one of, if not, the most diverse cities in the country (Houston). DFW where I am is a megalopolis packed with folks from everywhere. we're not all wearing cowboy hats, boots, and starched collared shirts, but guys like this want to keep that imagery alive, and all the other supremely out-of-date attitudes that come along with that. "the illegals are coming" oooh scary shit y'all!!! I'm more worried about what those Q fuck nuts are planning on doing once JFK fails to make a grand re-entry...
  23. this fucking guy has billboards on highways and shit around here with all sorts of douchebaggy catchphrases like "deport all illegals" "shut down the border" and other such thinly veiled racist crap, that makes any sane thinking person want to hurl. and his smug fucking squashed glaring midget face is posted up there high in the sky, just waiting for a bird to fly by and shit all over it. if any billboard deserves to be shotgun blasted, its his. I hate that reality has come to this. there is no more healthy balance in the US political system. being a republican now is essentially synonymous with being a closed minded, racist, arrogant twat. the dems are far from perfect, but at least they don't openly flaunt their racist BS like good ol' donny boy up there does. no one deserves to die a more painful humiliating death than these smug republican cunts. and watch, he'll probably get a ton of votes, come close to getting elected, or some other stupidness. are there any islands left on this planet one can move to to get away from all this??
  24. yes. him and Laurence Fishburne were sorely missed. they brought some serious acting chops to the 1st Matrix film that really helped convince you as a viewer to take the concepts laid out in the film seriously. the agent Smith replacement (Jonathan Groff) was a total goofball and annoying as hell. I liked him ok in Mindhunter, but he was hamming it up big time in this role.
  25. did you happen to attend a holiday gathering recently in which a chemically scented drink labeled "kool-aid" was being given to the attendees?
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