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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. euuuururghhhhh beginning to feel like zaphod when he made the JP thread
  2. 12 play, chocolate factory and loveland are extremely good. ^ how can you not love this. his phrasing is so excellent. the remix is also flawless. everyone makes fun of trapped in the closet but that's part of his insanity, like calling his album 12 play instead of 4 play. or.. foreplay
  3. They're very competent musicians, the compositions are just super vapid to me. I never bothered to read the lyrics, I guess if you like lyrics that make you feel smart they're your guys. damn this post is retarded lol
  4. philip roth died. :( big one for me i love his books.
  5. jesus fucking christ the chad meme. let's not post them. they are so fucking stupid. sorry.
  6. this hurts. I guess i missed out on the SD card. just like I missed out on the SD card last time. I guess these two and the wire recording are the only physical colundi I'm missing.
  7. yes i wrote this thread fast and on a bus so maybe i wasn't clear but i am firmly in this camp. I would say that only MJ and R Kelly have brought me some furrowed brows in mixed company. I've never personally struggled with their work being colored by their problematic personal lives but my fandom and evangelism for their genius has frustrated many people... which brings me to: lol in what way? in terms of transgressions or artistic talent? because i would argue that in both those areas the two are closer than you think. I also think that their behaviors stem from similar abuse they received as children. Why would anyone lecture you for buying a product that they are offering? Did this really happen? and yes why would i lie about this. for what it's worth, and i take no pleasure in saying this, but all three times the clerk was female. here's how one went: "hi there, do you have any r kelly?" "uhh really? well you know he's a rapist.." *i silently walk away and then later at home think of a bunch of really great comebacks later and complain about it on the internet*
  8. This is a contentious issue these days. Or rather I wish it was more contentious than it actually is. Currently if a respected artist (of whatever media) does a bad thing, sexual or otherwise, they are completely written off and ostracized from society. Persona non grata. More importantly people call for every thing they've ever done, made, and contributed to society to be written off, and categorically so. It's now bad music. unfunny comedy and terrible movies. creepy, disturbing writing. this instant invalidation of art after any sort of societal transgression seems wrong. This does not mean that a celebrated artist should not suffer consequences for their infractions but their art is divorced from their person and actions. It should not be taboo to enjoy the creations of a person whom even you might find problematic. I have now three times been lectured by record store clerks when I'm purchasing music by genius artist Robert Sylvester Kelly, but of course MJ remains the gold standard of pop music excellence. Burzum has made some interesting and compelling music but as we all know, Varg is a murderer and a pretty disgusting person. Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby have not been removed from the canon of incredibly great films, but now Louis CK has in fact never been funny or good at anything. The nuances and contradictions of these individual cases make this all or nothing attitude seem idiotic. What do you guys thinK? do you struggle with this?
  9. yeah. This stuff makes 0 sense. People caring about this is identical to Rubin Farr caring about extended universe garbage. Except it’s somehow worse because giving Disney a bunch of money is woke now. Lando “identifies” as pansexual according to that article. no he doesn’t. He’s a fictional character from a movie. Movie characters exist inside of the movie: what they do and say in the film. They don’t have outside character sheets that lists their charisma points and who they want to fuck. If, in a Star Wars movie, there were two male characters who were suckin and fuckin then we can talk. But given than any sort of display of sex in Star Wars is extremely limited and Puritan i sincerely doubt we see anything other than vague homosocial suggestions. The extent of sex in Star Wars is “I love you” “I know” and “I hate sand” and then kissing, so all this forced posturing on twitter for likes is extremely stupid to me. It means nothing. The idea that people like Star Wars more because some guy on twitter says that there is one twilek (again, fictional) out there in a fictional world who likes shoving his tails into a guys asshole instead of a pussy is baffling to me.
  10. uwe if you’re reading this please remaster and release white horse senor coconut
  11. *staring at a pussy* yeahh vulva's tight
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