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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. so this is the site content joyrex has been working on
  2. ahh sometimes.... after a long day... i like to pour myself a beer and load up this bad boy
  3. i don't really like the first movie at all. sushi. cold fish. i think it's a very poor film, albeit with good production design
  4. in fact critical praise from anywhere usually means it’s complete shit lol what a ridiculous statement. From a doctor, no less! well certainly any praise from any outfit that would have early access to this film would obviously be trash
  5. in fact critical praise from anywhere usually means it’s complete shit
  6. steely dan isn't dad rock thats the confusing part.
  7. this is insane to me. everyone is getting mopey about charles bradley and the response for walter becker was eww dad rock wow fuck this
  8. first and last track are some of the best opn, rest of the album stinks
  9. i am not your negro was good and legitimately moving. saw it at Magic Johnson 9 on Frederick douglass which was actually totally great because everyone was gettin fuckin angry and yelling and sayin fuck this and fuck that and booing bill buckley. would imagine a screening at a university cinema filled with liberal arts professors hmming and aahhing and solemnly nodding would have made the film seem trite. I became v worked up when they showed pics of trayvon etc although now it might seem a little cheap. anyway it works because james baldwin is an interesting, intelligent person and not a gushing biography.
  10. Probably one of the following. He is too old and felt he couldn't take it on. He knows that any attempt to write music for a foolish sequel would be pointless. He'd rather be remembered for the first film I don't believe he's ever done a sequel to anything. He's happy to sit back and let lesser-talented people fuck it up. he is exceedingly large and can't move very well making it hard to compose music
  11. well yeah.... a lot of things are a rip off of philip glass. you only get one philip glass every once in a while, extremely special composer. zimmers come and go v often. anyway this movie will probably suck- i'm going to have to see it in finland too, meaning all the "imagery" will be covered up by long, unintelligible subtitles
  12. halfway through season 2 maybe? which season is the rape? the first episodes are v dated in a bad way
  13. im pretty certain his sister had a nose job
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