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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. Me: so you mean humanity is a steaming pile of shit responsible for its own imminent demise? Other spacewalking astronaut behind me: Alw-
  2. ^ esp. the end ostinato, just hook it to my veins
  3. Been here since round '05, came for the BoC, stayed for the 'chre. I 'member there was a member Rook (replete with Archie Bunker avatar, wat) who always kept the threads in the Ae subforum lively. Wish u all the best wherever yr Confield-fellating mofo ass is
  4. Aaaand someone else can't line up an acapella to the beat. RIP DOOM shouldn'ta done ya like that
  5. Not even gonna fix this burger. Brah your shitposting is rank amateur so for love'a Pete holster those tendencies brotendo, exercise that filter Also have some empathy for the OCR impaired FFS. I have a handi-capable version of Acrobat at work computer that I can feed the file if the case is still open tomorrow.
  6. My Brother in Christ you have cut to the heart of it As a fellow Gandolfini you might enjoy this one also:
  7. Not sure TBH. I'm on my work computer (boo!) so I don't have my usual array of ripping tools, but I'll give it another go on heimcomputer tonight and see if they're of higher quality than the ones I already ripped.
  8. AwtecrA, oscillating... AwtecrA, oscillating... These sets are early-ae ? and from the soundboard no less - good to see them have there own thread (and deservedly so). I recall first seeing them here in one of the live set threads where they could easily have been missed. I offliberated the mp4s a while back, so if anyone has a hunger for this sort of thing Please Masticate before swallowing!
  9. Yeah I'm a sucker for this type of thing too (not the cassette mind, but the music yeah), and have been caning it out the whip steadily for more than a minute. It's definitely not "just a mixtape" but a well crafted collage of samples from that era, and the dudes apply their ample subterreanean dubchamber chops to it wonderfully (end of Side A is str8 ?). Reminds me a lot of that HATE mix thing they did a couple of years back, which was also a tape only affair (IIRC I ripped it in 128kbps glory off of soundclown). Love DDS (Wonderland was a lowkey insta-classic), but the whole boomkat ecosystem is a weird hot mess I want no part of. I resonate with this hard
  10. Just ask them if they want to fight, that usually cracks the ice
  11. This is the bad boy in question and no ingredients list in sight (we're thru the proprietary formula looking glass mon ami) and while I'd love to try this, my edumacation stopped well short of applied inorganic chemistry. Plus cleaning cymbals is a dangerous game, they're these nice, expensive instruments, and it's easy to take a wrong turn, wander down a road paved with best cleaning intentions only find you've made shit worse. Thankfully I've learned this through online horror stories rather than mistakes of my own and I plan to keep it that way! 404 FWP not found. I didn't know this until recently, but apparently there are Russian Jehovah's Witnesses, and they proselytize hard in this one park here in Providence with a trolley that I can only assume is the Cyrillic version of yours, which is weird b/c the Russian community in the area is quite small to begin with. I know y'all are connected through antimatter Jesus so can you ask what their deal is?
  12. That sucks bro. Ages ago the wife had a college friend who worked for Santa Cruz (or whatever parent company) and gave us like $200 in free (as in real estate) product coupons. Lived the hi life for a few weeks but man the comedown was hard. Related FWP, Paiste has discontinued indefinitely their cymbal cleaner polish, which makes no sense b/c it's the best out there and has kept my *redacted* cymbals looking great for years now. I'm down to a 1/4 bottle, and every couple of months I suffer the indignity of a google search that eventually leads to page 16 of some thread on some drummer's forum (not unlike this one) only to find out no, they're still not making it.
  13. Love this project. Every time I think I've tired out and moved on, they always seem to come along with something that drags me back in!
  14. Hey MAGAs choose your fighter: "Outspoken heavily-armed black guy" VS "charging klan lynch mob (but really democrats)" Also, as WATMM's Rhode Island represant (and assficionado) I'm down with Sen. Mack, esp. if it gets attention to the issues she's trying to address. As much as an affront to basic human/women's rights as it is, a (and arguably the) key objective in overturning RvW / criminalizing abortion is to keep the poor and disenfranchised poor and disenfranchised. Aside from that our state politics are insane (think Dem rat-nests like Albany and Chicago, only dumber), and completely different flavor of insane from national politics. It's vive le difference every day mon amis
  15. For anyone under 40, there was some dumb watmm-IRL crossover relationship docu-drama series, back when you'd order it off netflix and they'd send you the DVDs, wild. Forum naturally obsesses over the virtues of female lead. All other main characters have since gone on to fellate their own man tits.
  16. Easily one of the most roundhouseable faces of our times, and a Fascist's Quarterly's Top Pick for 2024
  17. Wow it's almost as if a certain ideological faction discovered an exploit in the whole 3-branch-checks-and-balances scaffolding, and after spending decades chipping away at it in plain sight, has suddenly decided to go full blowtorch. AND an extra special BobDob FU to the Pelosi and the rest of her useless DNC clique for doing fuck all cuz they thought still think they can have it both ways, catering to the oligarchs, lip service to the people. Stick to the insider trading and paid pep talks to Goldman Sachs, you know, things you're good at. #FTGE
  18. I think we can all agree that the objekt that makes these singles/eps is much better than the one that makes objekt albums
  19. This is really good, thanks for sharing. I like how it takes aesthetic cues from the ep7 and Chiastic era album covers and does a bunch of cool twisted shit with them.
  20. Too rich to be true... sigh. https://www.truthorfiction.com/telegraph-money-kyle-tweet/
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