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Everything posted by zero

  1. for me at least, I try and keep in mind that not everyone that posts here is at the same maturity or life experience level as some of us now into our 40's with kids, partners, mortgages, etc. yes, I know this statement can probably be picked apart to death, as not everyone who is older is always necessarily wiser. but knowing that some watmmers are quite possibly 20+ years younger than some of us, helps keep the frustration in check when I glance through some of the more serious back and forth that goes on here.
  2. just you wait. someone told me that if this thread gets to 100 pages, then the revolution will begin. not sure who tho. probably joyrex.
  3. I actually like both those guys but wow...that was some very expensive, well produced cringe.
  4. shared insanity, a.k.a. folie à deux? but wait...that is defined as insanity shared between normally just 2 people. this is something on more of a massive scale of delusional behavior. what we are dealing with here in this country are the remnants of the 2016 outbreak of mass hysteria, brought on by an angry ranting narcissist, who spoke nonsense to the point that a large group of culturally similar individuals started believing said nonsense, and now are buried so deep in it, they can no longer think rationally, or for themselves for that matter. "The Captain is out to Lunch and the Sailors have taken over the Ship" is a collection of Bukowski stories that bear little similarity to the mass hysteria I am describing, but the title itself is what should be the tagline in future history books when 2016 - 2020 America is being viewed in hindsight.
  5. same. the furthest along I got with social media was Friendster. remember that? seemed so cool at the time. then it turned into some spam fest, and then myspace came around and killed it. whenever myspace happened I was like nah, already did this social media thing once and it petered out, why bother with it again? but I do remember snooping on several old high school peeps on myspace to see what they looked liked circa 2007. and yeah, I too was more or less forced to create a LinkedIn account due to a 2013 job search.
  6. was never on planet mu, but used to post on the ninja tune forum way back when. it too went away. kinda crazy to think that watmm has existed as long as it has.
  7. just calling it like I see it man. maybe you don't always do it in every post, but you do it enough for it to be noticeable. and no offense, but it never seems like you're having a good day on here. you come across as very serious and angry most of the time. lighten up dude! relax! carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders all the time is no bueno for your psychological well being.
  8. hey @cyanobacteria, you seem to always do this thing where you assume that if a person doesn't believe in this, then they must believe in that. ex: if you aren't into communism, then you obviously are a supporter of capitalism. why do you do that? this seems like some computer level shit, thinking like old school commands and what not. is that really how you think other people think? are you so far down the rabbit hole brother, that you're losing touch with human emotion? I really do give you props for sticking to this unpopular direction you are heading in. but man, if you think we here are the enemy, then I have no fucking idea how you survive out there with the rest of the clown show that are a billion times worse than watmm.
  9. probably not the right topic to go too far into this, but I'm sure you may know that the majority of American cities not on the coasts were planned around the time when automobiles were coming of age. European cities, as we know, are far older, and planned before cars. plus, not as much cheap, available land to sprawl out to over there. which didn't happen right away in the U.S., but gradually boomed as suburbanization of this country became a thing. and so, we have ended up with vast seas of strip mall shops with ample parking out front, so we can waddle our fat asses out of air conditioned road hogs, and pick up the latest and greatest in the marihuana industry.
  10. because arguing online beats having to do actual work! look at all the fun we're having here! and remember, continually arguing for argument's sake is a classic tactic of skilled negotiators, such as fuhrer trumpf and the fox noosers. they always win their battles. don't matter they ain't got much of a leg to stand on to defend their position, they know very well how to argue their enemies down to a nub, constantly pulling out a word here or a phrase there completely out of context, which somehow can be used to fit their narrative. weird, I think there's someone else who does that, just can't think of who atm...
  11. wha??? Dr. Zeff, you as an expert in human nature should be able to understand the difference between a "want" versus a "need." here is a little blurb from a kids website that explains: https://www.greatschools.org/gk/articles/needs-and-wants/ so yes, communism may tick all the boxes under the "need" category, but it epically fails when it comes to the "want" category. and this was my point in the post I submitted for your approval earlier. gracias.
  12. yep. if the human emotion known as desire didn't exist, then maybe you could get everyone to buy into a successful collectivist / socialist / communist society. but as long as that grass stays greener on the other side of the fence, then it will never work for humans. sounds like it's working well for ants though.
