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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dcom

  1. I think we're witnessing the rise of many strongman-controlled, winner-take-all societies.
  2. Thank you for that, will check it out; altruism vs. egoism (and egoistic altruism), empathy vs. apathy are always interesting discussion topics - e.g. the bystander effect - and the inflation and deflation of the individual/self/ego in Western and Eastern societies.
  3. Humans have existed for about 200,000 years, and they've had to cooperate - even if only inside their own collective - all the time just to survive, to keep themselves and each other alive. Human collectives or individuals within the collectives actively not cooperating to keep themselves and each other alive is a relatively recent phenomenon, and sadly it's fueled by us being able to confabulate things out of thin air, and others supplying the fuel for whatever reasons. The wetware processing power we have has been hijacked by all kinds of unnecessary, needless and even harmful things like religion, superstition, conspiracy theories, and disinformation. A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.
  4. John Oliver on ‘stand your ground’ laws: ‘Rosetta Stone for justified homicides’ (The Guardian)
  5. This is why I get vaccinated: I really don't care that much about myself, which means that I'm prepared to take whatever side-effects - if any, adverse or mild - so I can protect the people around me, known and unknown. Not getting vaccinated against respiratory infections is not an option for me, as my significant other has asthma - I'm primarily protecting her, but I get the rest of humanity as a bonus. The Finnish vaccination program is awesome - like me, our son got his first jabs at around two months, and has received more and boosters after that. You can always decline, but it's a statistically insignificant fraction of parents who don't participate in the program - so there's herd immunity for a lot of nasty things here by default (check the list from the link above) - and it's free. COVID-19 is currently a special case, so it's not in the program, but if boosters are going to be needed, it will be matter-of-factly added to the program, perhaps even included in the annual influenza jabs. I think the COVID-19 (and other infectious disease) deniers and anti-vaxxers are a more acute danger to humanity as solipsist infection vectors than the minuscule amount of adverse side-effects from the vaccinations - real or imaginary, present or future. Whether you understand this or not, you need to get vaccinated.
  6. I'm almost a bit jealous of this, happens less and less often nowadays but when it does, it's awesome.
  7. Uh oh, I'm starting to slip, perhaps posting new releases is starting to be a young bucks' game... @Extralife - you've got a typo in the artist name, that's why my search didn't find it.
  8. My brain parsed that as Electro-Soma I and III, and the thought of a third full album of previously unreleased outtakes was real for some fractions of a second, I got a flush of adrenaline and then... no.
  9. The Top Surveillance Cities Worldwide (this is the most recent-seeming one I could quickly find). Thank you for making me update my legacy knowledge, should look into things more often to keep fresh. This is the actual data.
  10. The clear vinyl version is already gone from Bandcamp, but there will be more - on Bleep. You know what to do.
  11. dcom


    Melody Maker, January 1995. (Just sourcing it, nothing else.)
  12. dcom


    Comics probably, but it's in reference to the whole article, I think.
  13. dcom


    Open letter to fans and listeners of Drexciya from Andrea Clementson-Stinson (Drexciya Research Lab) In reference to this:
  14. Finally, of course customs snagged the package and I had to clear it, delaying delivery over the weekend, but here it is.
  15. The digitals were released on May 12th, I probably wouldn't have noticed but I got the release notification from Bandcamp. (I really don't like the fact that Bandcamp new release announcements and actual releases have nothing in the title to differentiate them ["New release from X"], I mostly want to know when I'm able to check out all the tracks - a lot of the announcements are just teasers, some without any tracks to preview. Yeah, I could set up an email filter that checks the content for "just announced"/"just released", but still.)
  16. Nice one, didn't know there wasn't a vinyl pressing for half the tracks until now.
  17. And yeah, I've got about everything else by him, too - the compilations, whether physical or digital. Everyone should have some Milstein in their collection.
  18. Oh, I made a typo in the first date, it was supposed to be 2010, not 2019. Fixed.
  19. I've been following him real close after Hide/Away and Procrastinate on Outside, the Doctor Evil on Touchin' Bass is essential. I remember ordering some Buried in Time releases directly from you like aeons ago, you threw in some CDrs as well. I've got BIT001-006, you threw in 001-005 when I ordered Habituation (2010-09-15) - and later, I ordered Milstein's 009 (2011-01-28) - I've got the emails right here. The Bot. EP is great, too, and I noticed I'm missing BOT.004-005, maybe should get them sooner or later.
  20. I wish Ben Milstein released more, I've got all of his physical releases and the latest non-compilation release is Sleeping Robot...
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