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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/popular-music/article/abs/vaporwave-or-music-optimised-for-abandoned-malls/69219E5A39FAA81223864853F8912910
  2. i recently read an academic paper on vaporwave and our very own @joshuatxukwas quoted! a true expert Some vaporwave from 1996
  3. I didn't say he shouldn't be prosecuted or charged, I'm saying the 10 or so years he got as an 80 year old was essentially a cruel death sentence, based on our completely outdated and problematic understanding of prison as "punishment" and "revenge" for crimes committed decades ago, rather than the plethora of other options for punitive house arrest, criminal rehabilitation, counseling, etc. The crime and the person is largely irrelevant. I agree his alleged crimes are disgusting and horrific. I just do not enjoy the discourse from relatively progressive camps who generally argue for lighter prison sentences, and a defunding of our disastrous incarceration industry (which I agree with) then suddenly ignoring their own narratives and foaming at the mouth about an 83 yr old half blind guy getting released from prison. Honestly what danger does this man pose? None... so then it's *just* about some sort of confused punitive equivocation?
  4. Cosby was jailed simply for vengeance/punishment. I cannot be convinced that he was criminal threat at his age and physical state, people just wanted him locked up as "payback" for things he did years ago, which of course goes against the current prevailing lib narrative of the injustices of our penal system, how it *shouldn't* treat prison as punishment, but rather as rehabilitation etc etc. I understand he refused any counseling but that was *after* he was going to prison for the rest of his life. What about a deal where he was under house arrest and given sexual predator counseling or whatever. He might have been more accepting.
  5. none of the humor of other footwork and low on inventive production and sounds that Sasu is known for.
  6. could phantasia I and phantasia II been trimmed and combined? sure. doesn't mean I don't have a blast listening through them when im gaming and smoking and maybe even having a little cheeky bit of kraft mac and cheese
  7. it certainly did not get the right amount of press and lily alluded to that. not sure GWC and rephlex new how to market it to millennial hipsters but it certainly feels like a "before its time" release, even though it's a "throwback" album so to speak. Chatroom, Rare, Shoved and Bahrain are all DAMN SON WHERE'D YA FIND THIS
  8. Kraftwerk The Orb Meat Beat Manifesto Aphex Ernestus and von Oswald (all their monikers)
  9. John Muir is kinda sus tbh lol. Enforcer of the “wilderness” narrative when the reality of indigenous people living on and with the land for millennia is a more wholistic nuanced approach
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/frederic-rzewski-dead/2021/06/26/f1f2af28-d6b6-11eb-a53a-3b5450fdca7a_story.html also fred rzewski ?
  11. it's ok so far. kind of expected a bit more from a producer who has conjured up some of best atmospheres in the biz
  12. miss misato... please look at the road. i can't im too high
  13. The codes beginning with FI or GB or UK are some sort of standard ISO code for any track of music through ASCAP or something. All modern music has one
  14. maybe im just lying in bed super hungover and watching football on my laptop but this is really hitting the spot. more than the first one.
  15. these have all already been released. well it's missing 2-3 of the best cuts from the series but i'll still order it.
  16. Russia suck. They can still do it
  17. turkey and swiss dont have anything. Italy have had an easy group but they do look quite good. and by look good i mean roberto mancini
  18. so many saying Poland fucked their pool. Lmao. Poland???????
  19. no, saying I didn't enjoy the superficial and bland rap lyrics about stopping police violence in the context of this music doesn't mean i "don't give a shit about systemic racism." it was a critique of the music, not outside cultural movements that the music was referencing. that should be obvious.
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