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Everything posted by cichlisuite

  1. Nice trip, Phling. Can you stick in the picture of your fully loaded bike? Going around myself with a tent and a gas cooker next week! Hope the weather holds
  2. Treale is such a motherfucker I put the vinyl on every afternoon I come home after work for the last week. Oversteps is seriously growing on me.
  3. Top tier: Quaristice + versions, Untilted, Chiastic Slide, Confield, particular remixes, Amber Middle tier: Garbage, LP5, Envane, EP7, Incunabula, We R Are Why, Tri Repetae + Anvil Vapre, Oversteps Low tier: pretty much the rest Still digesting and undecided: Elseq, Exai The live Elseq tour was a bit heavy for me. Maybe I'm getting old? lol After hyping my gf way over the top we went to hear it and... well, after the show she said "I experienced it as a personal attack" to which I laughed "you've just been properly autechred" with a naughty grin, but she is a tender soul so idk, and deep inside I felt this unusual lack of satisfaction and a sudden urge to ponder over it with my friends, but they were stoned out of their minds so... So I was there sitting on the floor (usually Ae gets me moving like that inflatable tube man) trying to wrap my head around those monstrous sound boulders to find some kind of structure while fending off my stoned-to-oblivion friends who said they enjoyed it... well on drugs, I can enjoy pretty much anything as well... so... so, I don't know, man... *gets into a typical family car, and drives off slowly*
  4. "German Amelie" LMAOI wanna watch this nah, no way jose, lolreally eye candy color grade, not those shitty amelie yellow/green tones, and plotwise it is disgusting but not cloying over meticulous like amelie... amelie is one of the worst things ever made... :^D I picked that up on imdb user reviews. I think they meant the cultural differences, specifically, how dirty Germans can get which is hilarious.
  5. Dave Chappelle ... I miss 3/4 of his words and get maybe one joke out of 10. He's mumbling and eating words god dammit, I want to laugh!
  6. Yay indeed. That's a wholesome achievement feeling.
  7. I have no idea why is this in my head at 3am: please kill me
  8. This is what Bill Hicks meant all the time. I can understand it's wholesome, and technically well-executed but for the love of god-- marketing campaigns. Talented people using their talent to play with other people's minds. All the time, everywhere, tricks. You think it's something, but it's a whole another thing really. Years of such practice settled into our brains, and now people are marketing themselves to others. Everything is becoming a bargain. Even love. Satan's little helpers, piff just look at this Spotify campaign. Remove the logo and you get a quite decent tribute to a great artist. Are people incapable of doing such things from their harts, like, just because you wish to remember someone who brought joy into your life? No, you must remember, brought to you by Spotify. Because only if we make money from it, we will cherish your memories and bring culture to your dull lives.
  9. You should get one of these https://www.startech.com/HDD/Docking/ For instance, if the power connector on your external hard drive breaks you tear that fucking hard drive out of its case and slam dunk it into your docking satation and boom. It's up and running again. But of course, I don't know in what way your hard drives broke down. Most likely it's the logic board. I've tried everything, even detecting and mounting in Linux, but the spin motors just produce these weird click noises, one of them doesn't even start to spin, the other spins and stops continuously and even BIOS doesn't detect them. Gotta get someone with soldering skills to replace the logic boards with the identical working ones. I'm sure hackermans do this stuff all the time, I just don't know anyone. It's a dark day.
  10. I've had three backup hard drives and all three broke down in a span of two months, with some weird hardware issue that will probably cost me 1k euro to recover data. 10 years of memories, work, my music and random accumulated stuff is now locked in there forever.
  11. lol, yeah... yeah u might be on to something lmao Lynch being lynch, one can expect a bit of tongue in cheek... And now I remembered the part where Denise is telling Gordon he's a bit of a womanizer (kind of between the lines)... so if Gordon says she's got the stuff...yeah he means that ass.
  12. Certainly, you cannot choose the appropriate action without mental hygiene. What defines a person is one's thoughts and emotions with actions that spring from it. A goal is of course to harmonize the three that are in constant observation and improvement of one another. This cycle also improves perception, which further improves inner dialogue. Lessons, as you put it, can be tricky. How do you know if the lesson you've learned is right, or if you came to the bottom of the issue? There's always another hill behind the one you're climbing now. You should not be too quick to use a lesson as an indicator that you have progressed and stop there. To use your example of exercising and expand: you should not exercise solely because someone told you your body looks bad, or because everyone is obsessed with gym these days and if you're not showing your sixpack you're not worthy of a female companion or respect, or, when you look yourself in the mirror you like what you see... You should exercise because it is healthy -- because the body was designed to move and work -- because that is the default way. Because of that, you will look better, feel better and it allows you to pursue your goals in life prepared. So there can't really be a healthy thought pattern that can suggest to stop exercising whatever the idea that you have dealt with your appearance or that it doesn't have an impact as initially presumed. If you do, then you're still fooling yourself. So what is that 'lesson'? Is that, you can't never get respect in the eyes of others, if you don't respect yourself. That is, to take care of your vehicle (body), because it is a means to achieve goals in your life. Which sends out information to other people that you know what is good for you and that you can take care of yourself. However, people tend to stop when they achieved their sixpacks and take the Machiavellian view and claim power over people. Then this claimed power corrupts your soul and you later down the line become miserable because you can't sleep at night and hate yourself because you're mean to people and they hate you for it. Now I'm really stretching this example, but only to prove my point, so I hope you understand what is my intention here. So yeah, it is a symptom of a structural problem, and it entails action as well. With talking and writing you can define problems, and with actions you deploy solutions. Because actions are the direct results of your thoughts and they feed back in a positive way that fills the circle. This new structure is then a better, updated version of the 'engine' which can then move forward again.
