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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. should orb be getting more stick for just stealing the tape-beatles hard work for all their live shows and other samples? seems like open theft... anyway aye
  2. yeah she's also really hot i agree
  3. thanks guys - got choked up at the end there so im sure i was just saying words. didn't prepare anything just tried to say what I felt. broke down at valentines dinner with the gf after the service lol. seeing phil go down that waterfall with his great music playing... oh man. got me good ?
  4. @data dropped Salary Man Simulator Part Two last week. part one is one of my mitch murder favs and the second one did not disappoint. They're both so good - amazing sounds, melodies, rhythms, vibes! Wish they were longer. I encourage everyone to cop. https://mitchmurder.bandcamp.com/album/salary-man-simulator https://mitchmurder.bandcamp.com/album/salary-man-simulator-2-corporate-retreat
  5. Scientology is just networking for gentiles in the entertainment business. Grift for everyone else. Anyway rip. Cool guy. Have enjoyed his music a lot. Unfortunately also played at one of the worst concerts I’ve ever attended. Also got to meet him once. very short.
  6. nicks ultimate fantasy of Gillian Anderson and young Virginia madsen 69ing while he holds a gun to his head was hilarious
  7. Yeah he rules. Nothing wrong with beatin off
  8. bring back Devon aoki and her double outfits
  9. ugh the demolishing of that paul rudolph building is not dank at all. so sad
  10. I am very upset and have been since I found out last night. Extremely sad thing to read. Phil was an extraordinarily unique person and a kind soul. I remember when I joined watmm I was 16 and there weren't many other posters my age. Salvy was a year younger than me and was already online and posting away - back then his av was that smiling alaskan woman- i'm sure some of you remember. He had a baobab tree growing out of his head with its leaves extending to the heavens. Phil really loved idm and all types of music and was an accomplished singer, bassist and piano player as well. We had a lot of fun hanging out at the Aphex show in New York in 2019, I'm glad I got to meet him and chat irl. It's a wonderful moment when you meet someone you've been talking to for 10+ years and they are *exactly* how you imagined and conversation flows freely. I will miss him terribly. I know we all will. rest in peace man, i love you
  11. FI3AC2040090 (at around 28:30) on that mix chen posted. it hasn't been released yet.
  12. sucks that it was an accident like that. Terrible. Wasn’t a fan of the last album or the hype it received but I definitely enjoyed the early stuff and that AE remix. Cue a bunch of people on twitter acting like Sophie was *up there* with the greats -___- sad news!
  13. so much of electronic music is about aliens and its unique position in creating "otherworldly sounds" by way of the instrumentation ala day the earth stood still, jeff mills alien oriented music, early orb etc. listening to Electric People is like the UFO conspiracy theorists making the music instead of the aliens themselves. even better. what then is the use of them praying...
  14. did you see my post? an mental patient edited podcasters singing about dicks and being gay over the famous songs they're pillorying. lovecraft can wait dude
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