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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero


    if you don't mind me asking, how were you able to pry open your 3rd eye? are you seeing 1's and 0's right now as you look around the room? I know some folks swear by psychedelics, but those always just make me clam up and turn into a babbling half mute, not really giving me the answers to anything really. u seem like ur so f'n woke right now dude.
  2. I raise your 3 dots, and add a fourth....
  3. zero


    not sure if this is what you meant by "the ufos are octopi," but if you are inferring that underwater sea life could in fact be aliens, then I'm totally on board with that. maybe aliens are supremely interested in what goes on at the bottom of the ocean, much more so than what we all are doing up here on land. or maybe they're actually down there in the depths trying to hide from us, knowing that we'd do something stupid to them...like lock them up in a facility, or try and eat them lol. @Thu Zaw I think the electro connection with this is due to Drexciya, no? weren't they the ones that created the whole underwater/alien life thing back in the early '90s? or perhaps it goes back to Afrika Bambaataa saying some crazy future shit back in the '80s.
  4. zero


    yep. like what if they stealthily arrived and were like "oh damn, there's jellyfish here? fuckin rad! let's find out what those dudes know." I mean it would make sense they'd be more interested in knowing how the self sufficient species on this planet survive here. humans can barely manage to flush a public toilet after taking a crap in it! and then there's the issue of humans believing aliens are really who they say they are. there are people in this country that probably wouldn't even believe it is a real alien anyway. it could be Obama dressed up in a green suit. or a secret liberal operation to scare us into not voting for orange guy next time. who knows.
  5. probably because social media/internet didn't tell them that those things are bad. next time you see them, give them a high five, like so:
  6. no, they haven't. or at least I've not read much of a serious argument in this thread supporting the anti-vax position. only anger towards those who are pro vaccination. if you ask me, it's the same mumbo jumbo anti-vaxxers have been on about since the 1800's. violates my personal liberty, don't trust the government, some secret toxin in the vaccine, etc. take your pick. I'm sure they know how to care for their body best. much more so than one of those "doctors" who don't know shit about anything...
  7. I heard that too. think he said it twice, in fact. hard to tell if he meant that as a diss, or if he was mispronouncing it due to brain no worky. but what I did learn from that clip is that OAN employs some quite attractive female reporters. I've now learned all about Chanel Rion, thanks to that.
  8. lol, JR... here, this explains it: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-james-woods-dead-at-67-20210520-2ayl2vjstbab5miekwc7cajqju-story.html
  9. Dec. 31, 3999 falls on a Friday. I wonder if they'll even use calendars or clocks then.
  10. you in mid life crisis mode or something, man? you've been acting a lot weirder than normal on here lately.
  11. wait, did you get the shot in your ass? 'cause that'd be pretty gangsta if you did... "which arm" "nah, just shoot it right here" *drops trou*
  12. jfc can we put him back on twitter? at least then he was limited to 280 characters. that was one big massive load of rambling caca he (or rather stephen miller) just shat out there.
  13. hey did anyone else immediately think of Curtis Mayfield when they read that? now that fuckin song is stuck in my head
  14. yeah, her order is f'd up. I'd go with: why do we have the constitution - babies how do we protect it - jesus what's the purpose - guns
  15. ah yes, that period...back in the days when there wasn't much sense to be made of a lot of it. random spouting out words & phrases nonsensically, riffing off of insider jokes, hardly anyone knew wtf anyone was going on about. I gave up eventually, but somehow ended up back here again. and I remember some poster named CUP...I think that was way before Sup
  16. zero


    can we eat aliens tho? you know aliens gonna show up, some crazy ass mofo's gonna try and eat them, gain their magical powers, or what not.
  17. @Nebraska she sounds mentally ill for sure. but not sure if you were posting this to get it off your chest, or if you're thinking to try and help her in some way? or giving just another example of how all the Q nut jobs will believe anyone or anything, crazy or not?
  18. I think if we start by cancelling the fox news channel, then the stupidity level in this country may begin to decrease.
  19. sounds a bit like Texas, except the part about vaccines being reserved. here they have been widely available for a minute now and it is incredibly easy to get the shots, none of that months long waiting that I know other countries are dealing with. but large swaths of the population still won't get vaccinated because to them it's a fake virus being propagated by fake news anyway. or they're just too lazy to do it. most offices here have re-opened, restaurants/bars are busy with people, traffic sucks...it's more or less normal life again. I've had both my jabs and really don't worry about it anymore, tbh.
  20. will probably be some sort of humanoid scouring the net in 200 years. maybe it will discover watmm buried deep beneath a digital pile of dung somewhere, next to all the furry porn and batcock shenanigans the site may at one time have been associated with. it will be overwhelmingly curious as to why marxism was such a hot topic here in 2021...possibly will look at Zeff's posts as some sort of prophecies for setting up futuristic societies, once the great capitalist crash happens at the end of the 22nd century.
  21. got this email from my kids teacher (I substituted dashes for my kids name), and immediately cracked up laughing: I wanted to inform you of an incident today while the students were on the carpet waiting for dismissal. Another student said that --- said "suck big butt", then this student repeated it to another student. I talked to --- and he said that he only said the word "butt" because his was itching, he said he doesn't know why he said it out loud. --- is such a good kid I just wanted to bring this to your attention. All students involved were reminded of appropriate talk at school.
  22. ya, we're all just having a laugh here dude. this is literally me after just reading what you posted:
  23. really? huh... well I re-read my statement and I didn't see any references to capitalism, proletariat, bourgeoise, or anything else you literally just thought I said. here's a tip: back away from the keyboard when you are pissed off at something. nothing good ever comes when you are typing angry. I mean it. I sometimes get client or co-worker emails and I immediately see red because I don't like their tone, or believe they've misinterpreted something I said earlier. my initial reaction is to type a resounding FUCK YOU BITCH back to them, but I don't. I walk away from the computer, go outside, think about it a bit, and come back at a later time to respond. often times I re-read what their email said, and it was ME that may have jumped to an incorrect conclusion, and the F U to them would have made things entirely much worse. so with respect, please chill the F out and open your mind a bit dude. none of us want any of the things you purport we are supporters of. if you really think you are doing the cause a favor by continuing on and on with this discussion, remember, you are not. you are making your cause that much more unattractive and insane to any of us who don't see things exactly as you do.
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