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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. I don't think anyone has stormed a government building based on what he's read on WATMM, however.
  2. This is uncalled for in the “cute pictures” thread. Like stealing a lollipop from a toddler. Sure, you’re doing them a favor in the long run, but you’re still being a dick.
  3. A well made white shirt is beautiful - and can be had for less than USD 265. A cotton t-shirt with crap spray painted on is not.
  4. One thing the Middle Ages got right is that minstrels were considered to be on par with cooks and cleaning ladies and no one thought to ask for their opinion on how the kingdom should be run.
  5. One of my favorite writers, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, was a nazi. I like RDJ's music but that doesn't mean I look to him for political or medical advice.
  6. Wandering Earth (2019), a Chinese hit film based on a Liu Cixin (he of Three Body Problem fame) short story. Lots of explosions, people screaming and cgi. Entertaining, though.
  7. Personally I think releasing stuff anonymously is really cool. So ? That said, this music does very little for me.
  8. Yup. Don’t know why I even bothered with S3 tbh, but here we are
  9. Another show that apparently takes two seasons to get good is Disenchantment. First season was fairly predictable fantasy Futurama, second season oafishly clawed around for an identity of its own and the third season seems to have found it. Couple of episodes in and it’s actually interesting. And gorgeous to look at.
  10. Fifteen likes for a scribbly drawing of Bugs Bunny with some weed leaves is a bit much.
  11. Shh, don’t tell anyone but there’s also a site called Muff Wiggler.
  12. Ah, sorry for assuming your gender.
  13. Apophenia (n) : the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns where none exist.
  14. To each his own, of course. For me, I want to watch a show about aliens and fracturing time lines. If I want drama, I’ll grab a Bronte book. It’s better. But that’s just me. Burp.
  15. Some students made me watch Rick and Morty. Turns out to be quite amusing (except for the family drama nonsense - that’s atrocious). Really creative and the alien worlds are gorgeous.
  16. Bandcamp just told me (apparently former?) fellow WATMM-er @plugexpert dumped some "Quickies": I like his work.
  17. There's a woodpecker in the park behind our house. It makes too much noise and it does it all day long.
  18. Wow ... a guy calling himself "gypsy" wearing a totenkopf
  19. Did Korean Tacos this weekend. Really good. Marinate meat (I used short ribs) overnight or more in soy sauce, mirin, lots of garlic, spring onion, sesame oil and quite a bit of sugar. Cook meat. I seared it and then put it in a 90 degree oven for 8 hours. Doesn’t really matter. The important thing is you end up with meat that has a Korean BBQ type flavor, meaning salty and sweet. Shred, cut up, do whatever to the meat and dump on soft shell tacos. Add a salad that has some vaguely Korean seeming ingredients, like Napa (“Chinese”) cabbage and daikon (rettich). Since Korean tacos were invented in Los Angeles you should finish off the tacos with cilantro and Sriracha. Very good, will make again.
  20. This is only true if you live isolated from everyone else, smack in the middle of nowhere.
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