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Everything posted by awepittance

  1. they have a streaming service? or are you just talking about being able to stream stuff with their applet on the purchase page? The stream is so low quality ( i think even lower than soundcloud) its hard for me to imagine someone ordering something off bandcamp only to not download it or not store the files on a proper device. I guess im just too old for this cloud shit
  2. It's more than just paranoia, though Many of them seem to think that climate changers, immigrants, Muslims, environmentalists and liberals in general are all sub-human and should be treated as such. Like, I get a real "let's just bomb the middle east and let God sort 'em out" kinda vibe from those types of conservatives. just out of curiosity, (and correct me if im mistaken) but didn't Sam Harris effectively use his neuroscience background to show that brain scans of muslims show a greater propensity towards violence (aka they are more animalistic and subhuman than the rest of us folks)? For me its much easier to write off and minimize someone like a conservative who literally thinks a muslim is subhuman, much harder and more destructive for someone who calls themselves liberal atheist and is as respectable as Sam Harris to make basically the same claims couched in intellectual language. Unfortunately even if this wasn't Sam Harris' intentions (to make educated parts of the populations broadly judge entire populations of people as being less civilized) he has convinced a lot of liberals that islam poses the greatest threat in the world and thats a lot scarier to me than a bunch of fucktard american flag waving conservatives screaming about sharia law
  3. one negative review on Resident Advisor sparked a torrent of butt hurt fans referring to the reviewer as a 'hater' who 'doesn't respect the scene'. http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=17013 resident advisor facebook thread about the same album is similarly amusing (or infuriating depending on your mindstate). My favorite comment on the facebook one is a guy saying that criticizing music in the scene is bad for the community, apparently everyone should just be patting each other on the back all the time.
  4. it's really hard to consume that much cactus even if you try to boil it down to just a liquid, if you have access to actual peyote it's way more concentrated/much easier to prepare & eat
  5. it's deeply fucking bleak, did u make it to the end yet? I saw the movie first when i was in highschool and was pleasantly surprised by how different the comic was (and also how much more Masonry played a role in the plot). Part of me wants to pick it up again and read it. Have you read anything by Eddie Campbell the artist for From Hell? He did a great series called Bacchus in the mid 90s where the concept is what if the Greek gods were actually real people who in modern times operated like a sleazy incestual mafia ,the center of the story revolves around the Greek god of wine who is super chill and spends most of his time in a bar fraternizing (Cerebus later copied the shit out of this concept in the Guys portion of the book) id put it somewhere in my top 5 favorite comic titles ever. If you are a fan of some of the earlier dark comedy indie comic titles Flaming Carrot or Concrete this is like a better more elaborate /weirder version of that
  6. does anyone remember or have a copy of the interview Coil gave once around the late 90s about them visiting Mexico and asking for 'ambient' at a CD store?
  7. ok so Herr Jan basically confirms what I thought as well, so unfortunately (lol) this means that watmm member elusive was dead right from the very beginning (for years he would rebut the idea that the original pre soundcloud dump future music remix was indeed the one that was submitted and no one believed him) . Also he somehow had the full CD quality version of Synthacon 9 before Rushup Edge leaked. Those two things combined make me think he's some kind of rephlex insider (regardless of what you thought of his off the charts aspergery posting style). Maybe Richard just only talked about 'reflections' in an OCD style to throw the scent off the trail, elusive = RDJ I can't be the only one here who realized this, people remember him making this claim right?
