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Everything posted by zero

  1. recently went to a cabin in the Ozarks for a couple of nights in an attempt to "get away from it all," as they say. view from the back porch:
  2. embrace the heat, brother. I am one who enjoys sitting outside when it's 107. it is a way to acclimate my body to the world of the future, when one day nuclear annihilation happens and what's left of us are roaming around in a scorched earth apocalyptic wasteland. the heat will be unbearable then, but I will have already acclimated myself to it.
  3. you know what middle aged dudes in their forties with kids talk about? vasectomies. "you been snipped yet?" is a question I get asked from time to time. I haven't. but I did find out there's a doctor in Austin named Dr. Richard Chopp, aka "Dr. Dick Chopp." I shit you not. you can tell this guy knows a thing or two about ball sacks:
  4. for real. someone in one of these threads commented on something saying "this is why we can't have nice things." well THIS is why we can't have nice things. fucking idiots out there ruin it for those of us who try and live our lives following basic common sense principles. there is something out there that could save your life, given to you for free, and you won't take it because of a host of BS reasons that have been stuffed in your head thanks to the internet giving way to privileged thinking. bravo, modern day civilization.
  5. I agree with this: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/06/22/1007145368/opinion-vaccine-hesitancy-in-the-u-s-is-a-peculiar-privilege
  6. zero

    The Meters

    ^ definitely. Delvon Lamarr is legit. their first album is great too. I'm always on the look out for a good jazz/funk instrumental band, especially organ trio's. I lived in south Louisiana back in the late '90s, used to go to New Orleans a bunch for shows. got into this sound since this stuff is everywhere in that town.
  7. zero


    if you think about it, cars are probably the #1 thing that have fucked up this planet's environment immensely. all the roads laid down that ripped up the earth, all the oil drilled out of this planet to turn into fuel for them. all the pollution that has come because of them. all the sprawl thanks to them. cars are evil I tell you, evil. they should be banned from this planet. but yeah, I have them. I can't go anywhere without relying on them. I dunno what else to do tho. I'm not rich enough to live in the city centre area and walk/bike everywhere.
  8. Ok cool. sometimes hard to read people's intentions on here, so wasn't sure if you were struggling or not. and as far as it being society's fault and not your own for whatever you're dealing with - biggest issue I have to deal with on a professional level is personal accountability. no one ever wants to own up to fuck ups. most folks always try and push anything not going smoothly onto someone or something else. I am usually the guy that has to step in and own problems not of my own making. that shit is not always easy. it requires some definite game plan knowledge, and I really wish I had a better way to convey this skill on my resume so I could get a better job. anyway, whatever happens happens. it's all good. none of this shit matters man. fuck it.
  9. if you're being serious about some of this stuff, have you considered talking to someone IRL outside your circle of friends about what you're feeling/experiencing? talking through things does help. if you're friends aren't an option as an outlet, then perhaps a counsellor/psychologist? I've been thinking about doing this again myself lately. been a long time since I went to talk to someone about stuff like that, and I do remember it brought some temporary relief. it was for social anxiety issues I was experiencing back in my early 20's.
  10. Tim J is (was?) the fucking man. he's one of the OG's on here. he made excellent contributions to the African music thread. and the guy mastered the art of cooking pizza's upside down. a true legend. we miss you Tim J ?
  11. definitely. the lols have been happening much more frequently since ding decided to open up his brain and let everything pour out of it on here.
  12. that thought did cross my mind. a more plausible explanation however is that Tim couldn't handle being back on land, has set off to sea again on a boat he hijacked off the Portuguese coast.
  13. are you by chance the illegitimate love child of Sigmund Freud and Patrick Bateman? someone should let Brett Easton Ellis know about all the good material here...that the sequel to American Psycho needs to be called German Psycho. and where the fuck is Tim J?????? we need him now more than ever! Tim J, I know you can read this right now. Ding is going fucking bananas on here, and we need you to reel him in. I'm throwing up the bat signal. please come back to us maaaaaaaaann!!!!!! @Tim_J @Tim_J @Tim_J
  14. only a matter of time before he starts masturbating in public. @dingformung DO NOT start jerking off behind trees as you ogle women you're thinking about fucking. I mean the German prison system is probably ok and all compared to the U.S., but still...
  15. Be prepared: practice, practice, practice. Limit caffeine and sugar intake the day of the performance. Eat a sensible meal a few hours before you are to perform so that you have energy and don't get hungry. A low-fat meal including complex carbohydrates -- whole-grain pasta, lentil soup, yogurt, or a bean and rice burrito -- is a good choice. Shift the focus off of yourself and your fear to the enjoyment you are providing to the spectators. Close your eyes and imagine the audience laughing and cheering, and you feeling good. Don't focus on what could go wrong. Instead focus on the positive. Visualize your success. Avoid thoughts that produce self-doubt. Practice controlled breathing, meditation, biofeedback, and other strategies to help you relax and redirect your thoughts when they turn negative. It is best to practice some type of relaxation technique every day, regardless of whether you have a performance, so that the skill is there for you when you need it. Take a walk, jump up and down, shake out your muscles, or do whatever feels right to ease your anxious feelings before the performance. Connect with your audience -- smile, make eye contact, and think of them as friends. Act natural and be yourself. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep, and live a healthy lifestyle.
  16. zero

