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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I think this is the best one so far - first time I've felt confident a vid of mine is good after completing it. Also the song I suspect would have the most watmm appeal (of the ones with vids anyway).
  2. DO NOT touch the ignore feature. Whatever thread you ascribe it to will interrupt your everyday life with notifications you never would have received if you had just let it be.
  3. Doing it with the right person is probably key. The only time I did them and didn't completely lose my shit was with my ex at a cabin with a record player. The cabin was Van Gogh themed, and I was preoccupied with the idea of going mad, since that's what my other shroom experiences were like. It occurred to me that Gogh is an anagram of my last name, a thought which could have spelled disaster. But we went to the beach, and I deliberately blocked all thoughts out of my mind, and just focused on the stars/our immediate surroundings. Then went back to the cabin and put on some live record featuring Jimi Hendrix. So I just got absorbed in that, which was fantastic. That song sounds like Pink Floyd, but with Maynard Keenan doing his lullabye voice over top. Also, weird post shroom experience today - I was driving behind a car with a bumper sticker that said "we're all mad here", which was written on the wall of the room where I spent the majority of my second ever shroom trip. It was an interesting coincidence.
  4. Was it "my horrifying mental vortex of unsettling truths" or the bit about it being a painful journey of madness that reawakened your desire to do them again? I ended up throwing out a pretty substantial soggy shroom pile at the bottom of my tea cup, because I definitely didn't want more and I didn't want one of the dogs to eat it... or the person I was with, because she was more than fucked up enough already. I mean that in the most endearing way possible, but yeah... no more substances for that lady, if I can have any influence over it. I feel so drained today.
  5. lol I wish I had done that instead of spiralling into my horrifying mental vortex of unsettling truths. But the stars embedded upon the fabric above her bed appeared to pulsate in the most delightful way. It was still a painful journey, but the madness was more controlled. It was like a more mature take on the usual internal crisis. There were dogs to help mitigate the anguish. Also it was really fun/hilarious for maybe half an hour before the spiral. Anyway, I survived. There were some insights to take away from it. Nothing I wasn't already kind of aware of, but it helped crystalize them a little more, for better or worse. Also FWP: this salted black porter I bought is fucking awful, and her fridge did a piss poor job of keeping them cool. I abstained from having any while I was there, because I realized I wanted to be able to drive home after my high wore off.
  6. Just got a morning invite to do shrooms with one of the women I met from the apps. Most of my shroom experiences have been a trip to hell and back, but I said yes. Going over in an hour or so. Weird times ahead...
  7. Regarding what may lay behind that locked door, it is this love imho:
  8. Once you have mastered love, you must remaster it time and time again.
  9. - 1 toaster - 2 slices of bread (seeded hearth loaf is good, but olive bread also works) - 1 tbsp butter Put bread in toaster. Depress toast making lever (lol not with your sad emo music, with your index finger, silly! :). Wait for bread to ascend to grabbing level. Obtain toast with fingers - careful it's hot!! What are you doing??? Jesus, give it a moment. You know what - never mind. Stick to cereal. Fucking amateurs.
  10. Haha, well, it's a year down the road. So I'd think if we were to "get together" it would happen somewhere in that time frame. Maybe it will! I've gotten the impression that she wants to be friends only, but who knows. She's providing glitch art for one of my music videos.
  11. No. I was in one for about 3 months last year, ended in June. Last relationship before that was almost 5 years ago, which lasted 10 years-ish. Damn... It's kind of nuts that she likes me enough at this point to consider planning a trip a year down the road that's going to cost us at least a couple grand a piece. Pretty cool though! It's very out of character for me to say yes to something like this, but I'm sick of not taking any chances and missing out on all the fun.
  12. lol I think we are... she's serious, I said okay. This is so unexpected. If I do end up actually becoming romantically involved with someone else, I could see it presenting a problem.
  13. Someone I matched with on tinder a long time ago that I've since become friends with just proposed a trip to Barcelona for a festival that sounds particularly awesome. Not really an FWP... I'm just taken aback, and that will be a crazy amount of money. But I can't say I'm not tempted.
  14. I'm going to have to disagree, and say the panning needs to be even wider, and I like all the melodies except for the one that comes in at 4:33. But you should only use that melody, because I have a preference for things I don't like.
  15. I could not find deinterlace anywhere, but found decomb in the picture setting, which I set to fast. Looks immaculate now. Woohoo!
  16. Anyone know how to convert mpg to mp4 without having those horizontal lines appear everywhere? I'm using FCP, which only accepts mp4. Sadly, a lot of the coolest found footage out there is in mpg format. I know deinterlacing can sometimes help... in which case, leads to a free program that can do that successfully? I downloaded Handbrake, but see no deinterlace option... Please feel free to discuss all things video making related in here. I am still a total newb (started messing around with FCP at the beginning of this year).
  17. Too late. It happened instantly. We're through.
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