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Everything posted by Zephyr_Nova

  1. I was going to write something inane like "just think of all the pencils and change you could fit in there!" but the new watmm quote feature doesn't want to include picture that makes my reply work. FWP.
  2. 1 death per every 35-40 infected? ... not included the majority who have not yet recovered. That's pretty bad.
  3. *reads further* Ahh I see. They got a lot of complaints about art imagery in the HNW tag, and then thought that defined the genre as a whole. Makes sense. They've fixed it now. Good.
  4. I find that extremely hard to believe. *at least the explanation part. Sounds like a weird rumour or other misunderstanding.
  5. Steak stealing's pretty common everywhere really. A guy stuck several steaks under his trench coat while I was on shift working at a grocery store many moons ago. But he got off a lot more lightly. Manager just screamed at him to put the steaks back, then told him to fuck off. No taser to the junk.
  6. Well, it's really not a game of luck, although there is a greater chance for a less skilled player to win (than in a game like chess) because the "luck of the draw" does play a big part. But a skilled player in Scrabble with bad hands is still likely to win over a novice player with great hands*. I've been playing since high school, so that's probably a big part of my secret. *unless the novice player is a world class hand model. Those hands will always win, of course.
  7. I think my friend is going to finally beat me at Scrabble (game 27). I have a 17 point lead, but also a Q as my last letter... so my score will go down 10 and his will go up 10, unless he can't put his final letters down anywhere. There's also the slim possibility he could set me up by putting an "i" in the right place, but that seems extremely unlikely. This will give my rating one hell of a bruising.
  8. Tabasco. Craft tobacco should be a thing though, to go with all the craft beer. I think it could be big.
  9. Noticed tobasco stains on my Aphex Twin long sleeve shirt. Only had it 2 weeks. This is what I get for wearing anything that isn't black.
  10. I wonder how many people Breaking Bad has influenced to try meth. A show with that much popularity has surely piqued some curiosity in some people. ? FWP: I've become more of a pointless thoughts/observations guy rather than a SFWP guy. Not sure it's a change for the better.
  11. Well, sometimes you've got shit with a movie title. A DVD for instance. Describe the last DVD you bought. I once wrote a song called Shadow of a Vampire, which happens to be a movie title. So that was some shit I did that had a movie title, and at the time it was my last shit with a movie title. I've since had other shit with a movie title, and I know there's a thread where it belongs. Very useful.
  12. My FWP: slept in until 2pm. FWP2: i recorded a guitar bit for a client, then wasted an hour trying to force it to sound right via processing. I knew pretty early on in that hour that I'd just recorded the wrong tone. (I didn't charge him for that hour, and then recorded the bits just now with the pedal combo I should have used in the first place. Sounds dope, only took 20 min.)
  13. 20% is pretty good for active listening. I probably haven't heard 50% of the music I've downloaded yet. So in answer to your question - I do nothing.
  14. I always go for the easiest way to eat a thing. Most pizza is easier with hands, but not always. Asian noodles of any sort - fork. Soup? Fucking pour that shit directly into my mouth.
  15. Sometimes those thin crust pizzas are so flimsy a knife and fork is preferable.
  16. Now that's one locked in acapella choir.
  17. This album is great. My brain still doesn't know how to interpret the Vortrack rhythm. Kick triplets? Not quite. Obique 4 on the floor? Nope. Where's the 1? No idea anymore. A groove emerges briefly towards the end, but perhaps it's only my imagination. Very interesting choice for the single, when everything else is so infectiously catchy. Top melodies, top drum programming, top 8 bit bassing. One of his most consistent albums by far.
  18. Yeah, definitely the photographer you want writing his copyright/contact info all over your photos.
  19. I wonder how they determine which of their releases get the "EP" title, seeing as they're all albums, often longer than standard ones. It's been a while since I last listened, but I'm pretty sure it overshadows LP5 by a fair bit too.
  20. I encountered an Orange lodge recently in Barrie Ontario. My friend was renting the basement of their hall for recording purposes. They're basically shriners. Never heard of it before.
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