  8. didn't read your post but yes i just noticed it It was in the track title from the beginning ? not the future music part, just that it was also a remix of the same track afaik
  9. if you want to let them grow with the intention of eventually tripping on mescaline i would advise a weird but very effective technique called grafting. Peyote grows at an excruciatingly slow rate and what cacti/psychedelic enthusiasts have found is that by grafting peyote on top of a faster growing cactus (like another mescaline containing one called San Pedro) you can speed up the growth speed of peyote significantly. Basically what you do is cut several notches at the bottom of the peyote you want to graft and cut off a flat slice of the larger cactus (so the top of the it is no longer rounded but flat enough for the peyote to sit on top of it securely). Eventually both cacti will fuse together and essentially grow together. Before you actually eat a button or two its a good idea to completely dry them out, but not in the hot sun or under too hot of a temperature. A food dehydrator works well. They taste horrible too, so to minimize nausea (which could come on just from chewing the bitter buttons) you could grind it up into a powder and gelcap it (10 or so large gelcaps should do)
  10. i need the blow of Tron 2 to be softened still after the cgi jeff bridges debacle
  11. im still recovering from the fact that you watch veep regularly yet had never heard of brass eye or day today. does the englishness throw u off? I was expecting you to be slinging MEGANEWS all over this thread i started watching it based on the recommendations in this thread! Sometimes it takes me a while to find out about good tv shows. And no the britishness doesn't throw me off, Thick of It is probably my favorite TV show of all time next to Larry Sanders
  12. Sweeet, thanks for the heads up! Sounds amazing so far actually... And mastered by Rude 66 too (another mark of quality). this sounds great, part of me was expecting an Ambiente release since it was in collaboration with a Mexican act (ambiente is a slang term for homosexual in mexico which was relayed by Coil in an interview from the 90s which ive never been able to find since)
  13. correct me if im wrong but the luke vibert remix aphex posted on the soundcloud has been updated with a description saying it *is* the future music remix. So does this mean watmm user Elusive was indeed right all along or am I still confused? didn't read your post but yes i just noticed it
  14. I love the idea that drawing a cartoon of muhammad is actually something that smart people would take time out of their day to put on a pedestal as an important/vital/crucial expression of freedom of speech. Actually i don't love it, its disgusting and sad but bro we live in a secular society, anyone should be able to literally take a shit on a catholic crucifix in densely populated catholic areas of Boston while experiencing no discomfort awkwardness and definitely no violent of any kind. MUSLIMS ARE FUCKIN EVIL DUDE
  15. would love to see all those top voted acidy tracks on a single release, they would go great together. My only worry about ranking all the tracks like this is when they eventually come out they might be compiled more as 'comps' rather than themed selections that sound like the same style or era.
  16. A disaster movie in the style of San Andreas or Day After Tomorrow in where William Basinski is desperately trying to digitize old disintegrating tape loops while the city crumbles around him in tentpole movie fashion
  17. i have no problem with a 'central midi hub' type of device only having one midi output, i figure most people including me are ok with daisy chaining and if they run out of Thru ports, a midi thru box or router is a good thing to have regardless for any intensive hardware based midi setup. If it does CV out and only has one out, thats another story. I'd be curious to see how in depth the CV out functions are. One CV out (even if its stereo) is an annoying way to use CV imo, even the Analog4 is just a pain in the ass to have to always use some kind of splitter or adaptor to get 4 cv outs ( they have 2 stereo outs instead of 4 mono outs)
  18. glad to see Pierre Omidyar's face on the list of Paypal's board of directors
  19. i agree, the backstory and 'meat' of the feral child in Road Warrior was so superb i couldn't believe it when Fury Road started and they had no backstories for the characters
  20. there was a nice review of the tracks in the newest issue of the Wire magazine, its about half a page long. Not surprisingly the Wire actually took the time to denigrate (slightly) 'IDM' era of his as not as exciting as the Ravey period. Otherwise the review was very complimentary and also points out how Richard might have been the first person to make a 'fast' techno tune.
  21. if it was RDJ must have stepped in and said 'hey mike can we just dial the reverb decay down on this one? I promise you can keep the decay up to 20 seconds on all the other tracks, i just want a conservative amount of reverb on this one, thanks "
  22. its cute/amusing to think that a 16 year old producer in the USA would so casually put a real 303 line in the background at a barely audible volume in one of his tracks. after this soundcloud dump im more convinced than ever Steinvord is at least in part aphex, the Steivnord album sounds like unreleased/unfinished track dumps/jams with tom from the Drukqs era
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