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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Except they’ve been working on RNA vaccines since the 1990s. It’s not “entirely new” at all. As far as I can gather from a quick web search they have been used in clinical trials but they never made it out of the lab until now for financial reasons - they’re expensive to make and under normal circumstances vaccines have to be cheap.
  2. He builds them himself in the SuperCollider programming language. EDIT: here’s a good explanation of what allpass filters have to do with it. EDIT: link: https://www.earlevel.com/main/1997/01/19/a-bit-about-reverb/
  3. Nope. He had already posted that god awful NY Mag article (the one that barfed up a whole bunch of irrelevant “gee isn’t it a coincidence” garbage to suggest COVID-19 is man made and virus research labs spread death and disease. So he’d made his position absolutely clear even before he posted crap off Facebook - and then following it up with all sorts of disingenuous “other sources” and “just asking questions” nonsense.
  4. FTFY. This is fine, btw. But if you don’t understand something, you should listen to the people who do. You shouldn’t get a platform where you can broadcast your ignorance to millions of people.
  5. It gets stretched a lot, too, with all that crazy p-hacking and other statistical tomfoolery. Still miles and miles better than simply pulling stuff out of your ass, however.
  6. Thank you. This is a first for me. It’s probably deserved, too. My patience with and understanding for anti vaxxers and other conspiracy nuts such as yourself has completely evaporated away over the past year and I sincerely hope we can come up with a way to take away their ability to spread their misinformation and lies.
  7. You’re posting anti vax propaganda you copied from Facebook, that’s why. Also note the USA Today article says something entirely different than the nonsense from Facebook / Daily Mail (which is a seriously scummy tabloid, btw), namely that one of the tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of people who were vaccinated had some sort of medical issue sometime after the injection. Well d’uh. I’m willing to bet there’s also a couple of dozen people who sprained their ankle in the weeks after being vaccinated. So what? Either you really don’t understand this, in which case you are too uninformed to be posting anything about the vaccine in the first place, or you do, in which case you’re trolling and fear mongering. Either way you should piss off. There is tons of solid, dependable information on this vaccine (that has been a decade in the making, btw) out there and it really is very, very easy to find.
  8. I think we've found ourselves another COVID conspiracy nut. Posting nonsense off Facebook? Really? Piss off.
  9. SARS 1 was a civet MERS (SARS 1.5) was a camel. So naturally SARS 2 was designed.
  10. Yeah, I can see that. But as this is a €100 device, that makes each of these buttons €12,50 a piece. That's a bit steep, IMHO.
  11. On my device this works for one of them but not the other. The springs in the other battery "compartment" are too tight for the "trick" to work. This is just bad design as it makes use of tolerances of components that can't be relied on. Guy should've just included standard battery compartments. Right, and now there's not. I thought so too, which is why I backed this. If anyone could do it, it was him. Turns out there's a big difference between developing cartridge circuitry (a PCB with components in a plastic case) and developing a device that people interact with. All the weak points of this thing are in the parts that people have to touch: the open construction and the battery compartments (or lack of them). Buttons I don't personally have a problem with, but putting the thing together with buttons and screws is a royal pain. Also: three of the screws cover PCB traces. That's just asking for trouble. Not to mention that the screws are way too short. For me too, but you can have the same way of working in a phone app. Having an analog channel would have made a standalone device worthwhile for me, as it stands I could've just bought an app.
  12. Caved in, of course. Been listening to it on and off this weekend. Made me appreciate how good the CD version is: they really picked the weirdest, most abstract tracks for that. The additional material in this collection is much dancier. Nothing wrong with that, of course, and they're really good dancey tracks, too, but the attraction of this music has always been its cold futurism for me. Even Consumed, while good, is overly warm and fuzzy compared to the good Concept bits. ? money well spent, though.
  13. ? Soothing sounds for babby, too. What editor is this?
  14. Ricardo Villalobos has really expensive speakers, so ...
  15. I know. It's just that paying €25 for a (large, admittedly) bunch of mp3 files is ... not something that's in my system yet. However: This isn't true for me at all. I love the CD version to death and just skimming the Bandcamp previews made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So of course I'm going to pull the trigger in the end. Just let an old man get used to the idea of having to move with the times, ok?
  16. Aargh ... €25 for a bunch of mp3s ... Then again, the vinyl box set is at least €350 ...
  17. Finally got mine (Dutch postal service was insanely slow). It's *really* *rough*. Fitting batteries requires unscrewing the device and then putting it back together again, which isn't easy. Also, it's just a PCB with a plate of acrylic screwed on top. Really not worth the money. The software, of course, is Nanoloop, but since it's all digital it could've just been a VST (when the Kickstarter was launched, he promised it'd be analog, which would've made it somewhat worthwhile). Just goes to show, I guess, that software people can't do hardware. Sigh.
  18. “Blah”? Really? Thought it was ... Surprising. Not “surprisingly good” but plain “surprising”. “Surprising” that Pixar/Disney would make a movie that wasn’t in the slightest suitable for kids. Some sequences I even thought were quite good, such as the English dude in the ship. +1 did not regret spending time watching this. As far as the sound track is concerned: they had the good sense to let someone else do the jazzy bits. These were not great but definitely serviceable - and much more important to the movie than the two note illbient pap Trent & Atticus barfed up.
  19. It also causes paranoia and psychoses. Or at the very least causes latent paranoia and psychosis to manifest. ?
  20. Limo

    Brexit :(

    Did they end up getting that? Because for everything else the UK basically had to do what the EU told them to.
  21. The people selling Barry O (and family!) merchandise would like to have a word with you. Americans have a very unhealthy relationship to people that have lived in the White House for a while, it seems.
  22. I have both. You need a hand held blender for things like pumpkin soup. I’ve managed to break at least half a dozen of those hand held blenders with attachments to turn them into food processors. Might just be me, of course, but it might also be the not entirely fantastic quality of the hand held devices.
  23. That would probably require pestle and a morning star.
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