  13. Now I'm gonna tell ya a story A tale of wrong and right And freedom is the reason You can't take it without a fight So now I'm startin' up a posse (suck my dick, suck my dick) To come and look for you We're gonna put a stop To what you want to do You fucking whores (you fuckin' whores) That's all you are You say our records are offensive (you're a douche, you're a douche) Our messages ain't right You say "we're gonna label records So our kids can grow up right" You fucking whores (let them decide) That's all you are Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex drugs, rape These seven words you're trying to take Shit, fuck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape Right or wrong it's our choice to make America the beautiful, land of the free Don't change the words to land of hypocrisy Now I'm startin' up a posse (fascist scum, fascist scum) And we'll damn sure make you see Something that offends you May not be offensive to me You f*cking whores (you fuckin' whores) That's all you are Now you might take offense To a word like "fuck" or "shit" (dick!) But you fuckin' don't have the right (cunt!) To discriminate me for saying it! You fuckin' whores (you fuckin' whores) That's all you are So now I'm startin' up a posse (motherfucker, motherfucker) To fight for freedom of choice To fight for freedom of speech We're gonna make you hear our voice And now I don't do this to shock you (that's the end, that's the end) I don't do this for spite You've got the choice, don't buy it, don't read it, And don't say your opinion's right You f*cking whores (you fuckin' whores) That's all you are (cunty, cunty, cunty, cunt) You know you can't censor my feelings You can't censor my thoughts Censorship's against Everything america stands for You fuckin' whores (let us decide) That's all you are (and this ain't sexist, either)
  14. taking a bite while laughing? looks like the actor didn't want to actually eat it in the take, and was probably acting like he was taking a bite, holding it until they yelled "cut." but watching this scene again did make me notice that the wine in Donnie's mom's glass is brownish tinted.
  15. one of the Robert Altman classics I'd never seen before. loved it. Elliott Gould's performance was fantastic. a lot of ad-libbing apparently, some of the dialogue was pretty wild. also great early '70s shots of L.A., and I had a genuine lol moment when an uncredited Ah-nold appears in one of the final scenes as a shirtless thug.
  16. welcome to the 1960's, dude. where's @Tim_J???? he normally doesn't stand for this sort of thing
  17. so...gotta wild hair and decided to test drive some of this delta 8 business...can confirm the shit works... dunno if I can pinpoint yet the receptors this is/isn't firing upon, but feels legit. side note: I am one who appreciates the uptake of a daily thc edible, and thus am able to confirm that the infractions between the deltas is negligible.
  18. gonna be a fookin rager happenin next week in some dope ass spot called the villages. the breakbeat team Gaetz & Greene will be droppin some mad science to the all white elder crowd. dust off those confederate flags y'all...rino's beware https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/29/gaetz-greene-national-tour-rinos-485061
  19. definitely. I've mentioned on here before that I'm an American who lived in Canada for a long time, and have first hand knowledge of the cultural & personality differences between the two. Canadians on average are far more reserved than Americans, for sure.
  20. well if you ask me, you could have gone about this a more congenial way. you seemingly popped up here out of nowhere and dropped an obnoxiously large fonted post, with an in your face message that vaccines are bad, and that you are right and we are all wrong. and it really came off that part of your determination that vaccines are bad, was acquired by watching some youtube videos. your intention to engage in some sort of open discourse regarding the validity of vaccines did not come off as entirely genuine, and followed all the hallmarks of someone that is looking to troll. now it seems the impetus is on us to prove you wrong, which I don't feel is really necessary here, because, y'know, science has already done that for us. and yes, I do trust in science and scientists because they are the experts, and I am not.
  21. @brian trageskin the pigeons are plotting their attack in retaliation for you blowing on their brother. watch out.
  22. this very well could have something to do with it on a deeper level. but the reason I suspect as to why anti-Chinese sentiment and racism in general are surging in the US right now is because of one much more obvious factor - Trump. he stoked the flames throughout the entirety of his disastrous presidency, and literally as he was being booted out of the oval office, kept calling it the Chinese flu, or whatever dip shit term he was using. he made racism great again amongst his turd cult of parasites.
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