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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. At this point in time I’ve become very weary about any and all claims made about the corona virus. I have never seen so much bad “science” dumped on the public as in the past few months. https://xkcd.com/2304/ In this specific case, a layman like me can’t immediately spot obvious flaws like p-hacking or ridiculously small effects sizes. However, I will note that all of the effects they found were in petri dishes. No idea how this translates to inside the body.
  2. Limo


    We had a baby magpie plunge to its death in front of our house last week. Parents were wailing loudly. Sad.
  3. Just watched it. Thanks! Bookmarked!
  4. Just watched the first two parts of a series on building a V/oct VCO from scratch. It’s really basic, but really good. I learned a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBatvo8bCa4 He explains how an oscillator works and, in part 2, how you control the pitch. ?
  5. Finished Kingdom (Netflix, Korean series). Two seasons. Looks gorgeous, with old timey Korean costumes and buildings and stuff. It’s also well written, but Korean so the outbursts can be a bit much. Zombies were awesome, much better than Hollywood zombies: fast, powerful and available in exceptionally large numbers. Recommended.
  6. Cool! May I ask where you get the pellets? And how long does it take to heat up?
  7. Not really. Schools were closed in a panic, and later it was admitted they shouldn’t have been. Such a vanishingly small number of children gets COVID-19 the risk more than outweighs he problems caused by children not going to school. These problems are the same all over the world: kids get depressed and kids that live in unstable homes are far, far better off at school than at home. These arguments were made in NL, Denmark, the UK and probably elsewhere and they’re the exact same arguments this Trump spokesperson makes. This is just an illustration of how toxic politics in the US has become: no matter how sensible a position is, it will be vilified and dragged through the mud because the other side has adopted it. QED.
  8. In her defense, she then goes on to say the US is an outlier and that other countries have already opened their schools, which is true, because science seems to suggest, which it does, that it doesn't affect young children. I'm all for "huh-huh Trump dumb" but in this particular instance they're doing the same as Denmark and the Netherlands (and probably others).
  9. Ok, so I was bamboozled by @dingformung : “When father was away on business” was not funny and did not have any geese in it. It was, however, a very good film and I did chuckle - once, when the girl tried to hang herself.
  10. Yup. IIRC the Germans *definitely* were involved, in the sense that they made it very clear they were going to recognize independent Croatia even while talks about restructuring the Yugoslav federation were still in progress, thereby pretty much derailing them. But that’s neither here nor there. Kusturica’s films are hilarious and I’m pretty much certain they’re documentaries, too. The one time I visited Croatia I saw with my own eyes how a family dinner involving at least three generations devolved into a massive chaos involving setting off fireworks and dancing on the dinner table at 3:00 am.
  11. Underground is mental, indeed. Kusturica was accused of being a Serbian apologist for it, though. Something to do with suggesting it was Yugoslavians in general that were to blame for the civil war and not just Serbians. In response Kusturica became a Serbian nationalist. Weird. Black cat / white cat was also hilarious - and, like Underground, had great music (“I’m a ... Pitbull! Terrier!”) Will pirate “when father was away on business” ASAP. Thanks for the recommendation, WATMM!
  12. Cool! I love ghetto stuff like this! Probably a bit of a dust magnet, though.
  13. Looking for stuff by Marc Burckhardt I came across http://monsterbrains.blogspot.com , a blog dedicated to monster pictures. But, anyway, Marc Burckhardt:
  14. As a tourist I thought Berlin was very cheap by Dutch standards as well. We get students going to the craziest of places. Where it is exactly doesn't matter just as long as they get to spend half a year abroad. Small provincial town in Austria? Check. Tiny universities in the Po valley? Of course! As long as there's other foreign students (they keep mostly to themselves) they'll pretty much go everywhere. And foreigners, of course, do the same to us. My hometown, small, has a university and what Germans call a Fachhochschule, is also swarming with exchange students. Pretty annoying at the start of every school year where you have to be very careful as the roads are swarming with foreign students learning how to ride a bike.
  15. If you have a Mac with one of those touchbar thingies, here’s how you can make it useful: run a sampler in it. http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2020/07/09/free-macos-sampler-samplr-for-touchbar/
  16. Limo


    Storks have big black butts. They’re also not as elegant.
  17. My wife and I thought it was pretty decent. In an “all the clichés make an appearance exactly when you expect them to, there isn’t a single original idea in the entire movie and the monsters are undead Nazis” kind of way.
  18. Limo


    Apparently hunting and subsequently eating herons used to be a thing. Mary of Burgundy came to an untimely end when she fell off her horse during a heron hunting party. Personally I consider the heron to be God’s finest creation, especially the white variety (which are called egrets in English). Thanks to the miracle of climate change these are becoming more and more common over here.
  19. Rumor has it fashionistas do indeed go about town wearing espadrilles. Personally I find that sort of behavior morally reprehensible.
  20. Limo


    It just takes practice. Practice and patience and then after a while you’ll see birds you never noticed before. Which then turn out to be marked as “very common” in your birding guide.
  21. Finally! Evidence of the value of fiction! Too bad it's for horror movies and not great literature, but I'll take it.
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