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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. [time stamped section] First time this came on I had to stop what I was doing
  2. You make some good points. I also don't really feel fit to be discussing this in much depth LOL so cheers No idea why I even posted here tbh. I don't even use spotify, and I think this entire situation is ridiculous and cringey lol
  3. The misinformation that is being spread is literally killing people. Also: They're a private company. Censorship by a private company, of content they are voluntarily hosting, is hardly as heinous as censorship in the context you seem to mean it in (i.e. government censorship), nor is it necessarily "censorship" at all but rather just a decision to quit peddling a shitty product that is hurting people. (sorry for multiple edits, I'm braindead and need to get off the internet)
  4. Most likely (and least interesting) story is that it was just a misprint on some promo material or whatever, maybe some limited number of them out there as a collector's item (or obviously this guy had one because he's in the biz). But yeah my guess is misprint
  5. Not quite all - there's also 3d Concepts which is quite good. It was a split release with Low Profile Society (aka Gimmik) and Miles Tillmann. I'm only pointing this out in case this thread has made completists of any of you, as it should because Loess is awesome.
  6. Yeah totes I am still waiting to hear more about this. The US army weren't the only ones trying to develop such a vaccine (but they would presumably be the best funded lol) so even if theirs is a flop I'm pretty sure there are several others in development/trials now too. Fingers and toes and eyes crossed
  7. Where are you seeing this stat? Even if it is true, it does not mean this: We still have a long way to go. Until we have a less flimsy vaccine, which can actually work against variants, which the entire world has had access to, we can count on new variants to continue to emerge and spread rapidly. Seriously it's fucking toxic for people to keep saying it's almost over I know I'm feeding the troll but ugh come on
  8. toaoaoad


    Latent Quarter really shines now for me all these years later. It always stood out the least I guess, it's quite noodly where the others each have a very pronounced character. But it's really a sick track, tons of cool stuff going on in those beats.
  9. Hard to say at this point who has had it and who hasn't anyway right? There's always the possibility of asymptomatic infection, and lots of people I know (myself included) have had the odd sore throat or minor sniffles for a day that didn't warrant a test but now we know could have been it after all. And then of course the numbers we see don't tell us a whole lot either, since testing has completely gone to shit - not just ito lack of availability but also all the false negatives. But as far as I know, I haven't had it. That might change in the next few weeks, as I'm about to start taking the bus again this week. I suppose now would be the best time, if it really is inevitable at this point, since it's still fairly soon after my booster. I don't want to be getting this shit in june or whatever. Time to go kiss some strangers?
  10. I still think A&W is decent, and I always liked DQ burgers although I never go there anymore. But yeah pretty much everything else is garbage. (Well ok the slightly more bougey fast food like Fatburger and Johnny Rocket are decent as well but it has still been a few years at least). But yeah the last few times I ate Burger King or McDonalds I'd get this sickly feeling, not like stomach sick but more like energy sick, kinda dizzy and fucked up...very unsettling. Oh man, even the fuckin price of milk has gone up. I thought milk pricing was stable, guess not, it shot up 30 cents and then another 30 cents like maybe a month later. It's madness. I thought things were actually better on the mainland since we pay for shipping to the island or whatever. But I wouldn't be surprised it's bad there too. It's bad everywhere. I want to move too but having a place to live at all seems like a luxury right now.
  11. Well... yes and no. I evaluate certain tunes a certain way sometimes and other times not so much. Which actually is in line with your point I think. It's based on my own subjective experience and relationship to those sounds. I'm not sorting through every Ae track picking out the ones which are "correct" and which are not lol. But rather when I hear a certain sound, it makes me feel a certain way, and sometimes I can break down why that is and sometimes it's not as easy or straightforward. Sometimes sounds and progressions that go against theory/tradition/even logic can sound wonderful and exciting. Sometimes not. And that part is all subjective - music is, at the end of the day, a subjective experience. So yeah I mean yes that series of posts started with me stating rather flippantly that they were doing something "wrong" or whatever, but that was more about them making statements that they "don't understand music" or whatever the quote was, fans placing them on a pedestal, and then the bare objective facts about what's happening in the music. I threw in a value judgment of my own because we all have those. I shouldn't have backed down on my point just because people felt threatened by that lol. Because I understand that everyone is going to interpret these sounds their own way: to me it sounds a certain way because of how my ear has developed over time, and in some cases I adjust to that sound and enjoy it, and other times I don't. Certain notes/chords/progressions, resolutions or unresolved sounds, there are well established principles behind these that always relate back to the human ear and, going deeper, the harmonic series and all that. But I agree with your point that we can still interpret those in a myriad of unique ways, based on our own experiences and our own relationship to different sounds, built up over a lifetime (but which can also continue to change).
  12. As far as I know this is totally legal and legit. Happens in jazz all the time (part of the tradition, even). Take the chord progression of a standard and write a new melody over it, or whatever. Beside that, 98% of all pop music nowadays seems to have the same chord progression (vi - IV - I - V) ugh lol
  13. This is an incredible project, and it's been fun to follow along. I was personally way out of touch with what they'd been up to since the earlier From the Archives releases and this has been quite helpful in deciding what to check out now. Thanks and great work!
  14. Seems like a strange time to do this hair-splitting lol. Even tho this is accurate, his fans are mostly boomers which is more what I was implying anyway (i.e. that only boomers would be impacted by his music being taken down - assuming they use spotify at all in the first place). For what it's worth, Joni was born in '43, and she has spoken out in the past about baby boomers as "my generation". I think that generation of artists/musicians is generally considered boomer even if some of them were technically born on the Silent side of the line. And these days "boomer" has become general slang for anyone vaguely "old" or out of touch, innit
  15. yeah I can't believe prices now. it was ridiculous to begin with, and then COVID, inflation... i rarely go to restaurants anymore and don't really order in either, so every time i do go back out it's this shock like everything is a dollar more each time. $20 for a friggin vegan burger with no side, this is "the new normal" lol on that note, someone recently told me this is coming: https://www.victoriabuzz.com/2022/01/theres-a-brand-new-fast-food-burger-joint-coming-to-victoria-and-its-vegan/
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