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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Don’t be daft. Vaccines don’t have side effects you only find out about much later. They get broken down and cleaned out by the immune system very, very quickly and as a result their side effects, if any, also become apparent very quickly. Stop fear mongering. Edit: and before anyone brings up the swine flu vaccine narcolepsy scandal: those symptoms appeared within one or two months. Still very quickly.
  2. Chris Cornell screwed up his voice, so don’t do what he did, but a death metal singer I once knew did it with chocolate milk.
  3. Even half of that would kill me.
  4. Over here you're supposed to hang around for about fifteen minutes after you get your shot so they can treat you should you get an anaphylactic shock. The allergic reaction to these that can occur with these mRNA vaccines supposedly always occurs within that time frame, although it's possible to get a much more mild reaction (on your skin) a bit later. Medical professionals say it's not a big deal, if you they treat you in time. Not having ever had an anaphylactic shock I don't know if that's true or not. It's a known issue with these vaccines that is caused by the greasy stuff they stick the virus-ey material onto. Since the greasy stuff itself helps prime the immune system, replacing it with something else is not ideal. I learned all this from an interesting article in a generally respectable magazine. It's in Dutch, otherwise I'd post it here. The TLDR is yes, anaphylactic shock occurs with these vaccines, no, just having allergies isn't enough of a predictor, yes, the vaccine still works if you have an allergic reaction to it.
  5. Your mom needs high passing? Really? For most moms a steep high frequency cut is much better. Weird.
  6. The hate for him is well deserved. He does to IDM what Elvis Presley did to Rock’n’Roll and R&B: steal it, polish it and turn it into pap. The tracks posted in this thread prove it.
  7. Spend it on *gear*slutz. Best of both worlds.
  8. $650 for a printed t-shirt that comes from the same factory as the $15 printed t-shirts at H&M? Ridiculous. For that kind of money you could have very nice blazer made (well, MTM). Unlike this t-shirt (or any of the other clothes this guy is wearing) it would properly fit you and make you look good. (disclaimer: I don't wear $650 blazers)
  9. To each his own, of course, but I meant it more in the sense that you could try it out for cheap before committing to buying a device. BTW, over on MW someone carefully examined the released photograph and observed it has 4 analog channels specificially set up for toms and kicks and 2 digital ones (as well as sampled hi-hats and cymbals) this thing might be more like a Volca Beats with half of an ER-1 / Volca Drums. Which to me is ... not as interesting.
  10. If you hear wheezing noises, just run her through a de-esser.
  11. If you have an iPad, get the Korg Electribe app. The device being digital, it's almost as good as the real thing (and since the knobs weren't all that precise anyway, probably just as good).
  12. The Volca Drum is essentially an updated ER-1 in a smaller box, som yes, it’s good
  13. So an ER-1 / Volca Drum that they’ve managed to squeeze some analog parts into. Nice.
  14. IIRC TidalCycles is a Haskell process talking to the SuperCollider server, no?
  15. Thanks. I can see it on the UK site but it's not available in the Netherlands, apparently. Damn.
  16. Asking for medical advice on a music forum She'll probably be fine. Just a little out of tune is all.
  17. Interesting. May I ask where you found this? All the usual sources (legal and fallback) come up empty for me.
  18. Am I missing something or do "I like RDJ's music but that doesn't mean I look to him for political or medical advice" and "Stick to the tunes mate" mean the same thing? Also, the quality of Journey to the End of the Night (ftfy ? ) is a perfectly relevant argument because it means an artist can be a complete tosser and still produce good art.
  19. Made kimchi and now the stench won't go off the rubber seal of the fermentation jar.
  20. It had Steve Coogan in it, so: Greed (2019) It was so so and went from being rather preachy to being really, really preachy at the end. There was a lion, however, and Coogan insulted people so it was ok.
  21. Wait wut? How can a pin matrix be so expensive? It's "just" a PCB with some heavy duty precision engineering. I'm guessing the precision engineering is something like a catalytic converter in a car (you know, different layers of metal with holes in them ? ) which can be had for, dunno, internet says USD 200 or less. The electronics can't make up the remaining USD 400 - probably not even close 400 cents. Maybe it's expensive because it's a rare part. Surely at the scale Behringer operates at it's going to be a lot cheaper (though still expensive for a synth part).
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