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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Limo


    And not just Dorito's either.
  2. Limo


    Nope. He had a personality.
  3. Yes. There is already a programming language that uses arrays of values. It's called Lisp. Last year I used it to build a live coding tool where you could just send lists of things from the comfort of your text editor and Live would play them. Wasn't particularly hard to make but from doing this I learned I like building live coding tools more than I like using them. Arrays of text are not great for that in any circumstances, I should think.
  4. Limo


    This thread is a bit neckbeard-y, tbh.
  5. Limo

    Now Reading

    Me three. Just finished it as well.
  6. Not sure how psychedelics improve a well functioning brain. There is some evidence that they improve poorly functioning ones but because it’s really difficult to quantify this sort of stuff, the science on this is immature at best. We are nowhere near where we know enough about how the machine works that we can safely take it apart, clean it up and put it together again. And the more we *do* learn, the more questionable drug use becomes. The evolution of alcohol from “fun and good for your circulation system” to “ really messes with your brain and causes all sorts of cancer” is almost complete. And I know a woman who studies the endocannabinoid system who says the more she learns about how that works and how important it is, the less urge she feels to try out marijuana.
  7. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t understand the allure of drugs, but in the end all you’re doing is throwing a wrench in a well functioning machine and marveling at the sparks that fly off it. Also this. It takes a while for it to become enjoyable, though. I’d say that happens when you can do 10k or so. Anything less is just a chore, IMHO.
  8. Does it matter? You're bothered by how much you drink, by the fact that you insisted on downing 2/3s of a bottle when your initial plan was to have just a glass and the fact that you spend a lot of money on alcohol annoys you. That alone should be reason to consider quitting. The good news is, if you've only been drinking 2/3s of bottles of vodka for a month, tapering shouldn't be necessary. That's mainly for the 2 to 3 *entire bottles* for years folks. Just prepare for a week or so (if that) of not feeling too great. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. It may suck for a while, but not as much as drinking on your own to relieve your boredom.
  9. That is *awesome*. I didn't know they even had 5MB hard drives in 1956. If you had said this was 5KB I would also have believed you
  10. But unlike New Zealand they have tons of traffic coming in every day. No single European country, not even a rogue island one, stood a chance once the virus entered the continent.
  11. Limo


    These can get really, really tree like. So one time when I was a kid we were staying in a guesthouse somewhere and they had one of these in the garden and my brother and I were climbing it and then we got towards the top and all of a sudden we were grabbing straight into the needles. Not cool.
  12. Very sad. RIP. Thanks, @hello spiral, for letting us know.
  13. You can "get slightly better at it" without deliberate practice, though, and still enjoy the process. Does one "get slightly better" at fishing? At flower arranging? Probably, but it's not like you actively pursue improvement, I would hope.
  14. True, but if it's just your hobby, why should you work, grow and be good at something? (easy for me to say - I suck, but it took a while to come to terms with that)
  15. While this is very much true, and very well put to boot, most people are not pros and only make music for fun. If your day job involves staring at a computer screen, making music on a computer like all the pros do simply isn’t fun.
  16. Such as the one where it calls Bitcoin the most revolutionary technology ever invented.
  17. He sure is acting like thinks he’s at risk of doing so. Though I do think cutting down Jack Ma might have been a sensible thing to do: the guy was about to create a privately held financial institution that would have been too big too fail. For all his faults, the emperor did look at what that lead to in the West and decided he’d have none of it.
  18. I see where you’re getting that, but there’s some definite Mozart-isms (“wolfies”, if you will) in there that give it away as it not being Haydn.
  19. “The government is opposed to this policy but I can not rule out single cases for any county”. He might not even be lying. Heaven is high and the emperor is far away. Of course during the Great Leap Forward no one in Beijing said peasants should starve to death either, but local governments certainly acted as if they thought it had. And to bring in a little Godwin: Hitler didn’t design the gas chambers but he was definitely responsible for filling them.
  20. But what on earth *is* it? Surely that moth does not have four penises that are each larger than its* entire body? * might be getting the pronouns wrong here, sorry.
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