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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. extremely disrespectful thing to write
  2. any1 else's dick been total trash since gettin that moderna shit??? im like bob dole up in here
  3. just what pizza needs. more sodium
  4. falling through the cracks scares me
  5. orange already sold out lol. oh well. went for the clear. have the original CD, not the wax so this will be nice. looking forward to blasting north circular
  6. jordana brewster is still lookin good as hell btw
  7. yes two years ago spurs were in the final. looks like this is a spectacular failure lol
  8. i ... like this??? apart from that extremely embarrassing video. parts of it are like a tame impala album but reduced down and filtered so only a few elements remain
  9. this album rules so fucking hard. watershed piece of IDM, one that just kind of puts into focus a bunch of ideas that had been circulating in the genre and then establishes the terms of the discussion.
  10. p good. kind of like dropsonde.. what with the edited samples etc. not like los lagos but fehlmann is always worth a listen
  11. coming up on four years without Mika. sad. a true artist, clearly with some issues. Was listening to Kesto the other day and wow is Rahina I a fantastic opener. A beautiful embodiment of a blackout argument with ones own demons. on a miserably cold night in finland. at least that's how i interpret it lol
  12. it says they're putting out a 12" of boggy tracks too. @Rubin Farr can you figure out how to get that without ordering the tracker and then let me know? thanks pal
  13. awesome. loved the last album. not reading that description because i'm sure it's really overblown and stupid but i'm very certain the music will rule
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