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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. My large "half sugar" coffee from Tim Horton's was so sweet as to be undrinkable, so I had to go home, brew a moka pot coffee, and water it down with that. Now I probably won't sleep until well into tomorrow. PS the coffee was still too sweet! Fucking Tim Hortons man...
  2. I've got my Venerology CD in my van, but have been apprehensive about putting it on while driving... Driving with John Wiese - Soft Punk worked out pretty good though. Might sandwich it between a couple Beach Boys albums to balance things out.
  3. https://youtu.be/Z2Di716BBXQ
  4. Followed. Can't wait to see those email notifications start pouring in.
  5. i need to move somewhere where amazing drummers are so abundant you just find them begging for scraps on the side of the street like that.
  6. Crazy how old this album is already. To me it's recent memory... ugh. I think I've only listened maybe 4 times? I recall getting bugged by hearing similar chord changes/rhythms/melodies etc. from his past work each time I listened. But I did enjoy the most recent EPs. Hope he can pry himself away from the score work long enough to produce another LP that continues down that more experimental route, and that he continues to explore that cool Bowie vibrato that came out of nowhere on God Break Down the Door.
  7. I refuse to acknowledge anything past the first three letters of any username. If you can't sum up your name within that space, I'm not wasting my time reading it through to completion, bri. Also, how can I put this thread on ignore?
  8. yep, got your quote too. this thread has become the most impossible to ignore thread since I put it on ignore. perhaps the ignore feature is symbolic?
  9. Got toa's reaction notification too. This ignore thing really isn't working out.
  10. lol I put this thread on ignore but I still got JR's laughing reaction notification and I appear to be posting in it again... but it's still supposedly on ignore. There may be a bug.
  11. Cup was before my time. Already legend by 2006. good lord... people who were born around the time I signed up here are now getting their driving licenses. And joining the army.
  12. Happycase - that's it! Hahaha man... he had some interesting posts. That was watmm peak mental instability.
  13. I have my first scheduled for the 22nd. As far as I know, this is the "plan" for the whole country. I'm going off my friends' ranting... but she's usually really on top of this stuff, so i believe her.
  14. I always enjoyed the Sup/Max dynamic. It was a defining feature of this forum for a long time, gave it a unique bouquet. There was that winning combo of Vamos plus that other weird guy whose name escapes me. Anyone know who I'm talking about? That was an interesting period. Whatever happened to Cardan? I miss all the Meshuggah raving.
  15. It's recommended to get the second dose 3-4 weeks after the first one to ensure it's actually effective, and my country's decided to make the second dose available... 16 weeks after the first? lol??? I give up.
  16. The fashion thread recommended this under "similar content." Did not disappoint.
  17. Geez. I was at a high school with a population of almost 1400, and I don't recall any incidents of violence breaking out. Which is pretty remarkable, in retrospect.
  18. Weird. I've never experienced anything like that at a school.
  19. You'd think she'd pick a less Orwellian school high school to nonchalantly enter. Or does every US high school have security guards policing the hallways now? lol if so. That's fucking ludicrous. Also, dude who had the highest recorded IQ once upon a time did a similar thing several years over. Not for IG followers, but to achieve the ideal high school experience he felt he failed in achieving the first time around. Then there was that really absurd case where the cho-mo registered for an elementary school class and actually got in. Someone posted that story here many years ago.
  20. Or maybe it's time for a high confidence clean break: Also, be the thread you wanna see.
  21. Was uncharacteristically full of rage for most of today, just brooding on how shitty people can be, and generally assuming the worst of every stranger I have some meaningless interaction with. I never used to be like this, but it's becoming more and more my baseline mental state.
  22. If by "run" you mean "excrete" and by "errands" you mean "waste", I totally get what you're layin' down.
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