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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Damn it - Ginger Baker was the best curmudgeon.
  2. Post your review in the Corpse Flower thread I started in New Releases a while back. It needs some action.
  3. Dang - I haven't been checking the internets much since I flew in to Kingston. Would've been great to meet you! Just finished the last date (Windsor). Now off to Barrie for a week to record my friend's band.
  4. My friend always dumps her miso soup into whatever rice dish she's eating. I stay calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm screaming. I guess technically we are eating the same stuff, but she might as well be eating dish water as far as I'm concerned.
  5. I find it highly unlikely that I said there were "not enough classic Tool moments". But yeah, it's like what they've already done, but without the songs to back it up.
  6. I don't hate it, just find it very boring/predictable. Maynard sounds like autotuned Maynard being wheeled in last minute after not having any songwriting input for 10+ years. It's not bringing anything new to the table, at least not to my ears, nor does it hit me on any emotional level. But I'm glad other people are enjoying it. *this was in response to the post that happened to be visible when I looked at this thread.... which I can no longer see through the wall of newer posts. ^there we go.
  7. Aux listened 5 times tho, so he clearly likes it more than I do.
  8. Oh thank goodness. This thread had been so uncharacteristically silent, I was worried Florida may have finally gotten its act together.
  9. Didn't know the name, but first thought upon seeing that photo was "is that the Clown from House of 1000 Corpses?" He certainly had a distinctive way of staring into the camera. RIP.
  10. Nice one! One of the ladies I've been chatting with via the dating apps is using my last Zephyr Nova album (Shivering Towers) as the playlist for her art gallery. Pretty fucking cool. I may inquire about performing there sometime. It's in another city, but only a short ferry ride away.
  11. FWS: can rest easy now knowing I do not need a passport to travel within my own country. Ontario tour saved! PS who here lives in Ontario?
  12. Do you slide suggestion notes into the slot? That would be my solution. Seems reasonable.
  13. Honestly I'm surprised there aren't more incidents like this in any city of over a million people. Knowing what I do about humanity, I'd place driving a motor vehicle through a shopping mall as a 1/50,000 people kind of thing. And that still seems pretty remote. If I didn't have impulse control, surely I would drive my van through a shopping mall at some point. Why isn't this more of a thing?
  14. Her melodies are so so good, and I love her lyric style (was just listening to Tender Buttons). God damn what a shitty, random death to have happened. Fuck you, death.
  15. Man, I wish it had that effect on me. Lost interest after the third listen.
  16. Right on, will probably check that one out. I listened to Work That Transforms God quite a lot - loved the dissonant guitar work. Sort of forgot about them.
  17. Of all the shitty fast food burger chains, which one has the best burger deal? $7 for 2 whoppers (Canadian) is a pretty good deal. it's also too many Whoppers, but that's not what these pointless thought is about.
  18. The only time I paintballed their was this little psychopathic kid, maybe 10 years old, who would continue shooting people after his first hit, despite any "ow stop you already hit me!" type shrieks from his targets. Luckily I was on his team, but it definitely put a dark slant on the whole paintballing experience.
  19. Hmmm. Maybe not the best time to test out a standup bit. Clever though. I'd book her at my comedy club.
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