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Everything posted by cear

  1. 15questions interview http://www.15questions.net/interview/fifteen-questions-uwe-schmidt-aka-atomtm/page-1/
  2. lol that was totally uncalled for oh btw Part 4 Pharrell Williams
  3. HBO special that aired yesterday thanks for letting me know it's out!
  4. Sarcasm got his wish. hmm yeh when was that pharrell dude ever relevant.. let alone have an addition as a vocalist? (apart from sales..) although it is out of context and in low quality..a meh from me towards that coachella thing
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q66_sHhBcpQ classic boom shakalak
  6. @phling: he means the long-nosed dude from the whoooooo, so the My Generation remix-majiggerthingy while it's definitely not my favorite track of the lp i think it sort of fits - and i like it for reasons i've said earlier in the thread just takes me back to that µallstar shtuff
  7. only obel and phling were dissing really .. otherwise it's all love! and.. wtf he was in The Lisa Carbon Trio, Flanger , etc? i've been listening to this guys output without even being aware of it lol
  8. if you've not already, find yourself señor coconut's 'el baile alemán' señor coconut for u? lol! -thanks for this :D
  9. a video im working on glitched up by vlc this ones a runny mess
  10. yeh mcbete and basically all that stuff that was on µ Allstars.. this album goes through my electronic music memories like crazy.. fuck slightly reminiscent to felix kubin too
  11. damn i think this is gonna be one of those albums for me.. in love atm thanks
  12. jazz only 3 pages in, posted that on the first page but yes indeed classic rephlex
  13. yes playing hots here as well. havent finished the campaign though.. played a bunch of 2v2s with a friend.. in diamond now YEAH lol u guys watched the last mlg? foreigners got slapped in the face harder than usual. i seriously doubt if a foreigner is ever gonna win or even be in the final of that tourney ever again.. there were some fucking intense matches hating the state of the widow mine though, such a stupid unit.. not even exciting seeing pros use it. bane mines at least require micro.
  14. Where did you get this from? from good ol facebook
  15. a us citizen trying to do spelling? boom
  16. no one said they were in good quality.. they don't seem to cut below 16k (160 is 17k) I don't think they're transcodes from a lower bitrate.. anyways, I've put together the unreleased tracks in a nice little compiled zip. the Iyff Acid's are alternate takes and have slightly higher bitrates... the rest is 160kbps. 2009 Unreleased (MP3).zip
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