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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. On a bit of a Renoise bender, so checked this out again. He's not musically incompetent, but the sequencing itself is lackluster. I'd almost say "amateur". Still, it's fun that he's doing this.
  2. So are there instances in Portuguese where the same syllable exists in both (or all three) variants each with a different meaning? I agree with you that the distinction between what does and doesn’t count as a vowel can be somewhat arbitrary, btw.
  3. Even for vowels alone Dutch and Swedish are teh winnerz. Wikipedia is s bit inconsistent but it looks like it gives Portuguese 14 and Dutch (for which it lists my former phonology professor as a source ? ) 20. It also says Portuguese gets its large number because vowels exist in two variants, regular and nasalized. If you ignore that (and I think you should, just like you don’t count each Chinese vowel four times because of the tones) the number if vowels is fairly average.
  4. I like the sound of Portuguese. It has more vowel sounds than any other Indo-European language This is not true. The Northern European languages have more. In fact, apart from the Southern African “click” languages there is no language anywhere in the world that has more phonemes than Dutch. Swedish is up there too. Romance languages are far, far behind (though I wouldn’t be surprised if among Romance languages Portuguese is a winner). </ useless factoid remembered from university phonology classes>
  5. MK1s go for about €650 over here. But really, what around $400 is actually worth the money? So save. Or get software. Also, Blofeld might be cheapish and very good, but in the end it's just a VST in a not very knobby box. Get Largo instead and save up for an A4.
  6. Two movies this weekend, both good: Cutie Honey (2004). Recommendation from the other film thread. Japanese superhero movie. Very silly. Very creative (for instance one of the bad guys is accompanied by a string quartet). Lots of a scantily clad woman (not a typo) to watch. Vivarium (2019). Horror flick in which a suburb inflicts psychological torture on a young couple. Literally. Very cool.
  7. Just say “putain” all the time. You’ll sound like a born Frenchman.
  8. Yes, a lot of balls end up to the wall in this flick.
  9. Well, if it’s mindless action you want, allow me to recommend The Raid (2011). In which we see an Indonesian cop get up out of bed kiss his pregnant wife goodbye. This is the entirety of the character development. After this he drives over to an apartment building with his cop colleagues and they proceed to kick the living sh** out of everyone they encounter. Some reason is given for this carnage (the people in the apartment building are Bad People) but mostly it’s a 101 minute fight fest.
  10. Necrobump. Renoise 3.3 came out. Now does VST3 and sidechaining. Been playing around with it last week. Such fun. For the first time in my life chopped up an amen break in such a way that it actually made sense. Also made an Impulse Tracker skin for it for old times’ sake. Surprisingly pleasant to work with.
  11. Try PD. It’s free. It’s basically Max but a bit more rough. If you like it, you’ll like Max. If you don’t, you might still like Max but the chances of that being the case are not great. If you want to use it as a synth, Reaktor makes more sense, IMHO. It’s got more building blocks for synthesis. Squarepusher uses it (or used to).
  12. Dude, you should *really* ease up on the paint thinner.
  13. Which is really cool. Nice clean code it is, too.
  14. Yes they do - these days, anyways. One does not use max to make music ...
  15. Pretty cool ? Good teaching aid for phonetics classes, too.
  16. https://bleep.com/artist/71-autechre
  17. See ... and that's the difference between you and me. ? Not really. You *can* hack something together where "several list objects" go into Live. It's probably not even hard. You would need to devise a way to send clock pulses (just copy paste from the book) and a way to turn list elements into MIDI events. This, too, is not hard. Unfortunately, when you've done that you end up with an unpleasant to use, much less feature-full version of TC (what makes TC - and also Scheme/Lisp - nice to use is the fact that you can run it from your text editor). Editing Max lists on the fly is ... not very nice. One possible way around this is to write something that reads sequence data from text files, edit those text files in a text editor and have your M4L tool read in the text file when it's changed, maybe because you're hitting a large button or something like that. It'd still be a kludge, though.
  18. A bit bland, but still: cautiously optimistic.
  19. Noob implies that people with experience don't slice potatoes using a mandoline. Experienced cooks only use mandolines for chopping off bits of their fingers.
  20. Good news it's now so cold you could just open a very small window and have your entire house completely aired out in five minutes.
  21. High gluten flour, iirc. Going from what I've read, though. Ever since people in this thread started showing off their fancy back yard pizza ovens and my wife forbade me from buying one myself this thread has lost all its appeal and I just order takeout. ?
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