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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Limo

  1. Limo


    Uncle Danny came to visit for “an Ambient space trip concert” tonight. Really good stuff, especially the soundscapy bits.
  2. So maybe it's just posturing, then?
  3. Years ago I made the mistake of buying some mangosteen, aka the most wonderful fruit in the world. They were disgusting. The durian you bought is probably nowhere near as good as fresh either. You’ll have to try again when you’re in SE Asia, I’m afraid.
  4. Thanks for this. Really cool. Question: how come virtuoso bassists don't pull faces as much as virtuoso guitarists do?
  5. That would be a first. At the very least, they have tons of Uyghurs to use for this. I'm sure they would if they could.
  6. In other news, China is testing their vaccine in Africa because they don’t have enough cases at home. So maybe these figures are at least somewhat accurate.
  7. Your computer is broken. Seriously. Or, more likely, your USB audio interface.
  8. Found a guy in my neighborhood selling a Zoom G3Xn for less than the cost of a decent Wah, let alone the cost of a decent Wah AND a chorus pedal, which is what I was looking for. So now I own a superb (for the price) multi-effect that's become even cheaper because I can now sell off my Boss DD-3 as well.
  9. Because your computer is broken. Seriously.
  10. Computers can’t handle DAW projects because producers are overcomplicating things. Techno used to be music where you’d let a 909 BD run in a 4/4 pattern and add some bleepy bloopy things on top. Now, people build huge stacks of synths, samplers, EQs and compressors just to make a single bass drum. Use a DAW the way, say, Autechre used logic in 1998 and I can assure you your laptop - or phone! - will handle it fine.
  11. Wow ... look at Greenland. It's just like in Plague Inc. Also: wtf is going on in Luxemburg? Is that country completely sealed off from the outside world or something?
  12. Same here. A lot of them are university students who absolutely insist on starting off their school year by cramming themselves into pubs. And since a significant segment of our governing class consists of former frat boys and sorority girls they think this is a-ok. Don’t mess with the natural order of things.
  13. Bought a pedal and a cable. DHL sends an email message: "we expect to be able to drop off your package in your mailbox". "Yeah, right", I think. Turns out Bax forgot to ship the pedal.
  14. “Barack Obama, a man so devoid of color and personality even Oprah can endorse him.”
  15. Devil’s advocate, but who on earth calls 911 for their autistic child throwing a tantrum?
  16. Real men have curves. This makes them look fat and unattractive.
  17. No, yours. It took two DHL guys to lift her out of the van.
  18. Truly one of poor Phillipinos’ greatest gifts to the world : https://onezero.medium.com/we-finally-figured-out-who-makes-wikihows-bizarre-art-6c5d69b71347
  19. These guys are crazy overworked so: not at the door in 10 seconds? Off to the pickup point it goes. ? pickup point is usually fine with me but this is a bit too large to transport on a bike.
  20. Forced to stay home for a couple of hours because they’ll be delivering a package that is too big to pick up myself. Also, can’t go into he studio / mancave during that time because I can’t hear the doorbell there. FML
  21. David Graeber, author of Debt: the First 5000 Years and Bullshit Jobs, has died: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/sep/03/david-graeber-anthropologist-and-author-of-bullshit-jobs-dies-aged-59
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