    June 9th

    absolutely! and what better way to celebrate than with a re-re-re-re-pressed version of their classic EP!
  17. interesting take. makes sense if we're talking about making the most of academic education, but the socialization aspect college/university offers kids at that point should not be overlooked IMO. going off to university right after high school is something I absolutely wanted to do. I worked service industry/retail jobs part time in high school, and wasn't interested to keep doing those at that point. I also wasn't mature enough to start world travelling just yet, and was eager to go meet new people my age in a more or less safe environment. sure, had I started university at like age 24/25 I probably would have been more disciplined on the academic side of things, but the social aspect was hugely instrumental in helping shape my world view. I was lucky enough to meet and get to know a bunch of people from different countries (and who I'm still friends with to this day), who allowed me to learn a lot about how other people in other countries did things.
  18. yeah I also 100% agree with him on that point. there would be no more hacking if there were no more computers, and we went back to using antiquated methods of record keeping like using paper and pencil for everything. of course, this will never happen, similar to every other piece of fantastical pie in the sky bullshit that he trotted out there. I seriously don't understand how he does things like get out of bed in the morning, brush his teeth, turn on a tv, etc. his fundamental lack of understanding of how just about everything in the world works is mind boggling.
  19. sounds like you weren't following the karmic flow of the universe you love to describe in detail on here. had you been more in tune with your inner vibrations, then perhaps you would have found the exact phrase to express your admiration to these individuals. regret does nothing but slow you down. learn and move forward, world citizen.
  20. I flushed my ears with warm water using a turkey baster looking thing I got from a hospital years ago, which seems to have helped it quite a bit. I'm one of those people that gets bad inner ear wax build ups every few years, and they need to be flushed (pretty sure there was a whole thread on here about this). I normally know they need to be flushed because hearing in one or both of them becomes noticeably blocked, but this time I thought I was still hearing things normally, so didn't think I needed to flush them. turns out there was a bunch of inner wax in there, as that all got blasted out by the warm water. the ringing is still there, but not as bad as before. so yeah, turkey baster thing to the rescue.
  21. jokes aside, I hope you figure this shit out man. whatever caused you to go air b'n'b-ing in the first place I'm sure was not entirely positive. then all this pandemic shit has thrown a wrench into whatever mental game plans a lot of us had thought we had a grasp on. I don't even understand exactly how I ended up where I am, because one different decision some 10-11 years ago, and I would not have the life I have now. not like I'm ballin' or nothin, but still. and for the record, I don't think ding is total troll. he has a lot of thoughtful things he says, but then likes to go into pee pee poo poo mode. but whatevs... because this is a platform where we can share a lot of stuff anonymously our brains are thinking, but not willing to share with people we know IRL.
  22. @brian trageskin this new avatar you've selected is not working. I liked the last guy. he looked like a gentle soul. harmless. this new one is too aggressive. probably passive aggressive. you should consider changing it. then change your life. you need to get on with it. get out of the air b'n'b tour you're on and make something of yourself. you can do it. ding is here for encouragement and life coaching lessons should you need it.
  23. dear watmm help desk, how to stop these tinnitus sounds? insert random sharp objects into ear holes until the ringing noise stops? this shit is driving me crazy!
  24. dunno why, but this part of your post reminded me of a time when I brought weed into Mexico. it was like back in '96, when I was a stupid high school stoner smoking like 5 times a day. I went on a youth group trip down to Tecate to build cheap houses, or something like that. I knew I couldn't go a week without herb, so I snuck a few joints in the bottom part of a deodorant can. we crossed on a school bus from the San Diego side, and of course no Mexican border dudes cared at all. the place we were staying at wasn't too far from the U.S/Mexico border, but I had no clue. I used to wander off at the early part of night to go smoke, and I later learned we weren't far from a crossing spot and shit was dangerous around there. at the end of the trip we spent a day down in Rosarito, which most San Diegans will probably have heard of as the chill laidback spot a little past TJ. I wandered through that main area looking for abandoned houses to go smoke a joint in alone, which in retrospect, is not a really good idea when you're anywhere in Mexico lol. anyway, I found a pretty dilapidated one and smoked up, then went a bought a stupid tourist trinkety ring at some market. for some reason, I kept the deodorant can and I was the most nervous on the bus when we went back into the U.S. because the border guy brought a dog onboard. nothing happened though, and I have no idea why I thought of this...
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