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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. but like what tuning system is he using tho lol. from what I remember from world music 101 in college arab tuning is basically just a quartertone scale, so 24 "notes" instead of 12 but it's still equal temperament right? so just "detune" down or up a quarter and you're set? I honestly don't know that much about DAWs but I do understand their basic restrictions, and my recommendation for that guy would be to not use a daw if he was trying to create a synth sound that could play in quartertones. Seems quite easy to achieve via other digital/electronic means. Which it seems like he did. Good for him. What does the synth guy in Omar Souleyman's band do? Those definitely have some funky notes in there.
  2. it's a complete strawman argument that means nothing other than to generate clicks. 10 ragas to a disco beat. How OPPRESSED was that
  3. mods please change to watching airplanes thread plz
  4. id love it if cylob went back to making tracks like this
  5. Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Ableton Racist Hahahaha Just Use A Different DAW Like Get A Korg bro
  6. as opposed to flooding the world with vinyl and plastic CDs..... ?
  7. that watching airplanes album is great! thanks for the rec skee mask
  8. It’s pretty easy to prevent. Just wear earplugs at shows
  9. agree with dcom, some nice moments but nothing as well constructed as session add on here
  10. i was on the fence but once i saw billie eilish explain it to me i was convinced
  11. he got all those sales in one day because he's hot right now. why not see how far it gets after 1 month and then slap it on spotify after the buzz dies down?
  12. yeah have to imagine the total sales from a 18 euro digital would be less than a 9 euro digital price
  13. people still care about this careerist LA hasbeen? lol
  14. telex are some of the very best. curious to see how this will sound... as far as I can hear the original LPs don't need any sort of remastering.. but whatever. don't really need this but i ordered it anyway. i love them that much. and yes their eurovision performance is one of the greatest moments in electronic music history. dan lacksman looks like rich evans
  15. what if we complied some roughy sketches and tracks we’ve made and send them to him. as a sort of soft encouragement. They are called demotapes after all
  16. not what i meant. there was talk of putting out a collection of his music on some cassettes but that seems to have died down which is sad because i think it would be a great thing to do
  17. is anyone making the double cassette release of his music?
  18. SHOPPED! thats dean ween
  19. first he doesn’t want a sub forum, then the Trojan fader style album cover, and now this!? Chris!!
  20. not really. the mission impossible films are exciting action films. you expect some stunts, quick edits, a very simple "plot" that serves as a framework for more stunts, maybe some kisses along the way. it's "absurd" because the stakes are "so high" and we know Ethan Hunt will stop at nothing to complete his mission. sometimes that means holding on to a jetliner taking off. Also.. I will say that nothing in any mission impossible movie is as absurd as a housekeeper keeping her mentally ill husband locked up in a korean war-era bunker conveniently hidden below her employers house but that they don't know about. The issue with Parasite is that it expects us to revel in the "absurdity" of situations just described but *also* the hyper-horrific realism of face-bashing, body-stabbing, subterranean apartment flooding etc. Those are played completely straight, as if they were really happening - there's nothing comically absurd about those extremely important moments in the plot. Parasite is not a character study either, it's an obvious and flawed social critique. The only good part about Parasite is that rich people who saw it empathized with the rich family lol
  21. looks taste
  22. double dosing blue chew. a chewable tablet of sildadnaliffil
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