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Everything posted by splesh

  1. You reckon the orange is a tribute to BATalsdr (RIP ;_____;) ?
  2. When do we start speculating on what each track sounds like/making memes for the tracklisting? (preordered =D)
  3. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
  4. chronical just posted two such moments Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk
  5. c'mooooooooooooooooooooooon oraenge and graen like the flaegs of indaea and irelaend
  6. News on its way (fingers crossed)... ? ? ? ? ?
  7. Which? Hopefully eigengrau and not greyface
  8. Immenantize the Orangence/Greenence!
  9. You make a good point, I may need to reconsider Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk
  10. It's easier for me to place them into tiers: elseq 1-5 , Quaristice , NTS Sessions Exai , Draft 7.30 , Untilted , Confield Oversteps , LP5 , Chiastic Slide , EP7 Lego Feet , Tri Repetae , Amber , Warp Tapes Incunabula
  11. Listening to Quadrange right now. Thank you so much, Sean & Rob, for this lovely tuneage Seconded, wholeheartedly; even though I often do go back to Quaristice (versions), I often forget to listen to this one
  12. I hope we can at least find out the album title or see the art/tracklisting soon! Anyhow, I think we should do another album art Photoshop thing
  13. Never let yourself forget again lel; the whole 2008 era was the sonic blueprint for all that followed, albeit in a jammier less hi-fi way; at least to my ears, there is a strong continuity... though Oversteps inhabits its own sound universe alone but for "column thirteen" off NTS Sessions Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk
  14. I'm not suuuuper keen on the NTS Sessions art but I otherwise do like the recent art and love how every cut on Quaristice, Oversteps, and elseq has its own artwork. Wish it were the case for Exai Sent from my SM-A520W using Tapatalk
  15. Looking forward to Last Life's upcoming album in September, Recon
  16. Amon Düül were at least kinda culty, at least I'd consider any hippie art commune to be so
  17. I dream of remastered/reissued versions of their material. I mean if Elecktroids can get a new edition, maybe so can The Quest? I'd really love a box set of all Stinson & Gerald goodness though I might be the only person on the planet who would want that on CD rather than vinyl
  18. Monolake roolz. I really like Ghosts but really almost anything Henke touches turns to gold, I just love the man's sense of sound design. And of course, I am also grateful for the invention of Ableton Live.
  19. The leaked cover art? Where can that be seen?
  20. I must admit I am still very new to the subgenre of minimalist drum & bass, but I'm digging it, bit of a techstep thing happening, too. Seems good either for chilling out or dancing, though some songs are obviously more suited to one or the other. Decided to buy it. Help a fellow watmmer out. ? So far my fave cut is Defense Mechanism, I can see why it's the single. Constantly flowing back and forth between the techno and dnb aspects...
  21. Looking forward to checking this out, even if, or maybe especially since it is quite different from Basinski's usual fare; don't get me wrong I love a good deal of his ambient, droney, tape loop-y side but smooth jazzy R&B plus breaks sounds fun... and Henry Grimes makes an appearance on one of the songs?! Even if it's not his usual free jazz side of things, that's another reason to check it out for me, right there
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