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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Listening to the preview track was fun, but I would have much preferred it if they'd done Secret Chiefs 3 with Mike Patton. Or just a new Secret Chiefs 3 album without Mike Patton. Not a big Mike Patton fan, tbh.
  2. Finished Years & Years. Don’t believe the hype. It’s a train wreck and an embarrassment to the people who made it. It’s like the worst of the Guardian op ed pages had a love baby with a bucket of stereotypes and the result was cut into pieces and randomly spewed out over a series of East Enders episodes. Truly mindboggingly awful.
  3. Whoah ... that’s a *really* expensive matrix mixer. If you can do without the pins you could design and build this yourself for much less money, I’d imagine.
  4. What in the hell is that white guitar thing doing?
  5. I make good use of the fact that English is not my native language (though I'm not great at making out lyrics in my native language either). It allows me to ignore the inanity that is most rock lyrics. Only rarely are they so obvious that I can't ignore them and when that happens it usually makes the music unlistenable (situations where lyrics are actually clear enough for me to make them out *and* good enough that they don't make me cringe are pretty much non-existent). Instrumental music FTW.
  6. My wife and I couldn’t make it past episode two. Terrible show.
  7. Hi, Johny Come Lately here. This is pretty good. Never thought mixing MBV with Helmet would be a good idea, but here we are.
  8. Just watched the first episode of Years and Years. Deeply offended by this insult to my intelligence.
  9. Wow ... that looks really cool! Cheap, too. Wonder how durable those mini pin jacks are though ...
  10. Didn't think that was all that funny, tbh. I was kind of amused by The Great (Catherine) but they had to mess it up by setting peasants on fire. The ending was pretty grim too.
  11. “The Day Shall Come”. Black preacher gets ground up by the FBI. It’s a comedy in the vein of the excellent movie “Four Lions” (same director) but after a few chuckles in the beginning it stops being funny and it just becomes really, really sad and depressing. Not a bad movie at all, and it’s not that there isn’t enough absurdity going on, it’s just that you just stop laughing because of how awful everything is.
  12. Thanks! Yeah, it’s a fantastic device. Also like the min and, especially, max outputs: you can get really interesting sound structures with those. After completing the Rampage I put together the first module I designed myself, on the first PCB I’ve ver designed myself. Surprisingly enough everything fit (except for the power connector, because I placed two capacitors a little too close, so it’s now a little bent) and ... it works! So proud of myself ? But ... if you have PCBs made the minimum number they will ship you is 5. So now I have 4 additional PCBs for the “rhmilo extremely sloppy dual VCA” available. It’s not a fantastically useful or even very good module, but I guess if someone wants one and is willing to pay the shipping costs, they can have it. PM me, I guess. It’s a 4HP dual VCA. BOM is 6 Thonkiconn jacks, 4 100k resistors, 2 1k resistors, 2 100nF ceramic caps, 2 1m logarithmic pots (Panel mount, 16mm), 2 TL072 op amps, 2 2n222 npn transistors and a power connector. Panel you’ll have to make yourself (I used cardboard). Utility of the pots is not clear: you could possibly replace them with fixed resistors. You’ll get a simple VCA where CV and audio go in and audio of which the volume level is modulated by the CV comes in. Linear or logarithmic? Who knows ...
  13. Successfully built a Befaco Rampage. It wasn't difficult, as such, but the two PCBs are *very* crowded so it was a *lot* of soldering. Also, the component holes were very small which makes desoldering nearly impossible. It also means that even the tiniest drop of hot solder can gunk up a hole. Ruined one perfectly good pad that way. Luckily Befaco provide schematics and the traces were clearly visible as well so I could fix it with some wire. Also nearly blew up one of the two channels with a solder bridge between two of the five(!) pins of the shape pot. This pot is now black, but it seems to work ok. All in all it was a good lesson in patience and a fine meditative experience that resulted in a lovely module. I function generators.
  14. Dark, droney ambient project from Steven R. Smith. Think deserts, doom and scorching heat. Normally he focuses on guitar, this time he does it with " Moog Matriarch, Korg Minilogue, Casio SK-1, field recordings, tapes, piano, organ, harmonium, gourd guitar, brush guitar, flute samples".
  15. You sound like the worst possible combination of a northerner (lots of coffee) and a southerner (very strong coffee). ? Do you have any stomach lining left? Me I just do single shots. And with the heat we’re having now: Greek style frothy coffee: 1 tablespoon Nescafé, a teaspoon of sugar, around a tablespoon of water. Whisk into a foam (this is easiest with proper Greek Nescafé as it contains some chemicals to make the froth more stable). Pour over ice.
  16. Right. But no one in their right mind(*) would do a double shot. (*) that's what Italians say, anyway, and given they're from a country where you can have good coffee for next to nothing on pretty much every street corner, let's assume they know what they're talking about.
  17. Interestingly espresso does not have that much caffeine in it while black tea has quite a lot. Even more interestingly, *green* tea is quite caffeine rich, especially matcha. Though there also have been instances where I’ve added a few leaves too many of perfectly ordinary Chinese green tea and bounced around uncontrollably for he better part of a day. TLDR; drink espresso.
  18. Exercising a lot to ward off anxiety is not necessarily great advice. Exercise too much and you’ll wear yourself out, making the anxiety and panic attacks worse. Going for a long walk, however, is fine. Source: my doctor, years ago, when I thought working 7 days a week, 12+ hours each day was a really swell idea.
  19. I take it you missed the nude shots that were posted earlier? Very, very hairy. Moustache and sideburns and all.
  20. Survivorship bias. Easy for him to say. Guy is the f-ing epitome of European music, both high brow and lowbrow, both ancient and modern. Everything else, from Gregorian chant to Elseq 4 is just froth around the edges of what he wrote.
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