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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero


    when are they gonna launch their attack? that's what we need to see. no more of these BS hovering videos. blow some shit up!
  2. The Shooting (1966) - one of Jack Nicholson's early films. I wanted to like it more, but the sound quality is so poor, I had to crank it way up to hear the dialogue. and the dialogue itself is not linear at all. it is supposed to be one of those existential westerns, or an acid western as they are also referred to.
  3. "I need you to spank me, daddy" -some pron actress
  4. I wasn't immediately hooked either. it was Galaxy Garden that finally made the light bulb go off for me. that IMO is his best. and I remember whenever Lemurian came out in 2008, it was met with rather lukewarm reception on here. the 2 main complaints were the awful album art, which resembled something like one of those year 2000 ibiza DJ comps. and that it fell into the "sounds like a BoC ripoff" camp, a la Tycho. thankfully Lemurian was re-released a few years back with new album art, which fit the summery, laid back, blazed out, instrumental hip-hop vibe that album is known for.
  5. interesting. a track with a female vocalist, and a 6min ambient, beat-less track as previews. definitely intrigued to hear the rest.
  6. based on your temperament and interactions on here, I would say you probably don't come off as an awkward creepy person IRL. at least that's my take. I would also take a guess that the nurse doesn't necessarily view y'alls interactions as flirting, since if she's the least bit attractive, then other single dudes are probably doing & thinking the same as you. it would be in fact super awkward if you did try and make some sort of advance that she politely declines because she's actually married or something, and you still have to go there for several more appointments. so yeah, wait until the last one before dropping to your knees and asking her to bang you. but tf do I know...I've been married 10+ years and have lost any such "game" I once had. I've also lost the ability to act normal in social settings, since I have a wife I can hide behind. I can sit there, not talk, drink beer, and stare into space while she gabs on with others. the pinnacle of human achievement right there, I suppose.
  7. I used to joke that humans at some point may even have their physiology altered thanks to all the time hunched over looked at little screens. like maybe in the future, our necks or spines will develop so that our heads are always tilted slightly downward in order to best view the screen in our hand.
  8. if only there were a way to dose the global water supply with some magical chemical that would reprogram everyone's brain to think normally
  9. because when you (i.e. republicans) throw all your chips behind a fake politician who's only goal is to turn everything into one big circus sideshow, then you reap what you sow...or something like that.
  10. remember el trumpo got the vaccine en secreto. he was publicly promoting all the ill effects of it, while meanwhile he and Melons were jabbing away. oh the hypocrisy never ends!
  11. we need a new category of torture porn, where a gestapo like military force rounds up the anti-vaxxers, physically forces them to get vaccinated. they could live stream the shit. we could all be watching the fox noosers writhe and scream in agony as the jab goes into the arm. would be like some modern day version of an exorcism. huzzah!
  12. thanks. new discovery for me. looks like has quite the back catalogue to explore. already purchased Night Shift, really like his style.
  13. @Hugh Mughnus is that a red bud light can she's holding? never seen that before.
  14. these fucking guys...I swear. Trump could shit on a platter, and Hannity would try and spin it as the filet mignon of craps. garbage, all of it.
  15. zero


    like changing the events of a certain day back in November 2016? or if they could erase all of 2020, then that'd be cool too.
  16. zero


    I've thought of that before. we think that THEY all look like big eyed, green, reptilian-like creatures. what do they think we look like? maybe they look like exactly like us, and they think WE are the bug eyed EBE's...
  17. too bad ding can't facepalm his own posts
  18. I get it now. it's just another grift. the boy's must have snorted their way through their inheritance already, came up with a new scheme to get $$$ https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-facebook-twitter-lawsuit-fundraising-immediately-2021-7
  19. suing FB, twitter, etc. is all such a great use of everyone's time... I mean let's clog up the courts with BS lawsuits just so baby can get his bottle back. this will all take years and result in millions of dollars spent for what...a stupid, idiotic, insecure man to be able to tweet stupid, idiotic things to stupid, idiotic zombies. and patriots are going to pay for all of it. this is all the biggest massive con the world has ever seen.
  20. yeah if the next one is 100% airborne, causes you to bleed out your pores so everyone knows you're infected, and you die within hours of contracting the virus, then yes, I think it will be far worse than the covid. that's essentially the zombiepocalypse, right? if anything, this whole pandemic has made me realize I need to sharpen up the ol' survival skills. if it ever does get to a point like that, then we won't be able to calmly waddle into a grocery store to get our food with a mask on, because everyone will be scared shitless and everything will all be completely closed. more of us need to learn to live off the land. grow your own veggies. raise chickens. shit like that.
  21. this is one of those classic films that has been on my mental "need to watch" list for so long, that I somehow end up forgetting to ever watch the damn thing. I'm a fan of the HBO show Carnivale, and The Night of the Hunter always came up being discussed on the old imdb boards as one to watch if you like Carnivale. the dueling motifs of good vs. evil, the preacher vs. the kid. these themes are shared in both, and I'd suspect TNOTH influenced the creator of Carnivale (as did the Ray Bradbury novel, Something Wicked This Way Comes). anyway, I can't say anything new about this film that hasn't been said before. it is not scary, but suspenseful, for sure. 10/10 cinematography. some of the ideas in the movies seemed ahead of their time - Robert Mitchum as the unstoppable terminator like force. the take-no-shit strong female heroine. the psychotic dialogue with and mistreatment of the young kids. just seems like that wasn't the norm for a typical movie back in 1955. but I dunno, I'm no expert on films from the '50s. maybe there were more like that. glad I finally watched it.
  22. I'm really becoming less and less a fan of big cities. back when I was in my 20's, I thought living in a big city was cool. walking to bars on busy sidewalks, taking the subway, hopping in taxis...it all seemed so fun. I could care less about that any more. now I dream of one day living in a small town USA. there are so many great old little towns scattered throughout this country with "great bones." but the vast majority of them are flowing with run down, vacant, neglected old historic brick buildings. my utopian pipe dream is that these quaint little places will one day be re-populated by a diverse group of people vacating the cities, as they too are sick of the traffic, housing costs, rich d-bags in sports cars. but I know the reality is that all these little small towns are dead zones, currently packed with orange man supporters, bigoted wasps, who think they've been slighted by the foreigners.
  23. zero


    0% they are obviously unmanned intergalactic space vessels sent to observe the earth and send reports back to their planet. we do the same thing with our unmanned crafts going to Mars. just the aliens started their planet before we started ours and are technologically more advanced. we'll get there someday though, but everyone on this forum will be dead by then. except ding. I have a feeling that bastard is going to outlast every single one of us.
  24. zero


    aliens are real and I won't accept any other explanation
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