  13. Well I was being very general, and didn't want to write too long a post going into details. Of course, I agree that correct verbalization is an important (first) step. You can dissect the 'types' of talking and types of situations, and they offer different results and circumstances (depending on the level of your problem). If your issue lies in an unresolved relationship with another person for instance, talking with that person might help 100%. If you have issues with own perception of problems, talking to a friend or professional counselor can provide different levels of resolve. What I meant with temporary was that every situation requires action. Because we often deceive ourselves, we even forget. Everyday life accumulates and the fog descends again. You can easily find yourself in a similar dark thought patterns as before. What I mean is, talking gives you a certain confidence boost that helps you face it, because in the end you still have to change your ways and adapt; that is to say, I see talking as a step in the process and not a solution by itself.
  14. Agreed. Talking helps to alleviate some burden, but it's very temporary, at least to my experience. My mind works on turbo constantly and it's very easy to fall back into that downward spiral of thoughts. The only thing that really helps is physical exertion. I get on my bike and pedal the shit out or go hiking for several days. It clears the mind and the reward hormones are the real drug. After that I am capable to work very efficiently for a day or two. The biggest issue is emotional trust for me after having several nasty episodes. I had the feeling I could never again trust anyone, and realizing I am completely on my own to rely on and do everything was the hardest but at the same time the most catharsical and liberating. Transformation is key; it's like molding clay or something, however, it is an ongoing process. As Bruce Lee once said: be like water ...
  15. lol i hear ya...all my closest friends of a similar age have kids. i’m also married and own a house so have no excuses. maybe i just don’t want kids...i think i do, like, i like them and that. think i’m just being lazy. i need to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. It's weird though, because ever since my friend told me he's going to be a father, the thought of becoming a father myself has been growing on me. But what freaks me out though is the thought of getting my freedom robbed. For instance, if I get a kid I wouldn't be able to work the way I do right now. At the moment I get up around 8 am and work until somewhere between 4 pm and 2 am. And I love doing that. I love working during the weekends as well because those are the days where I know I won't get interrupted while working on something. And I love the fact that I can be spontaneous and do whatever the hell pleases me. Also, the idea of my girlfriend's manic depressive and schizo mom getting near my kid freaks me out. Fuck. If you have any doubts, don’t.Guaranteed to lose the next 6 years of your life. I have no regrets with having my little one, cause I’d stopped making music at the time. But man it takes it right out of you, unless you have a partner willing to do everything (I don’t think that’s fair or right as a father, but just my opinion), you won’t have time or energy to do all the creative stuff you want to do. Well, at one point it's going to happen. Thing is I work from home and I do sound design and music for a living, so I need to be able to fit that in... oh well. Time will tell, I guess... Dude we have exactly the same problems and worries, you've described exactly how I feel lol...I also work from home and really value my freedom etc. Maybe I could get an au pair.. When women hit their 30s and there hasn't been a willing or suitable partner to have kids with (if she wants to have a family) things can go haywire pretty quick. Think well guys. If you have sincere doubts, tell her that, because she can still find someone else. You don't want to have her looking for a mate behind your back and showing up one day dumping you out of the blue. I've seen so many such scenarios with people I know, it's crazy.
  16. Completely agree. You summed it up nicely. I bet Nolan films his children's birthdays (I don't know/care if he's got any) by pointing the camera at the ceiling and taking some napkin close-ups instead of everything else.
  17. Darkest hour Holly smack, that Gary Oldman guy really nailed it. But that's it. Boring/10.
  18. Damn gym fiends. Guy A: "You're doing it wrong. Believe me, this helped me." Guy B: "Bro, you should do that, it'll work 100%, don't listen to that guy, he's got no idea." Guy C: "Do this and you'll never need supplements, brah." Guy D: "You need to bulk man. Then fast. Then bulk again. And fast again." Guy E: "Don't bulk, you'll only gain fat. Just do this, etc, etc." .... No wonder they spend their entire lives there.
  19. I don't think she was that terrible. Her role was rather underdeveloped; Gordon Cole kept saying 'she's got the stuff', but apart from her beauty, as an agent, it didn't really show what 'stuff' that was, apart from maybe she understood the Blue Rose stuff better than other agents in the bureau and was allowed to tag along...
  20. Moritz von Oswald is a great-great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck. No wonder he makes such excellent musics.
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