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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. As former 2ndmost fervent Spurs supporter here it's real chip-cashing-cashness hours up in here. They were an adopted club anyway. Fairweather fandom is a virtue 2021-forward comrades! Fuck you (Levy) Fuck you (Board, LLC, w/e) You're cool (fans, players) And fuck you (Jose) Also fuck everyone at FSG with a 6"-diameter steel bollard, greedy cunts destroyed whatever interest I had for baseball, then came along and goatfucked the AAA Pawsox out of Rhode Island, had the tingly nerve to try that public-funded stadium shit when that con had been long-exposed. And for a minor league baseball team at that. And yet Worcester bought it anyway SMDH. Son't forget Lopez, you also have blood in the streets there in NH:
  2. Cheers M8, I remember that well(ish)! Your mixes (and the successes thereof) are def a happy! I think it was Daedelus headlining tho Samiyam was probably on the bill, very brainfeedery iirc. Got to meet Daedelus at his merch table and had an actual normal convo with him which was cool (except the part when he tried to dissuade me from buying something lol), then my poor friend was a mess and we had to bail before even getting to see him perform. Drinks with you & yr lady beforehand were cool tho! And yea still love what these guys brought, UD and PUTS been kept yer mans in grin mode for more than a minute now, good ol' hiphop done right. Absolutely gutted at the passing of Mike Double K Turner. He & Thes were the total package
  3. This speaks more to nonexistence of affordable housing in the U.S. imho A libertarian-leaning friend of mine used to love shitting on Bernie because "oh he just bought a half-million dollar house in VT" or something like that at the time. How much do you think a fucking half-decent house costs?
  4. Indeed I have, though thank you for the reminder that this exists! The omitted track is good in and of itself, I might have listened to this version once or twice but still go back to the original since it's the one I fell in love with back in the days where available music was a finite commodity. This of course having been ingested and imbued through subjective experience; not sure but I believe this is the part of the response where I type "YMMV": YMMV. Thanks, gonna fire up winamp and pretend madonna is still relevant, then maybe draw an picture of her listening intently to the 180g repress in an ostentatious home hifi room decorated with nothing but monochrome dick pics. +100 XP bois!
  5. Most of this anniversary rehash cottage industry is TBH. Perhaps only in the perceived reality in which this self (or bot, I'm your brony, jabroni) exists, the recording Since I Left You is perfect as-is. Be it residing within the pits and lands of a compact disc purchased long ago and sitting on my shelf, untouched for years having long been extracted for its PCM data, or through perceived free will, selected as aural input for my conscious self, triggering - as anticipated, perhaps self-fulfillingly - neurons and axons to glow and flicker in some region of the electromagnetic spectrum who knows where (probably people who study the human brain, that's who). Ensuing feels of mild euphoria, nostalgia for moments in the naughts that may or may not have happened, amber-soaked and preserved in layers of collective unconscious cultural references reflected upon those of my perceived self, and for non-discrete moments on end this assemblage oscillates between the only and the nonexistent, like virtual particles in an unfathomable void of space-time. Then as it should, our nonfungible nonentity can be retired to archive on the "shelf" external to oneself (itself a heavily modified context-specific "other"), to be objectified and discuss at will (ha!) or more likely happenstance (no time like the present right?). And yet this beautiful abstraction, which has not physical form per se, nonetheless requires physical representation to exist. Perhaps we, our minds, are the real NFTs.
  6. mmm Nikitaventures: from Milan to Minsk is a personal favourite When spoken out loud, is it Mario "Brothers" or Mario "Bros" (as in broskis)? I have an important dinner party with a potential client (same night as my son's bassoon octet recital no less) and want to avoid any faux pas since it might come up in conversation.
  7. If you can survive the first minute it actually turns into a solid slice of choonage
  8. Some pr0n for my commode comrades: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-56632958 Getting OT so yeah fuck these NFT ppl gently with a chainsaw
  9. I always think of the Eric Andre show where Hannibal is chubbing up to play the title character in "Precious 2: Precious with a Dick"
  10. Yeah I'm having trouble following, by the logic posited in that there tweet what's to stop anyone with a single generic/indistinct dick pic (probably of a small dick for best effect) from extorting some John Doe this way. That's some cumthievery level threat right there
  11. Hmm, feel like I oughta instantly do something
  12. Track's nice alright but not buying that promo copy's circle-of-creation fluff. Placing bets that it'll sound like Faith In Strangers and Too Many Voices (as this track already does). Even the cover says so. Also Mother's back in the mix, so start warming up your euphoniums dudes (doots)
  13. No better way to celebrate a piece of wank than to gather around for another circle jerk
  14. Danke for the concise distillation m8 I still think they're nada butt tulip futures, but hey prove me wrong kids, prove me wrong
  15. Computer, can I get a printout of Oyster smiling? Anyone who want's to IPO their dignity as a NFT, PM ya boi
  16. Only way to combat the devaluation of men is to make it rain...
  17. I cannot wrap my head around all the shit he says is coming out... collabs with tony allen, thundercat, malcom catto, 4 industrial albums, a disco album??? lolwtfawesome
  18. So it has come to light that the penultimate track is the instrumental of this 'ere joint I love how the beat is partly constructed of respliced negatives taken from the ubiquitous think break, almost like ghost notes applied to production - Madlib is so damn genius when it comes to stuff like this. While this thread's gone state for a minute I've been enjoying this shit outta this album. Not ready to call it classic but currently filed under "delivers." A few randos: Who's the vocal snippet on One for Quartabe? Sounds like Busta Rhymes but also not. Might need a new pair of socks er psssh get outta here. Very rando, but years before this album I'd heard the Duumbiyay sample on a minimal techno joint in an untracklisted A Guy Called Gerald dj set. I have to imagine it's pretty obscure but does anyone know this track? Also, fo' shizzle, dizzle
  19. As long as Kraft Punk is okay I'm totally fine with this
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