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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Bubba69

  1. This recording is pretty bad, but this part of the set sounds like it could be him? (starting around 1:15:40 ending 1:19ish)
  2. Yeah thats what I'm assuming. I wasn't trying to imply it was mixed with other beats, just that the teaser misled
  3. wow that sounds cool. sounds like his beats haha, i thought it was more ambient from the teaser
  4. Not sure about that catalog number. Aren't they usually WARP-something or WAP? Seems like maybe a catalog number they use for APPs hence the APP part of it. That being said, what does it mean if not a release or something. Maybe each show this summer will let you augment reality to show a different snippet of a track during the tour and then at the end there will be a release or something.
  5. I still do this. I used to think I needed something more powerful going from a DAW world where i would write meticulous and complex melodic lines on a piano roll to an octatrack world I was worried I would be too limited, I researched and researched to find the right thing to supplement and couldn't decide what to do. I put myself on the cirklon waiting list. It finally got to be my turn after a couple years. I tried to get it, the link they sent didn't work and they never replied to help me.... whatever. I realized that I didn't need it for my workflow anyway after I forced myself to push past the "limitations" of the octatrack and that such complexity would bog me down and take away from the workflow I already cultivated and the sound I was developing. I can sync my samples/breaks/synths all from the same box and it actually really easy to get more polyphony and I would even argue that using multiple tracks makes it easier to do interesting layering/overlapping of lines. I started using an actual keyboard to write my melodies and it actually didn't hold me back at all, in fact I think it opened things up slightly and helped me learn a better way of working that I started incorporating back into the DAW. But yeah, otoh, that process took me like 5 years to get comfortable with, it was also very draining at times.
  6. Thanks for the kind words, I actually cut "nose" originally from the list and then added it back only recently so I'm glad you like it. Yeah there will be a bandcamp release. I got a bit flustered because I put the wrong album name in distrokid so I'm waiting for that to get fixed. "nostradamus" should be spelled correctly lol
  7. Raw analog synths and breaks. This one has been stewing for a while.
  8. over 300k plays. how long has it had this bad link?
  9. glad people are talking about this here. Been really into this one
  10. My thought is, no need to force yourself to be passionate about something that doesn't bring you up. I've taken big breaks from music and come back. But it's also ok if you don't I don't know how to relate to the concept of being a musician having to remember and practice a piece to be able to keep performing. I stand more on the "producer" side of things and like making new things most of the time. You could try working on a studio album not meant to be performed live, that might bring new life/joy into it. No pressure to keep practicing, just one and done.
  11. I really like - not just FM either
  12. same haha I was just looking at that. I think those are some of the first plugins I ever downloaded, probably circa 2004. I remember making some chippy sounds with peach in particular
  13. I think there is a misconception that chess largely relies on having deep calculation of positions. It sometimes can benefit calculating certain critical lines in critical positions to ensure the move is good especially at the highest levels, but 90% of the game is a mix between good principles (opening principles, how to avoid making weaknesses in pawns) and pattern recognition (seeing basic tactics). If you learn those things, you'll beat most people based on instinct and thinking about the principles your move aligns with. It also helps you focus on what lines to calculate and what to throw out based purely on knowing immediately why it would be good/bad. I think in recent years I've learned the most by watching one of Daniel Naroditsky's speedrun series, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfjI4jEY58s&list=PLT1F2nOxLHOeyyw85utYJpWtSmxvA-2WR. He usually breaks down positional the reasoning for moves, as well as opening concepts, and usually finishes the games with some cool tactics he usually explains. Lots of other youtube channels that do a good job teaching chess.
  14. I like that you can "print" your recordings in clip view to the arranger timeline and then further edit it from there. I haven't tried working that idea because I mostly just work in the arranger unless I need to save clips/ideas for later, but it seems like a powerful workflow
  15. You can attach automation to the clip, if thats what you mean. https://www.bitwig.com/userguide/latest/the_automation_editor_panel/ - go into the automation editor panel and switch it from track to clip, then you'll be editing the automation for the clip itself rather than the global automation lanes for that track. This is similar in concept to the audio editor view, where switching between the modes has effects on what is possible and your ability to directly modify the audio events contained in the clip. Bitwigs audio editing is super powerful but it can be confusing because of the hierarchy of audio events / clips / tracks and what you can/can't do in certain contexts.
  16. damn this is fucking good I wish I found out about this before today. Woulda bought the vinyl
  17. I started listening to this and then realized I had already heard it a couple years ago
  18. I feel like the answer is just putting in a lot of time in a shorter period of time, not in the specific pieces themselves, (which helps to some extent) but in making track after track, learning from them and continuing on the same path in the same studio. I think naturally a collection can start to form of tracks that make sense together. Sometimes it means throwing out ones you like, or remixing them.
  19. Wow, I'm actually pretty into the direction they are going on this, this is catching me completely off guard and I like what it's doing. I'm glad it's got some space cheese
  20. The tuss to me feels like multitracked hardware sequenced stuff, or computer sequenced stuff multitracked in and manipulated. Like polished multitrack takes of analord era learnings. The breaks are very simple, don't feel trackery to me but I could be wrong. I know he was doing rs7000 (?) stuff back then so maybe, RS7000. The tuss is one thing he hasn't talked about that much in depth, but definitely my favorite era and the one that I always go back to reference the most when doing my own music. (also been on a hardware kick in the last few years). I could be totally on the wrong track though. Hmm, he also talks about using Ableton on talking2u. Seems like he switches up a lot
  21. Yeah sounds pretty cool though, I found how to run it here https://github.com/yangdongchao/Text-to-sound-Synthesis - might give it a whirl
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