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Everything posted by Squee

  1. Yeah, we've been in the exact same situation. Oh, and we haven't signed the papers yet because of our bank, but I'll tell that story further down. But yeah, we've only been really interested in two houses. One was right next to a forest, but behind that forest was the highway. I was worried that once the leaves on the trees would fall we would be living in a noisy hell hole, which would be extremely problematic for me because of my job. So yeah, we have a bunch of requirements as well - one being that we both need to be able to work from home and that I need to be able to build a studio. I've been worried about the market as well. The prices are ridiculous. First time buyers have no chance of getting their hands on a house right now and from the looks of it the economy is doing too well either, so I'm worried that everything will collapse the moment we sign the papers. But we haven't signed the papers yet. Our bank had promised us a loan with repayment freedom and then when we had been told that the current owner of the house wanted us to buy it the bank said, "oh no no no, we can't do that". Problem is that 2020 was fucking tough on my girlfriend's income due to COVID-19, so our idea of repayment freedom went out the window and our banker said that all in all it would cost us around $3200 per month. Oh, and we also had to throw in ALL of our savings and once that was done we were still $40500 short of getting the loan we wanted. This shocked us quite a bit, so we sat down and tried to figure out what else we could do. We're not quite sure if I our bank tried to fuck us over what, but we've come up with a whole different approach which can easily give us a loan with repayment freedom for +10 years. It requires us to sell our current house first and still throw in a bunch of money but instead of paying $3200 per month we would instead pay $1500. So in about an hour and a half I'll talk to realtor, tell him our situation and ask him if we can put up our house for sale now and then wait another month before taking over the new house. I'm shitting my pants already.
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/williampesek/2021/09/30/goldman-flags-82-trillion-threat-worse-than-china-evergrande/
  3. If you solo a track and cut off the low end, you might think, "yeah, that's it. That's enough. Not gonna cut off any more low end off of that. No, sir.". Whereas if you listen to it in context and start cutting off the low end you'll notice that you can cut off way more than you'd think. Also, while we're on the topic of low end... saturate it. Again, if you solo it you might think "oh no, it sounds way too distorted", but if you listen to it in context it won't sound distorted at all. Crazy!
  4. Oh, and if you feel adventurous... check out M/S EQ to really clean up the low end.
  5. Keep an eye out for the muddy low mids. Nobody likes those guys.
  6. No, at least not in the traditional sense.
  7. My girlfriend and I bought a house. We just need to sign the papers and that's it. I feel like throwing up and I'm worried about one billion things.
  8. Haha, what? To me it looks like a Linklater movie made by PTA. Anyway, a trailer is a trailer. But hey, if the movie simply turns out to be a 4 minute version of the trailer then I'm happy.
  9. Things are going pretty well here. Almost 75% of the population has been vaccinated, haven't worn a mask in almost a month, been to the movies, my friends have been to concerts, and I've actually attended real meetings. No jinx.
  10. I skipped around the video and heard the cocaine doucebag say the word "atmosphere". My man, if there is one thing your house doesn't have, it's atmosphere.
  11. It hasn't been announced yet but it has been rumored for years now. Ken Levine has his own studio now (Ghost Story Studios) and the only thing we know they're working on is "We're working on a new immersive sci-fi game with RPG elements."
  12. Everyone needs to watch Malignant. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s brilliant.
  13. Reminds me of the WATA rating for video games. Only thing that does is inflate the prices like crazy.
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