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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Amazing. It's too bad he recorded the whole thing as this narrow vertical strip. Why do people do that? I'm guessing the cat perished...
  2. Unexpected fucking can be an enjoyable listen. Expected not always so much. My last room mate was seeing this one girl who always sounded like she was on the set of a porno, and i knew once it started it would be going on for a while. The first couple times it was neat, but every other time it was just "oh here we go again." Get thee to a Merzbow show!
  3. The blink of an eye feels like 10,000 years to a mosquito. They are also the only mammal to exceed 100,000 years of age from its own perspective. If you blink 10 times a mosquito will be born and also die, but to them it will feel like an eternity and that they are immortal.
  4. I bet in 2020 there will be multiple albums with the title "Perfect Vision", one of which will be Kanye's.
  5. Sophie is definitely classifiable as pop. The key elements for pop music is having an easily recognizable hook or chorus, and usually adhering to a fairly conventional song structure (verse/chorus/vesre/chorus/bridge/chorus or a slight variation thereof). The few songs I've heard of hers so far do adhere to that. Holly Herndon's a lot less conventional with her song structures, and her hooks are less obvious. Def more in the experimental realm, with occasional pop aspects. Sophie's more in the pop realm with some experimental aspects (though that's only judging from maybe 3 tracks I've heard). OPN does have a couple tracks on the new album that fit the pop formula. Black Snow for instance.... don't recall the names of the others, but they're in there. That faceshopping track's actually pretty sweet. Maybe I'll give the album a proper listen through. I just stopped listening because the first track seemed boring and not particularly well written. Very odd choice for an album opener... usually I expect those to announce what the album/artist is about.
  6. 6.4/10, recommended for those who appreciate succinct, unprovocative opinions.
  7. At least she told them what she was going to do. More arsonists/robbers/rapists/murderers need to give ppl the head's up.
  8. It was posted in the America thread. The first two episodes have aired btw. Worth a watch.
  9. Appropriate that he was wearing an AC/DC shirt.
  10. I was just lolling at the lols. The lol is an end in and of itself.
  11. Choirgirl Hotel was always my go-to Amos album. The guitar treatment sounds like musical theatre, but other than that it's a stunning album. I sort of lost interest after Scarlet's Walk - seemed like she lost a lot of the fire after that.
  12. There was nothing about the first track that caught my ear as either interesting or original, so I stopped listening since I have such a long list of albums I've been intending to check out. Thought maybe it was one of those cases where the artist gained most of their notoriety on having a powerful visual aesthetic (which is what drew me to the music in the first place).
  13. My music pirating has been greatly hindered by these "max downloads per hour reached" limits. What sort of dingus uploads entire discographies one album at a time to sites that do that. Also, constantly running out of HD space. Also, too many tabs open. Also having a very hard time finding anything by CoH, which is top of my list atm. Pirating ain't easy.
  14. SLAAAAAYER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ZqFlw6hYg
  15. Rosanne showed remarkable self-restraint in that vid. Also I thought his segues tying each point he made together were quite good. A+ proposal.
  16. I recall cruising through the street view for London once and stumbling upon someone dismantling a bike that was chained up. Gave me a thrill. The google street view is a remarkable thing that I almost never take advantage of, but I really should because the whole fucking world is mapped out right there.
  17. I was in a state of panic for the two days watmm was down, but now that it's back I'm all like "whatever."
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