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Everything posted by splesh

  1. One of the best songs of their career, wish that more of the album were like it... nonetheless, Oversteps is probably one of their more cohesive albums. Absolutely love it, there was a period where I would listen to Oversteps almost to the exclusion of anything else around the time it came out and I would sometimes, completely sober, hallucinate the opening to r ess when there was nothing playing
  2. Or maybe eticyclidine since it's PCE, the "freeze" because of dissociative anaesthesia... and the 2.8i is because while you trip, you contemplate complex numbers (usually notated in the form a+bi, so in this case 2 + 0.8 * i)
  3. Revisiting Move of Ten right now and I realize I've been underrating it for a long time. Might even prefer some parts of this to Oversteps. I think it will turn out to be one of those things where one might have the songs I like the most but the other is a better flowing listen from start to finish.
  4. Thanks, haven't listened to Samuel van Dijk in a few years now, still sounds great.
  5. I used to absolutely love these guys' first three albums. Will need to relisten sometime in the near future. Saw them live during the Bedlam in Goliath tour but the venue sucked and I wasn't in a good place those days and seem to remember things declining sharply starting around that time for my own tastes. This boxset seems way above and beyond what I can imagine ever wanting but to each their own. I think I'd still like them a bunch because they have such a rollicking, fun times sound, though I would no longer have teenage pretensions of their music being far superior to other rock or anything along those lines, y'know?
  6. Always curious to hear what he has up his sleeve, I will certainly be listening to this
  7. Thoroughly enjoyed. Reminds me a lot of what I loved about Insula but also calls to mind other artists one might not expect like The Books, at times
  8. I've watched some of his tutorials, guess I'll check this out
  9. Jasmine Infiniti Yasmin Williams RAMZi Darwin Sister Nancy Anoushka Shankar Dipygus are an awesome band who are part of the current old school death metal revival whose lead singer is a woman Karen Dalton Bunita Marcus is a modern composer
  10. Apology accepted. You didn't know it had that negative connotation, so it's all good! ? Azu Tiwaline Mantra & Djinn Miss Djax EVA808 Alice Coltrane
  11. You call it overkill, I call it an excited response from a woman who is a big fan of free jazz (me) offering recommendations of some of her favourite musicians and taking the chance to boost the profile of some local talent. Patriarchy is still a problem. If you care about women musicians only during International Women's Day/Month, I don't know what to tell you. Some other women who I dig a bunch who I haven't heard mentioned in here yet include: Mor Elian Roza Terenzi DJ Haram Tygapaw D Tiffany Or:la Mama Snake Akilah Bryant Suzi Analogue Valesuchi Dr. Rubinstein & Rachel Noon
  12. Some free jazz/free improv women, as requested. Most of these have said woman playing with other people. Nicole Rampersaud is a great trumpet player more people should know Susie Ibarra is a great drummer/percussionist Germaine Liu is a drummer/percussionist who should be more widely appreciated; she composes and plays composed pieces, too. She and Bea who appears below also appear on a newly recorded album of William Parker's Karen Borca is a great jazz bassoonist who got her start playing with the likes of Cecil Taylor and then played a bunch with Jimmy Lyons Kayla Milmine is a super talented saxophone player more people should know Joelle Leandre is a French bassist/cellist/vocalist Andrea Neumann and Bonnie Jones both do improvised electronics as well as some other things Christine Abdelnour is a saxophonist and Magda Mayas is a piano player Liz Allbee plays trumpet Karen Ng is a saxophonist/clarinetist who should have more recognition
  13. Fuck. He was one of the first WATMMers I remember seeing around a lot and who made this such an inviting/fun place when I was new here. He seemed like a solid guy and it seems he was a very well rounded sorta feller, a real polymath, not just the likeable eccentric. May his memory bless all those touched by his presence in their lives.
  14. splesh

    Thai Food

    My partner and I have tentative plans to have our honeymoon at least partially in Thailand and Vietnam since we love that food so much
  15. splesh

    confield art

    One thing that's really grabbing me is the ways the different sonic elements are occupying different parts of the stereo field, just incredible, but also very subtle panning. I love blasting Autechre but they've always been a "headphone" act for me. Also this album has some serious cohesion going on in percussion, in rhythms, in patches, and how they're combined. Don't get me wrong, I love all of their albums, many are eclectic but well assembled, some use some of the same soudns but they don't always feel like they occupy entirely the same territory throughout the way Confield does. Just over a month and three weeks until this excursion into 'chrespace turns twenty! (Got Gantz Graf cued to play immediately afterwards)
  16. splesh

    confield art

    This thread has made me relisten to Confield for the first time in quite awhile, I think even more than a year and some parts are hitting like it's the first time.
  17. BFDM is a great label and the artwork is p cool. Will need to check out
  18. I love Stereolab but hadn't listened to them in ages but this compilation reminded me of how great they are
  19. This lead single is cool. Will definitely check out the rest. Can someone recommend more of his music along these lines and anyone else with similar style?
  20. Good listening material for 303 day! Kosh does it again!
  21. I've enjoyed previous releases. Will take a listen
  22. Very excited to check this out, I love everything else I've heard from him. So I guess I have pretty high expectations for this
  23. highly enjoyable, look forward to hearing more from her
  24. Currently listening... holding off on forming too much of an opinion til after it's done playing thru
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