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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. I don't think your method of insulting everyone repeatedly until they confirm your illusory superiority is working. Paraphrasing that one politically opinionated bearded hipster guy, you are repeating yourself, first as tragedy, then as farce.
  2. It was supposed to be humorous, you know, the book being The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, the dramatic arc of the current conversation being at a point where most participants are out of fucks to give? Referring to a book with the word subtle and fuck in the title as "not very subtle or intellectual"? I almost always need to explain when I'm trying to be funny, so I maintain my position that I'm so bad at it that I should just keep to being serious. Seriously.
  3. I've been working on web application backends for 25+ years, from hardware, networks and infrastructure to administration, software development, devops, security and integrations. I'm a self-taught generalist, not an engineer, but no-one's asked for any professional qualifications since last millennium. I tried management/leadership for a few years, it was fun but less challenging and interesting than twiddling bits and bytes - I'm more useful as a technology person so I'm not climbing any corporate ladders (I dislike the social games on the way up, too). I've been doing this for so long and have enough experience to safely say that I'll always have a job. I prefer and have chosen to be employed on a monthly salary than go for startups or become an entrepeneur myself. I won't get rich but I'm comfortable enough, not Silicon Valley comfortable with fuck you money, just enough.
  4. Who was that politically opinionated bearded hipster guy that said "religion is the opium of the people"?
  5. It's really something else to see Esa control Impulse Tracker manually by computer keyboard when performing live, amazing.
  6. Glad to hear Esa is still making music, here's his Bandcamp day release. Worth checking out.
  7. Yet another Altered Sense digital self-release, I'm happy as a clam as these are getting digital releases in rapid succession. Recommended.
  8. Bandcamp day release.
  9. Variable explorations of electronic music from an artist mostly specializing in electro, interesting.
  10. A dictionary is an excellent companion to verbal masturbation, but it's the thesauri and etymology that really get me hot and bothered. See fornication.
  11. Oh the poor apparatchik getting trampled by the spit-shined boots of a Western bourgeoisie sycophant? No. I was part of the Finnish Pioneer movement from a very early age - my parents were hard-line communists in the 70s (my mother was part of the so-called singing revolution as a member of a group called Agit Prop), and I actually lived the socialist utopian dream, I was there, I had skin in the game, I was not an edgy adult poser: I wore the green shirt, the red scarf, the achievement badges and pins, sang the songs, saluted the flag, repeated the slogans - with pride - I was being explicitly indoctrinated into the system you idolise. My first foreign language at school was Russian. I went to the Pioneer camps, I was part of a group that got to visit the Pioneer Palace in what was then still called Leningrad to participate in the Pioneer International. I was there, willing and eager - but then I understood what it was, and stopped. I was 14. Get off your soapbox. You have nothing on me. You have the theories down pat, but you haven't lived it.
  12. I've always thought that I don't have a sense of humour - or it's at least way off what neurotypicals think of as humour - but you really take humourlessness to a whole another level. You're literally calling people slaves on this thread. You're insulting, condescending and nasty, and it really drives me up a wall that on an electronic music discussion board there's an actual Dementor whose only reason for existence is to disrespectful and one-upping towards any and all who dare to speak. Yeah, I'm committing blatant ad hominmen here, and I'm not holier than thou, I'm a fucking nuisance, too - but at least I can parse and understand a joke.
  13. A book, such an erudite yet obtuse suggestion. This would do nicely, wouldn't it? Not very subtle or intellectual, but appropriate for this thread's dramatic arc.
  14. It's important to not joust rhetorically with insufferable condescending know-it-alls who think they have all the answers to avoid becoming - or divulging that you yourself already are - one as well.
  15. The Recue remix isn't for me either, but the Morphology tracks are some of the best work they've released; I was becoming a bit disenchanted with their electro - sounding really good, but a bit static - they've really, REALLY upped their game starting from Traveller.
  16. Got my first jab of Pfizer-Biontech about an hour ago, second dose at end of July. Better living through chemistry.
  17. I wish I had your patience responding to the flow of insufferable ideological faux pas. I use impulsive and aggressive rhetoric way too often, which doesn't benefit anyone.
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