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Everything posted by zero

  1. hope Kanye runs as an independent and qualifies for the debates. think about the ratings those'll get. huge numbers. huge.
  2. *sigh* just another day for a new record number of corona cases here in Texas. 10,000+ new cases in 1 day? WTF?? https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/07/07/888755062/texas-sets-state-record-with-more-than-10-000-new-coronavirus-cases-reported-tue
  3. how were you able to make it through 2 seasons of this? I lasted around 3 episodes from last years embarrassment before throwing up the nope flag.
  4. expect some angry tweets from big T later today. his niece's book has been sent out to the fake news media. they're all over it, salivating like the untrained rabid dogs they are. it's all lies of course. here are some of the highlights as per NYT (in case the paywall gets you): https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/07/us/politics/mary-trump-book.html
  5. the daily reports I keep seeing are not encouraging. every day it seems like there is a new record number of cases being reported here in TX. people do seem to be taking the face mask requirement seriously and there's starting to be contemplation again to shut everything back down. we'll see...
  6. would have been more awesome if the plane sprayed trump feces all over them
  7. I wish trump would go whole hog looney toons and start blaming everything on satan. one thing he hasn't done a good enough job of IMO is dragging religion into this whole shebang. let's put those red hat shlubs to work and set them out on a nationally televised scavenger hunt for the devil.
  8. wow quite the thread you've got going here...can't believe I've never entered it before.
  9. I can't stand watching these. absolutely zero interest in watching people yell at each other and behaving like idiots. don't know what we're supposed to get out of it either, except more proof that so many people in this world suck. for me it brings back that dreaded feeling I used to get when I worked at a call center many years ago and had to put up with stuff like this on a daily basis. same with fox news, cnn, or any other talking head show where they argue with each other like children. loads and loads of crap.
  10. tell her to check out machinedrum
  11. wonder why no one has made a 100% clear face mask yet? the clear ones I see online all have fabric borders around them. or maybe 100% clear would be a little too hannibal lecterish? couldn't be any more weird than seeing everyone wearing surgical masks at the grocery store as it is now.
  12. Ha! donnie gonna be jealous. his boss Vlad Putin just kicked ass in his polls, while donnie's numbers are dipping back into the 30%'s again: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/01/putin-wins-right-to-extend-his-rule-until-2036-in-landslide-vote-347151
  13. heh...had never heard this term before. this is one of my favorites for summertime:
  14. the key to surviving it is not to overthink it too much, and of course - numb your mind daily with alcohol + THC
  15. when he won 2016, I remember thinking at the time there's no way he's going to make it 4 years, as someone is probably going to take him out. but the more I think about it, who would that be? the homegrown domestic timothy mcveigh nut jobs are all trump supporters, the ruskie bogeymen obey lord putin, islamic extremists groups have no bone to pick since he's not currently warmongering... iran maybe? or some lone wolf American who snaps and concocts an elaborate plan to pull it off? the secret NSA shadow government maybe? but since he's made it this far, I can't see any of them all of a sudden deciding it's time. unfortunately I'd bet that donald will continue to lead a long and dishonorable life, and till the day he dies will think he was the best president the world had ever seen.
  16. interested to see how this story about the bounties on US soldiers plays out - https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884611485/congress-unites-to-demand-answers-from-trump-on-russian-bounties-in-afghanistan donnie is going to deny the whole thing of course, but if some proof emerges that he in fact knew about this? I know we've been in front of these sorts of scenarios before, where it looks like that this is the last straw before he goes and nothing comes of it, so could be a whole lot of nothing...again.
  17. donald being thrown in jail in Iran is exactly what he deserves, and would be the most satisfying end to this great disaster. if there's a gofundme to somehow make this happen, I'd totally chip in for that.
  18. oh definitely. I find it amusing that not too long ago he was being portrayed in the media world as one of the "bad guys" (fox news loved him of course). but now since he's turned on trump, he's all of a sudden to some extent a "good guy" by CNN standards, and fox news hates him. I mean I know people change, but he ain't one of them. he sat out the impeachment trial so he could profit from his book. he could have used the knowledge his position afforded him to take action against donald but he didn't. fuck him. he's just another snake in the grass, along with all the other rodents and reptiles circling around the stable orange genius.
  19. huh...so not only is he a snake oiler, he's a a fortune teller as well. throw in his bizarrely orange colored skin, and you've got the carny trifecta!
  20. watched the Beastie Boys documentary the other night. haven't read the book, so a lot of the stories around the band's formation in the early '80s up till Paul's Boutique were new for me. this is a period that they always shied away from in interviews, since I know they were pretty embarrassed by themselves and their behavior back then. they flew through the period between PB and Hello Nasty in the doc, I would have liked to have gotten more insight into the Ill Communication time period since that's my favorite album of theirs. overall well made and it held my attention, maybe a little too scripted just because I'm used to their interviews where they go all over the map.
  21. fwiw I didn't interpret Chen's post as somehow trying to defend police actions in any way. seemed pretty clear the point he was making. anyway, carry on.
  22. hey England - don't y'all know that flocking to beaches during a pandemic, ignoring social distancing, no masks, leaving trash everywhere, and acting like assholes are what us 'mericans are known for? c'mon, don't join the club here. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-dorset-53176717
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