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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. It’s frozen solid for half of the year. The other half it’s full of mosquitoes. So, no,
  2. I love France. For a holiday. In fact, I’d love to Be there right now but, no, Corona. Sigh.
  3. Given how many of us ride bikes - poorly, @dingformung is not wrong about that - the fact that we don’t absolutely and utterly dominate in that sport is a disgrace.
  4. Shitty weather, though. And you’d be amazed how complacent and dumb decades of uninterrupted prosperity makes you. Entitled, too. Also, looking down on ones fellow countrymen is a national sport here.
  5. All of this is true and none of it is relevant since Napster. Musicians will have to play gigs to make money. Just as they always have.
  6. So am I, but I’d *guess* those low-tier jobs will either be automated away *or* we’d simply start paying more to do them. Or it would turn out that, you know, they’re simply not worth doing. Sales people? Replaced by vending machines. Sanitation workers? Pay hike. People that put other people’s groceries in plastic bags*? Get real.
  7. The guy is not wrong and historically the anomaly is not Spotify but the phenomenon where a limited number of artists could get obscenely rich selling comparatively small collections of recordings of songs. Recordings which, I would like to point out, these artists (and their entourage) spend their good time making, squandering most of that time on snorting coke and getting blow jobs. But yeah, it kind of sucks for the type of artists we tend to be into on this forum as all that glorious, glorious Iddemz only *exists* in recorded form. Luckily there is Bandcamp (which also is something of a monopoly, btw).
  8. No, missed that. But I’ll take your word for it and refrain from digging deeper.
  9. Scientists propose planet 9 could be a black hole. Be sure to examine fig. 1 in the preprint version of the paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.11090.pdf
  10. No holy smoke for me yet. But the op amp IC in the DIY spring reverb I’m working on did get *really* hot when I misremembered how to wire up a non-inverting amplifier circuit. Four times.
  11. I lost my PCB manufacturing virginity today. Played around with using Fritzing to transfer a schematic to breadboard, which was ... painful, but still beat erasing and redrawing on graph paper, maybe, then figured, what the hell, let's try to design a PCB for it, then figured, what the hell, let's have it manufactured. Used seeedstudio because a tutorial on the internet told me too. Now let's hope I didn't fuck things up. (the schematic was for a simple dual VCA, btw).
  12. I only started out two years ago and kept an Excel sheet straight from the start. It really helps, except that I don’t always trust what it says. “Do I really have 28 thonkicon jacks? Better round them all up and count them just to be sure.” Tedious.
  13. Limo


    Its European cousin likes to hang out near out house:
  14. Sighs in the general direction of his impressive stockpile of incorrectly purchased components.
  15. Started The Great. It is very silly and superficial but there’s so much going on I’m driven to keep watching to see where this is going. Also, it looks gorgeous. It’s a show about the life of Catherine the Great - if Catherine the Great had the personality of a pretentious American teenager. There’s tons of people of all sorts of color running around at the Russian court and because the makers *can* show lewdness they feel they *must* - lots of it. Still, it’s fun. And I’m a sucker for costumes.
  16. Damn. So I picked up a few H11F1 optocouplers, because those were available, thinking you’d just apply some voltage to them and be presented with a nice, easy to understand resistance. Turns out it doesn’t work that way. Why does this always happen? Sigh ...
  17. Hey, thanks for that link! I recently came into (ie bought) a couple of optocouplers for that exact purpose (well, I was going for active, but still). Now I can read up on how to go about it.
  18. This is true. Also, I know from experience there’s some flaws in the tests they use over here, where they can spit out false positives that turn out to be caused by having a large number of antibodies in your blood. Happened to friends of mine. But, of course, anecdotes are not data.
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