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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. probably 50% of my youtube recs are variations on the Mudvayne - Dig theme. This isn't going to help.
  2. The female voice that narrates my google maps directions began adding a french accent to the endings of words. She already had a bizarre pronunciation for most words, which I'm accustomed to mimicking back at her. Now I have a whole new dialect to learn, and no idea where it came from. It's quite distracting when I'm trying to drive.
  3. Fuck, my freckles are being interpreted as static and overloading the streaming bandwidth. This is what I get for being unable to hold my pigment together.
  4. Mystery solved: apparently streaming sites cannot handle TV static because it's too much visual information. The vid showcases my face in front of TV static, so it is doomed to always look shite on streaming sites.
  5. Sick. Reminds me of SND, but less minimal. That vid's a perfect match.
  6. It was kind of thrust upon me. And it does sort of work with the theme of the video... also, someone I met on bumble is playing the song in question back to me on acoustic guitar right this moment, by total coincidence. Pretty surreal. Now she's playing Twilight by Elliott Smith. Nice!
  7. If I got angry with people the same way I get angry with technology, I would probably be in jail.
  8. It does do that, but for this one video it keeps both the 720 and 1080 looking like 420, long after the HD version has processed. I mean, those options shouldn't even appear unless they are available. There's something about this video that seems to glitch out the youtube auto-encoder(????). This hasn't happened on any of my other videos, so I don't know what the fuck is up. This kind of thing drives me mad.
  9. I re-encoded and re-uploaded, and it still looks like pixelated garbage. Makes no sense! Aaaaaaaaah
  10. There's a video I uploaded to youtube in "high quality", which indeed looks high quality if I play the source file on my computer. But for some reason youtube is automatically reducing the quality when I post it, even when played on the high quality setting. It hasn't done that for my other videos, just this one. WTF... Can anyone think of an explanation? Anyone else experienced this? Any time I've looked it up, info seems to indicate that videos are supposed to play back at the quality setting indicated. So why isn't it?
  11. lol I know - I can't tell if it's humour or psychosis. Possibly a little from column A, a little from column B. okay, full on psychosis then.
  12. i looked up "brain scans" hoping to get some cool footage, and I got more than I bargained for.
  13. https://archive.org/details/trig19SUMO
  14. Music has just been handed a new set of parameters.
  15. Uploaded a couple more music vids for my Municipality Project. One angsty psychedelic ocean vs fire theme: And one unsettling eye theme:
  16. Those two make sense as openers.
  17. I dreamt I ordered a Big Mac, but requested that ketchup and mustard be added to it. Boy did that cause a scene. The workers were really stressing over the logistics of how to make that work. For some reason it threw the buns all out of order (which were comically large), and then I started freaking out because I couldn't find the patty amidst all the deconstructed hamburger chaos. Woke up depressed.
  18. lol I did not realize NME reviews were like that. Is Sarah Dempster a Robert Christgau pseudonym?
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