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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. If anything the opposite should happen. If you drink alcohol, maybe give it up for a while as this sounds like something a few drinks before bedtime do. Not sure about weed in this regard.
  2. Putting her/him/whatever in the same league as John Balance and Mika Vainio.
  3. Nah, it was actually quite good. Would’ve been entertaining without Monica Belucci as well.
  4. How dare you post the cartoon versions when there's a version with Monica Belucci around.
  5. Limo


    me three, but I hope it's not all as laidback as this
  6. Now that cringe has made it to the White House, it's kind of stopped being funny. IMHO. That's about as mainstream as you can get. Too bad, I kinda liked it. Oh well ... fashions change.
  7. Common misconception, but no, AA does not do that. What they *do*, however, is tell you you have a disease called alcoholism and that you’re essentially powerless over it. This is not only unscientific but it also means their members never truly confront and actively deal with their problem itself (which is that they consume large amounts of an unhealthy and, yes, at some point, addicting substance). The good part of AA is they bring you in contact with people that share the same problem. Many people find that helpful or at least comforting. Maybe @drillkicker is one of them. *My* personal preference would be to simply accept the fact that some thing that you’re doing a lot of (drinking a lot of different, tasty, alcohol products) is interfering with your enjoyment of the rest of your life (you know, the hangovers) and conclude you should just stop. But ymmv.
  8. Yes. I liked it. Never met a Dupieux film I didn’t, in fact. Wife was a bit miffed at the ending of Au Poste! but me, no sirree, that was great too.
  9. Quentin Dupieux, known over here for Mr Oizo, of course, but hopefully also for his cinematographic masterpiece “Rubber” about a homicidal car tire (not a typo) has a new movie out: “Mandibules”, in which two brothers attempt to train a giant fly to rob banks. Trailer: It’s streamable from the International Film Festival of Rotterdam website starting Wednesday February 3rd. The missus and I are stoked.
  10. I think I managed to stand about 5 minutes of a concert of his once. And I *like* repetitive music made with electronic trickery.
  11. Nice, chill and nevertheless a bit gritty. I like it, but I do feel like I'm listening to something that was made in 1999. Not necessarily a bad thing, maybe.
  12. I contain multitudes. Also, I’m a gigantic euro snob.
  13. Why not just use SunVox? It has a manual.
  14. A bit over the top, but, well, only a bit. /thread
  15. Tell that to the musicians. If they pull their music from these streaming services they become worthless.
  16. Wasn't MiRack an unauthorised iOS port of VCV rack? So if you want to run the Mac version you just run VCV rack?
  17. My suggestion would be to go through the book first. It's basically a course on the fundamentals of Max/MSP that has you build sequencers as you learn them. Also, let me say something nice about Max/MSP: it's a very complete environment for interfacing with devices and technologies. Need to output MIDI? Do visuals? Interface to Ableton Live? You can, it's all built in. You can even program VSTs fairly easily. I'd be hard-pressed to think of something that can do even half of what Max/MSP can do. I personally have no need to do *all* of what it is capable of, but if you do, it's probably your best bet.
  18. Yup, this course is pretty good. Another good resource is the book "Step by Step: Adventures in Sequencing with Max/MSP" by Gregory Taylor. In fact, I'd recommend it over the "Programming Max" course as it immediately gets you usable results. Since this book is basically a tutorial, I no longer need my copy so if you want I can send it to you. Shipping costs in Europe would be €10. Finally, I'll say that after completing the course, the book and a bunch of other material in the end I decided Max/MSP was not for me. As programming languages go it's terrible: inconsistent, inelegant and very obviously hacked together without any sort of overall plan (there's multiple of ways to deal with arrays, for instance, and all of them are ugly and inconvenient). My programming background means I cannot in any way stomach this garbage - and nor do I need to because pretty much everything I want to do can be done with different technology.
  19. No, only M1 Macs - on account of them having ARM CPUs, like iOS devices.
  20. Only if the developer explicitly enables it, though.
  21. The point I was trying to make was that side effects for vaccines don’t take years to develop, they appear quickly. Such as in the case of Pandemrix. It took a couple of months at most for the narcolepsy to appear. Talking about the possibility of long term side effects is fear mongering. Also, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have very well understood side effects: they cause anaphylactic shock in a small segment of the population. Nobody is denying that.
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