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Everything posted by Candiru

  1. I’d expect an interim report dealing with obstruction of justice.
  2. This, for fuck's sake. I realize Hillz got the popular vote in 2016 but that's not enough, is it? Solidarity or 4 more years is what we're looking at. Put on your big girl panties, plug your nose, and get it done. Don't let Trump get re-elected just because you're too much of a little bitch to compromise. In early 2016, I was like “eeeehhhh... fuck Hilary.” November rolls around and I’m running to the booth like I’m about to deliver my first born child.
  3. didn't know anything about that. or if i did it didn't register. i hope someone asks him why he didn't vote for the magnitsky act. seems a no brainer to vote yes on it. I might not be understanding what happened with him and the Magnitsky Act correctly, upon further reading. But the other stuff is eyebrow raising. Him an Rand Paul(!) were the only two to vote no on some of those bills. I guess what concerns me is that in 2016, he was basically controlled opposition whether he realized it or not. If he loses in the primary, we're going to have a lot of emotional college students writing his name on the ballot again. There will be tons of people who will think a slightly less progressive candidate is automatically a corporate shill. As long as a sane Dem gets in and we remain informed and politically active, we'll be fine. It'll be a lot easier to make these magical progressive things happen when we aren't being held hostage by a rogue political party.(GOP)
  4. What do people think about Bernie consistently voting against Russian sanctions and even the Magnitsky Act? Or his 2016 campaign manager Tad Devine, who worked with Paul Manafort in Ukraine? Nobody had any reason to think about that stuff in 2016, or even notice it.
  5. I barely drank for a while and looked pretty damn good. Weed saves lives. Flab flab tiddies tiddies flab and tiddies.Yeah weed is great and all that but then it isn’t. It really isn’t. For me and most people I know. Moderation is the key dear boy. This is the whole reason I started booty bumping black tar heroin tbqh
  6. I barely drank for a while and looked pretty damn good. Weed saves lives.
  7. "We have tremendous amounts of drugs...*sssssnnnnniiiiifffffffffff* flowing into our country. Much of them from the southern border." Real thing, I just watched it and fucking lol'd. Sometimes I think reality is showing us the grandest, most dark satire we've ever seen, folks. It's kind of a masterpiece, believe me.
  8. These are polarizing times yo
  9. Yeah like yesterday I had this Mighty Squirrel - Cloud Candy. A New England IPA with lots of haziness and beautiful hop flavor so I’m not ready to just say: “fuck all craft beer!” But I knew what I was getting and was just pleasantly surprised. I guess sours are the only exciting frontier left for me, plus they’re usually refreshing AF
  10. I’m with you guys on the “I’ve had it with craft beer” revelations. I’ve tried just about every sub-category at this point and there are no surprises left. Just gimme a fuckin crispy lager or Weihestephaner or something classic like that and get your whoopie pie whatever stouts out mah face.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/politics/sarah-sanders-robert-mueller/index.html Sarah Fuckabee Sanders interviewed by Special Counsel’s Office. “LoOk, I did nothing wrong and this is just a hoax, right?”
  12. National emergency: the Republican party is a criminal organization and needs to be RICO'd into oblivion.
  13. Being reincarnated as some baby animal being eaten by a predator 1002832 times before you get reincarnated as an emperor of an ancient, yet undiscovered civilization that eats nothing but eggs and occasionally some veggies, ancient grain, and fruits for fiber because even in old times you gotta shit and
  14. Naw dawg, you just prolifically drugged and raped mad bitches and got caught.
  15. Because he must boil them before eating them. He'd eat them if they were straight too, he's just a fat fuck and it's what he does
  16. I squinkled my kurxgiller on a fucking shimptibble so I umbuffled instead.
  17. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/986/91838/?ba=Knapp85 Notes / Commercial Description: A meaty foreign-style stout, Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout is made with Colorado base malts, roasted barley, seven specialty malts, Styrian Goldings hops, and 25 pounds of freshly sliced and roasted bull testicles.
  18. Ooh yes, one of my faves of last few years.
  19. I hope he get thrown in prison before his frontal lobe completely disintegrates.
  20. I was just sitting in my room listening to Gorgoroth on headphones. Somehow, over the music, I hear the shrill, yappy voice of Ben Shapiro coming from the kitchen. It was one of my roommates, coming from his phone. I grab my water bottle, so I can go to the kitchen to fill it up and see who the perpetrator is. When I do this, I see it is my roommate Friday(yes his name is fucking Friday) from Africa.(?) He scurried away to his room and turned it off. But he is currently in the bathroom, listening to Ben Shapiro on his phone, while being African. Reality is so weird. America.
  21. ughhhhh lol i mean as long as the music sounds good okay but ugh https://daily.bandcamp.com/2019/01/28/lee-gamble-interview-2/ The dragon of chaos knits a sweater of wistfulness and sells it to a lobster but a jellyfish of narcissism heeds the wisdom of symbolism and folklore and wins
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