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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. Oh come on guys lol. Doesn't sound like Orbital? I think quite the opposite. This has Orbital all over it. Sure anyone could do a remix of Spice Girls for modern audience, but this has a particular brand of silliness and musical sensibility that is very Orbital, imo. Also the backwards vocals underlying the last section is a typical sound from them. I think if I heard this out of context somewhere I would go, "Is this Orbital?" Yeah it's silly/fun etc. and should just be taken as such. Spice Girls were cringe back in the day and I'm sure if you told me that 25 years later I'd be defending Orbital doing a remix of them I wouldn't believe you (I was about 11 when this song came out and I definitely hated it then lol, I actually thought the video was a commercial for something when I first saw it). But yeah time has a way of changing things including the way we look back at the pop music we hated back then. I agree with what @xxx said too, people a few years younger than me would just eat this up. Whatcha think about that, now you know how I feeeeeeel
  2. In post-NTS world, that fadeout on Flep has got me wondering when we'll get to hear the full 19 minute version
  3. You heard it here first folks I kinda like it
  4. Bonus discs of Draft 7.0 - Draft 7.29 included pls
  5. Lol that's pretty fair Still hope Rob will do one tho! We're getting to know Sean so well that Rob is starting to seem a little mysterious in comparison He probably knows he will be inundated with questions about Spaces How V and Bladelores
  6. One of my fav parts lol - Q: What do you see as the next big technological step in music creation? "...Something that we're doing, probably"
  7. I think he said Rob did the first section but the rest is a collab(?) re: perlence, I was thinking about it some more. I would guess if they're all Rob's brainchild, perlence losid 2 is Sean giving it that plunder treatment. It's the one that stands out that way, and seems like something he'd do. And yeah Sean has said shitloads of tracks were his (Sean's) lol
  8. re: subrange, he did say that perlence was also a Rob track, so it's possible that means all versions.
  9. After hearing Sean's speel about how coke makes you less sensitive to negative criticism, this makes a lot of sense
  10. toaoaoad

    Hanal Gig

    Well I do hope this is real, some of these tracks are sickk. If track 2 really is an Oversteps outtake, I wonder why it didn't make the cut, especially considering how lackluster some of Move of Ten is.
  11. @prdctvsm your new avatar makes my skin crawl
  12. Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying. When I said "work against variants" I was referring to future variants, ie. a vaccine that will work against all forms of COVID regardless of possible mutations. Have we seen the rapid development? I never hear anything about it. That's what I'm looking for. Any current sources of news on this front?
  13. Yeah this is the one I was thinking of. Not just this one but many similar to this that were in the news in 2021, under development in various places. There's always the possibility that things didn't work out in trials, but it's definitely odd to not be hearing much of anything about any of them. And yeah the little tweaks they're making to the current vaccines are too little too late, and the thought of chasing after it like that forever is ludicrous when really these were supposed to be just a temporary measure until we can get a "real" vaccine. They should be working their asses off on it, and it's strange to take this long when the ones we have now were rolled out so quickly - yeah, that was pre-existing technology etc, but still, it's been a couple years now?
  14. ^ The problem with narratives like that is they presume we are stuck with current vaccine models forever. Have we given up hope that they design a better vaccine that works against variants? Why isn't anyone talking about that anymore?
  15. Yeah I second this. I get ear infections easily and always end up with plugged ears at best when I have a cold, don't want to imagine a worse version of that from COVID . Just found out I'm a close contact of a confirmed case, had an extended conversation with this person on tuesday without masks, so right now I'm in the waiting period. Had to cancel my birthday plans
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