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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. Irresistable Cake Anthem is my fave. That one should be fleshed out into a full parody song.
  2. There was a truck parked in one of the neighbourhoods I delivered to the other day with "Gaslight" written in big letters on the side. I was like "oooh topical."
  3. There is one sushi restaurant I pick up from where one man makes every component of every sushi. His preparation area is right at the entrance, and he never says anything. I assume this is because his energy is 100% consumed in the work that would normally require 5 sushi-men. Also, it's the most depressing Japanese restaurant I've ever set foot in, and somehow it always feels colder in there than it does outside. I wonder what Karl Marx would have thought about this.
  4. Desert burger looks very satisfying. Many places to get burgers around here, but no deserts to eat them in. Frustrating.
  5. That's a pretty insane story. You in Florida I assume. Florida, UK.
  6. I'd like to request a photoshop of Karl Marx all dolled up, entitled "Marxist Thot", to be posted here upon completion.
  7. I just strolled in here to post this exact shaver. I previously thought it was impossible to get a smooth shave with an electric razor, but I just ran one of these over my face for a good 10 minutes, and my face is smooth enough to make a new born baby jealous.
  8. This is a huge problem among roughly half of all drummers I have recorded. Just let the fucking cymbal ring out. No one cares about your post-song tinkles. Usually I have foresight enough to get them to replay the last 4 bars with a single crash ringing out on the last beat. But I've needed to do at least a few sneaky edits in my time.
  9. Talk to them, but let piss balloons be your voice. They will hear you loud (wet) and clear (stinky).
  10. That whole event has to be a troll on anyone attending.
  11. You are correct. And all under a very cynical brand name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yum!_Brands It all makes some kind of sick sense. KFC burrito would have made more sense imo.
  12. Probably not, but would try. PS there is a KFC chicken with gravy dipping sauce at Pizza Hut now. Fucked up on so many levels... fast food chain collaboration being right at the top. They must be getting desperate.
  13. Video unavailable! :(((( But I am thoroughly enjoying Fresh Prince of Dick Butt.
  14. Where's Your Girlfriend would've been fresher, funner, fantasticker and unforgettabler as a series opener imoer.
  15. Steppingfilter 101 was an odd choice to kick off the entire series. (Been a while since I went through the whole thing... not sure I ever did tbh, so... here we go.)
  16. 4 of the 5 likes on my last IG post are from tinder/bumble matches. Apparently those are the best sites for building a fanbase. IDM hobbyists take note. You won't find your audience on soundcloud or myspace or whatever the fuck you've been lead to believe. Dating apps is where your fanbase waits.
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