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Everything posted by zero

  1. last night I was drunk. this morning I find a stick of butter in the fridge with teeth marks on it.
  2. https://kevindrew.bandcamp.com/ lead singer from Broken Social Scene solo album. never been a massive BSS fan, some of their stuff is ok. think the first one they did "Feel Good Lost" is quite excellent, and still gets regular plays on my ipod. this album reminds me a little of early M83, maybe Four Tet, or even Thom Yorke solo stuff.
  3. was in the mood for a big, dumb, '80s action movie recently...and it doesn't get any more '80s action flick than this: one of the overlooked films in Arnie's cannon, but a classic in the genre, nonetheless. inane plot, pointless explosions, super high body count, and of course, awesome sarcastic one liners from Arnold. and a big smile came on my face when the old tunes hit "Trapped" by Colonel Abrams started playing in one of the club scenes.
  4. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/31/trump-political-groups-82-million-501958 grifting your way to 9 figures is no freakin joke. if grifting were an olympic sport, donnie would be the undisputed world record holder. Ponzi was a fuckin clown compared to him. still can't believe that in all the years trump has been a "businessman," he's never been caught. maybe in like 60-70 years "trump scheme" will be defined as someone who holds political office solely for the purpose of grifting donations from members of their own bullshit movement. wonder what exactly "other political activities" includes...paying off ruskies?
  5. before clicking that link, I immediately thought you were referencing the pink slime that was flowing in the NYC sewers in Ghostbusters 2. I've often times thought of that pink slime as some sort of connection to what the internet/social media has done to society. in GB2, the pink slime was the result of all the negative energy in the city, and grew stronger the more the people argued and were angry toward each other. it fed off the negativity. it started attacking people. the ghostbusters were finally able to defeat it by creating positive energy. they told all the New Yorkers to be nice to each other, and it made the evil pink slime weak. that, in a way, is similar to the internet, I think. the internet is the pink slime flowing beneath all our cities.
  6. not to digress too much, but this whole thing has really made me think that if we are being observed by entities from another planet/galaxy/whatnot, they must be laughing their asses off right now at how we as a species have been handling the pandemic. "what? they have a vaccine for this virus and they're NOT taking it? ahahahahaha FOOLS!" one the one hand, they know now that they could easily wipe us from existence because we suck at global coordination. on the other hand, they may be like "meh, they're too stupid to bother fucking with. onto the next planet."
  7. Alberta, aka "Texas of the north" still has a way to go though before catching up to the dumbassery going on here: https://news.yahoo.com/texas-governor-threatens-fines-local-012211820.html
  8. as @rhmilo mentioned, case in point. a lot of "I" there. it ain't all about you dude and what your personal experience with covid has been like. that's egotistical trump shit right there. sometimes you gotta do something for the greater good of things, y'know for the "we." and so crazy that tons of places in this world are screaming right now for the vaccine, yet here in the U.S., we are tossing out expired vaccine because we have so much of it.
  9. yes. western societies have always been more "me" centric than eastern (individualist vs. collectivist in psychology). this level of individualism has gotten far worse thanks to social media, where the "me" is now giving said individual the opinion that they are much more important than the nameless, faceless others out there, and therefore their needs are much greater than that of the rest of the group. this is what we are seeing full on now with the vaccine hesitancy. people proclaiming it is my body, and I shouldn't be forced to put anything I don't want in it. including a potentially life saving vaccine, that is being distributed in the hope of benefitting all of society. people are thinking about their needs, and not what's best for the group. and of course, it is impossible to change this line of thinking in a short amount of time. the second you start discussing limiting individual freedom, everyone gets all up in arms and throws their personal opinion into it. then you wrap in political motivations and it's argue argue argue with nothing good ever really coming out of it.
  11. was thinking the same thing. a proposal from an Asian American dem congressman from California that would allow Americans to work less? no way in hell that's going anywhere... turtle man and his band of clowns will laugh this thing down in a second. way too progressive for them. hell, may be even too progressive for grandpa Joe.
  12. quite good: https://hotelpoolsmusic.bandcamp.com/album/palmscapes
  13. zero

    170871 50

    something about Richard's 50th birthday next month. better not be another cock tease.
  14. these books must be more for the parents than the kids. the messaging in this video is weird and confusing. I can't tell if these people are trumpers, or some other offshoot of the orange man movement.
  15. yeah Anthony being in PB was another cool factor notch in their belt whenever they exploded toward the end of '91 after Blood Sugar came out. Flea wasn't in it though. and while we're at it - Flea will never top his role as one of the nihilist dudes in Big Lebowski.
  16. in honor of its 30th anniversary, I decided to watch Point Break for the millionth time. this movie is so ingrained into my consciousness...brings back those nostalgic California beach memories that I never actually had, and were implanted into my brain thanks to countless movies & TV shows being filmed there in the '80s/'90s. I remember when PB came out in 1991. that was a massive year for the summer blockbuster. T2, The Rocketeer, Costner's Robin Hood, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey...these were all landmark films for a youngster back then.
  17. I wonder if it'll ever get to a point where hospitals stop treating covid patients that have refused vaccination. send them home with a pat on the head and a lollipop, and let them deal with that shit on their own.
  18. I take all my medical advice from restaurant owners
  19. damn, shoplifting is quite easy these days. back when I was like 19, I worked at a big department store in the mall, in the men's sportswear section to be exact. I still remember a coordinated effort by a bunch of shoplifting pros, who all sprung into action at once, and dragged a whole rack of clothes out the door. the store had loss prevention undercover dudes, who's job it was was to act like they were shopping, when they were really trying to bust shoplifters. anyway, when the rack went out the door, those undercover dudes all started running through the store full speed to get them. not fast enough though. they made off with a rack of men's jackets, or maybe it was polo shirts, can't remember now.
  20. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dubai-uae-government-creating-rain-drones-cloud-seeding/ what could possibly go wrong here? shooting electricity at clouds to make it rain seems like a, um, great idea. I'm sure those UAE scientists have thought this all through and have the planet's best interests in mind, instead of the gazillionaire oil sheiks. I wonder what counter-effect this is going to have in some other corner of the planet. like they shoot electricity at clouds in Dubai, and all the birds start devouring people in Madagascar. well actually, that would be a win for nature. so yeah, blast away duders! and this totally gave me Animatrix vibes...the segments when mankind takes drastic measures to block out the sun in order to prevent all the killer AI robots from getting their solar power. this is probably how it all starts. shooting clouds to make it rain. then they come up with a way to make clouds darker in order to block the sun in to reduce those scorching desert temps. then comes robots sticking us in ooze filled tubes, and we have to rely on fucking Keanu to save us.
  21. I'm a few episodes into this now. one of those shows that makes you mad while watching. truly disturbing this surgeon was able to get away with this as long as he did. Baldwin's performance so far has been remarkably restrained, while Christian Slater is overacting the hell out of it.
  22. saw this mentioned recently in the US political trumpultery thread and decided to give this a go. pretty good I thought. didn't expect to see a fully nude Annette Benning...wow she was quite fit back then. not sure how I feel about the ending, but overall excellent acting.
  23. weird story. hadn't heard his name in years. I remember discovering him in the napster days, back when I was downloading everything DJ Shadow/Unkle related I could find.
  24. zero


    would be cool if the old classic saucers are still floating about. they have a certain art deco-ness to them that I dig. maybe the aliens have a sense of style when it comes to their crafts, like we do with our classic cars and vintage aircraft. they pull out the saucers and fly them every so often like we do the blue angels at air show demonstrations.
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