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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. When did you arrive? About 4 hours ago. I'm already drinking some Carlsberg and I walked around a bit. People are friendly. Everything looks amazing and I got set up in a palace as far as I'm concerned. This will be a great three months. Thank you lawd
  2. Copenhagen is a beaut I feel like I just got a chest bump from God
  3. Probably easier than it was in North Carolina
  4. Leaving for an all expenses paid three month trip to Europe where I'll stack $$$ and the associated first world problem of trying to hide my erection in public all day
  5. Autechre: The Movie starring Clive Owen and Bryan Cranston
  6. Privilege = rich parents Other than that, people will always find a reason to treat you like shit, which may run deeper than the color of your skin. I've been personally insulted during job interviews and still got the job. Teach these kids.
  7. Kinda surprised at people bad mouthing Better Call Saul. The first season was excellent.
  8. Vladimir Poontang The Panama Rolling Papers Brunce Hornsby and the Minge
  9. Granola Virus Ravioli Western Jefferson Drone
  10. From that YouTube screenshot it looks like Haidt is thinking about smashing later
  11. I came back from a long trip for work and my roommates turned the apartment into a fucking landfill. I've told them that I'll buy a vacuum cleaner, IDGAF. Nasty ass bitches. When I was away, my roommate says "surprise! I got a pit bull!". I knew getting a dog violated the terms of the lease but I asked her if the landlords knew. She said the dog shelter and the landlords agreed it was okay. I knew this was bullshit. She got a dog without telling me or even asking me, now she's lying. A couple weeks later I get a call from the landlord asking if she had a dog. They said they knew I was cool, but they had to serve an eviction notice to the whole unit to cover their asses. Nothing bad happened because my roommate returned the dog to the shelter the next day. Apparently I leave that much of a void that a pit bull has to take my place... And I'm leaving for another trip in two weeks...
  12. Autoerotic asphyxiation by pinnochio nose is the best way to die/assassinate someone
  13. Dude, the media has been cultivating a generation of useless wimps for a little bit now. It's no accident. Teach your kid about trigger warnings if you want them to live in your basement until they are 45. Soon, we'll have a generation that is even less capable of fighting back or doing anything, really.
  14. I like his tracks and I like how he does not get tired
  15. He's got that gesticulation swag, culturally appropriated of course
  16. Feltch Me If You Can Dilf Of Wall Street Butter Island Django Undrained Butt Diamond
  17. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and some surprisingly good North Carolina nugz
  18. Ted Cruz looks like Tarantino's gay little brother
  19. If you go to a couple Illuminati key parties and don't walk away with a few elite political connections you're doing it wrong.
  20. I googled trypophobia and trypped ballz
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