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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. lol @ Arsenal lol @ Spurs now controlling their own CL destiny needing only to win or draw... at last-placed Norwich
  2. You forgot about the coked-out broads twisting his 'stache, and everyone going "aw man cya machinedrum" Should be in the watmm post hall of fame imo Love u Travis OOF
  3. Just wanna leave this here, love Ronny and yeah so many stupid bug-features with our money systems here. The wife and I lived & worked in Dublin for 2 years and it was ridiculous how simple taxes, health care and so much else was compared to the US. Income taxes are the fucking worst too. I hate that in modern 'merica there are all of these systems that are so fundamentally and blatantly broken (tax "code," electoral college, term limits, health care, student loan protections, corporate citizenship, etc. etc. etc.). But we can't go fix them that b/c it would infringe on the vested mega-interests buttering their bread on the status quo (and also their freedom to hoard more bread and butter).
  4. I member that day when they awarded both the 2018 and 2022 World Cups hosts, and and thinking damn, this is some next-level openly corrupt-ass shit, even for FIFA. Gonna try to stick to principle and keep my patronage 0 and viewing minimal (it will probably be unavoidable at points but w/e). Worry not comrades since Alan Partridge will always have us covered for World Cup '94!
  5. Coldcut Solid Steel (the broadest beats)! I realize it is (was?) a radio show and not a station per say but the depth and breadth of guests djs and styles over the years is just this. I've got a GBs worth of downloaded/streamripped shows stretching back to the oughts, like books on a shelf that you've read but mostly forgot bud don't mind because which one you pick up is like a new adventure you know will be great. I'm impressed these shows still exist. I member listening to them on Winamp circa Y2K. Monkeyradio still seems to exist too which is wild, I owe he/them a lot of credit for exposing me to a lot of great electronica then at a time when there weren't many other ways to tap in. Even better it opened my mind/ears to the idea that there are worlds of music ever further out to explore, and just how limited a the music available to a kid growing up in 1990s suburbia was.
  6. Cool question: having already bought the 4-track EP digitals, maybe like a discount or summat so as to not have to buy again?
  7. Gods work right there Keep irradiating unconditional Miller Lite
  8. Joe Pera is a treasure, I need to fit more of this into my life! This guy's become quite popular for his informed dry-humor takes. This was a good one:
  9. Pappy, link comes up as a potential security risk (?) *Goes to dank memes thread, patiently awaits deep fried order of "me" and "my meat at 3 a.m."*
  10. There was that interview with him (IIRC over darts at the pub) where they discussed the perception that what he does is easy, since on the surface it appears reducible to a straightforward process of "take 78 rpm ballroom sample" then do x, do y, etc... and he basically said the same thing, that if the critics/haters think so, they're welcome to try it themselves. I'm miles from the biggest Caretaker enthusiast here but I can appreciate the depth in his work. (for contrast I tend to think disintegration loops is overlauded poseur wank)
  11. Late-stage capitalism works in mysterious ways
  12. Don't forget this jam Xor this one Haha, I'm right here with ya. Actress is one of my faves also but the more recent-ish stuff is hit or miss, and tbqh you could play me tracks from his and Andy Stott's latest and I'd have trouble guessing which it's from. At this point it's like this predictable pattern at where the machine becomes self-aware, the weight of expectation that comes with burgeoning recognition, etc. which too often ends up with the artist either going deep conceptual or feeling the need to taking their sound in some direction for it's own sake.
  13. It's almost like sportify sucks massive pee-storing balls or something SFWP: fucincng cat food shortage here wtf supply chainz. Soviet shelves.
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