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Everything posted by zero

  1. just knowing there were 13 year olds on here makes me feel like some sort of a pedo. I don't think it's entirely ethical for someone that age to be exposed to all the nonsensical ramblings that are known to happen on here from time to time.
  2. it's rained a lot here in the past few weeks, so everything is super green and lush right now.
  3. that golf ball reminds me of the one they have in Toronto:
  4. what is the white colored material the dough objects are sitting on? at first I assumed it was a paper towel, but the edges aren't straight enough.
  5. zero


    I learned through the news that there was a UFO crash in Texas back in 1897. the UFO crashed into a windmill, and the townspeople buried the alien in a local cemetery. it was buried with "Christian burial rites." I wonder how it felt about that, ha. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/fire-destroys-city-hall-in-town-known-for-ufo-landing/2647833/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora,_Texas,_UFO_incident
  6. looks a bit like a Hot Pocket. when I was poor, I used to eat those for lunch all the time. those were the days when I would eek by on apples, ramen, hot pockets, and cheap beer.
  7. I hope one day scientists will figure out a way to upload all the memories our brains contain into the cloud. then I will spend the rest of my life re-watching years 1993 - 2003. the highlights were all around '97 or '98.
  8. Kajillionaire - I'm familiar with Miranda July's work, so somewhat knew what type of world to expect. I was disappointed with this. there were some ok moments, but overall I thought it was trying way too hard to be offbeat/quirky. the plot is very thin and the characters are mostly unlikeable. I loved Me You and Everyone We Know, but this one felt a bit off somehow. hard to connect to emotionally, I think. more or less like watching an hour and half long performance art piece that's not achieving anything. or a sketch comedy piece that goes on too long, and loses the humorous element, becomes cringe.
  9. casinos, hotels...and now a desolate stretch of Oklahoma highway in bumblefuck nowhere will bear the great emperor's name: https://www.kwch.com/2021/06/01/stretch-of-oklahoma-highway-to-be-renamed-for-former-president-trump/
  10. damn...some serious watmm flashbacks seeing your username/avatar. wasn't it you that compiled one of those member photo collages way back when?
  11. I definitely need a drink now after going through this ordeal
  12. I shook the grill a bit, and it ended up running off. BUT it left a bunch of tiny pink rat babies in there in a big disgusting nest. I used some sticks to put the nest on the ground, and now there are several pink mutant babies squirming around in my backyard. I am not a bad person, but I don't know what else I could have done. the big rat is gone, and so it is up to mother nature now to decide. we get a lot of turkey vultures around here, which will no doubt know what to do. but FFS, now my grilling plan is ruined because no way in hell am I using that thing now.
  13. I know, right? where is this "Swami Ding" that has been hanging out here of late? I think Patrick Bateman must have hacked his account.
  14. was about to fire up the grill to celebrate memorial day by grilling stuff, and discovered there's a mouse living inside it. do I: (a) shoot it (b) turn the grill on high and blast it with flames (c) poke at it with a stick until it falls out and the dog can get it (d) leave it and scrap the whole damn plan if I were drunk right now, I'd probably go with (b). but since I'm sober, I need to think this through more carefully.
  15. zero


    I don't think you want to know what's going on in there
  16. hey maybe some of those old GOP fucks will start sporting face tattoos, since they're engaging in this sort of gang warfare behavior we have going on in congress... lotsa room on those turtle chins to add some sweet ass ink.
  17. I'd say so. and then the truly down the rabbit hole types would publish zines or newsletters cracking on about whatever conspiracy laden crap they could muster up. now of course the current medium of nuttiness is right in front of all of us, every day, awake every hour, in the form of a screen that shows text and images, which has the power to lead people down paths they had no idea existed before clicking that link. they believe what they see/hear because it comes in the form of a legit looking website.
  18. just curious, what's the mask situation in everyone's area? Texas lifted it's mandate months ago, but everyone kept wearing them and most businesses still required one. but since the CDC made the announcement a few weeks ago, they've been slowly been becoming scarce out there in the wild. businesses have mostly dropped their requirements now. I'm fully vaccinated and stopped wearing one for the past week or so. obviously if somewhere I go requires one I'm going to oblige, but I'm not feeling like I really need to wear one any more, thanks to the shots.
  19. zero


    can you ever imagine a scenario where AI advances past human capabilities, and is able to somehow communicate with alien life? I'm also just typing words here, and don't know enough about it to go into advanced discussion. I think I remember you mentioned on here you work in AI, and must have some thoughts regarding this.
  20. zero


    what if aliens don't speak English, then what? they'd be shot on sight if they landed their ship in the U S A. maybe they'd be ok if they landed in Germany and had ding to talk to. he seems like he "gets" them.
  21. that should work. just as long as he says all this using a thick New York accent. then stares at her threateningly, like so:
  22. don't know if you're married, have in-laws, or have a kid, but easier said than done. family dynamics can be so much more difficult once you have those things. I can no longer make decisions based on what is best for me, I have to make them based on a group, who all have their own opinions. it's basically chess match strategizing. you pick and choose your battles.
  23. zero


    all good man. just giving you a good natured ribbing because you've been posting a lot of enlightened type stuff on here recently. I do think there is value in some of the things you've been saying. but on the other hand, I don't take a lot of what is posted here too seriously. it's a form of entertainment after all.
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