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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. How many women do you know that find Jordan Peterson quoting incels attractive?
  2. That the concept of "manliness" is completely irrelevant except to losers with a severe lack of imagination.
  3. The fact that gender (that is to say the social construct that is loosely based on what does or doesn’t dangle between your legs) shapes your life and roles in the world should have no bearing whatsoever on how fulfilled you are. Unless you seriously lack imagination.
  4. That’s a ridiculously large watch she’s wearing.
  5. I watched Coming 2 America so you don’t have to. Also, what do you call it when Black Americans are using lazy cliches to stereotype sub Saharan Africans?
  6. True. What does “being a man” have to do with fulfilling your life? It’s just an accident of birth.
  7. While this is generally true in the case of manliness in the West at least it’s fairly obvious the only people that feel it’s something they want to embody are those whose reserves of cultural and social capital are on the low side. ie “losers”
  8. Limo

    Now Reading

    Just finished Curzio Malaparte's "Kaputt" , in which the author alternates descriptions of lavish dinners with ambassadors, noblemen and high ranking Nazis with stories about atrocities he witnessed as a war correspondent on the Eastern front. Not a fun read, but very good. The sequel (sort of), "The Skin", about the American invasion of Italy in 1943, is also very good and a bit less heavy.
  9. It's definitely meandering. I think his point on Fukuyama, however, isn't that Fukuyama thinks so *now* but that at one point he did and that lots of people in the West thought he was right. And as far as the triumphalism is concerned, I read that as talking about Indian and Chinese societies, not their current leadership. But, you know ...
  10. I've been messing around with it the past few weeks. It's a lot of fun, but the results should probably not be shared with anyone. @ArtificialDisco love the beat-f*ery but IMHO the synths are *way* too loud. If you listen to old school D'n'B and Jungle (and even to Breakcore) the drums are always front and center. It's also a bit of an EQ thing, I think. Maybe someone with more knowledge and skills could weigh in on this but with everything going on in the drums the other stuff should have everything in the same EQ range as the drums (hi-hats and snares, mostly) removed.
  11. Maybe because of the title. Cool track, though.
  12. I think for reaching Japan with your music all you'd need to do is to play it really, really loud ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. You know what forum you're on, right?
  14. That might be because it's fairly new tech (you know, only 50 years old vs 200 years for attenuated virus vaccines) and only a handful of companies have it, namely Pfizer and Modern. Indeed. For "natural virus" you develop antibodies for the attenuated virus (which is not a corona virus in most cases but a rhino virus, iirc) with spikes attached to it whereas for MRNA vaccines you develop antibodies for the spike protein itself. So in the former case you "waste" some immunity (in a sense) on a weakened carrier virus whereas for an MRNA vaccine it all goes to the spikes. I guess the "natural variant" antibodies were for some other protein in the virus? Not really surprising but, like you say, interesting that technology has now progressed to a level where we can see what antibodies are for. Cool. However: I'm pretty sure technology has not yet progressed to a level where we can detect antibodies inside people and analyse them. Pretty sure the antibodies of the Memphis doctor were analyzed in a lab ?
  15. At some point they become self-aware, however. Source: am hipster.
  16. I was told the French say “Salut les mecs!” when they encounter one another. I thought that was a pretty racist thing to point out.
  17. See, that’s the thing. Occasionally I try to listen to him and every time I find him insufferable. Uncommonly for a breakcore artist he takes himself way, way too seriously.
  18. First of all, thanks, all, for the recommendations so far. Lots to check out. Second of all, I suspect that, like a lot of similarly themed cringy metal material, this isn’t *meant* to be taken seriously. It’s a joke. Whether you think it’s funny is another matter entirely but in my experience these references to gore and violence are made the same way as those overdriven gabba kicks: tongue firmly planted in cheek. It’s not my sense of humor either, although I’ll admit to finding a “666mph mix” of a track called “speed demon” a tiny, tiny bit amusing.
  19. It’s not bad, but very, very repetitive.
  20. When you’re done looking up communism maybe look up up what the word “racism” means
  21. Most of that is quite 2007, indeed. Somehow managed to miss drumcorps, though, so thanks ? YES
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