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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Just posting some classic rave vibes : (btw, I love the Break of Dawn track !)
  2. I'm gutted...Check the store on my phone just a few hours back and was waiting to come back home to buy the vinyl but of course it's now gone :'( Guess I will compensate my frustration by buying some mp3 off the store !
  3. Anybody here tried Sonic Mania ?? Been playing it for a few hours now, and it totally meets my expectations so far ! Bosses are genuinely awesome, level design seem great and the new zones are incredible. Still have to finish it but I don't want to do it to fast - who know how long I'll have to wait for another good classic Sonic game ?
  4. Splatoon 2, most notably with the Switch set on "portable" mode, is probably the funniest game I played in years. If there are some players here on WATMM, let's share our friend codes and create the WATMM league :D ! Then there's Breath of the Wild, which is indeed awesome and epic and never disappoints. Also, Arms. I love my Switch haha !
  5. Waiting to go home tonight to finally put my hands on my freshly acquired Nintendo Switch !!! Bought the Splatoon 2 bundle, can't wait to try this. Will definitely grab Breath of the Wild today, and might get other games within a few days (don't know whether I should buy Arms or Mario Kart DX, if some people here played one of those games please let me know !)
  6. lolololol you're an idiot lolololo also no one cares about your disjointed opinions at this point guy cant even crack a joke? fuck your touchy uppity white knight fanboyism seriously someone isn't even allowed to defend their favorite artists even as a joke from another joke? fuck you and your overly underly political correctiveness white boy nerd Just biked in to say have a nice evening everyone. =)
  7. Jumping on board for the mixer discussion ! I know I'll have to do that "boring purchase" at some point, but it might be sooner than expected considering that I just bought a Volca Sample on vacations I'm glad to read your thoughts about Behringer Zenyx series - that's what I was looking for as well but it was so low-priced I thought it had to be wrong somewhere ! Also, did one of you use one of the Zenyx USB models ? If so, could you please tell me if the recording over USB was good enough or not ? Thank you very much
  8. i have/had that impression 2. A madmen lockingd himself up from the rest of the world in a basement with his gear, battling god and himself, making the maddest mushroom shit everNot even answering the phone when his parents are calling him for his birthday!
  9. As much as I hate buying digital files, this store is just an amazing thing. I've been thinking about how emotional Drukqs is for RDJ by seeing the photos he put on the store's dedicated page. Pretty sure listening to it with that in mind will be something quite different !
  10. This album has too much of a cult status to be re-released via a bleepstore imho. Plus I remember reading at the time of the dump that the re-release was in the works with R&S :) might be wrong tho
  11. Guys I need some help ! I stumbled upon the "Got Til It's Gone" track from Janet Jackson on Spotify, and after a moment of doubt I thought I heard that voice hook already in one of the SC tracks, but I can't remember which one Best thing about that is, I've been flickering through the Dump again all day long and it's a never ending pleasure
  12. What's unsettling about it being a bleepstore is the website's url tho. Bleepstores have dedicated urls while this is a warp.net subdomain. And that's confusing.
  13. If you're a tiny bit interested in game development then read this: http://kotaku.com/the-story-behind-mass-effect-andromedas-troubled-five-1795886428 It's super interesting Thank you for the reading. Those articles always make me go like "well maybe not trying to work in videogames was a good idea after all" ! I've been playing Emily Is Away yesterday (yeah please don't laugh at me) and the ending left me so sad/bitter that I didn't really wanted to do anything after that. Probably hit my "emotional-failures-over-MSN-Messenger" spot in a quite rough way.
  14. Unfortunately, no. He just premiered that crazy song there. No Forbidden Fruit white label either. Will he maybe do one each year? Or one per continent maybe ? First was America, this one in Europa and a last one at his forthcoming Japanese show ?
  15. Yeah had the chance to play on a Rhodes a few times and it's amazing. The SOUND is otherworldly. Owning one of these babies clearly is one of my lifetime goals!
  16. Forgot to tell you guys how cool the Solo Jazz Cup album is ! By the way, yesterday I stumbled upon a very cool Android app called Nightwave Plaza which is an ad-free vaporwave radio station. It's lightweight (< 2Mo), free, has strong aesthetics AND I had the pleasure to hear some Solo Jazz Cup and Donovan Hikaru tunes on it :) Don't know if it exists on iOS as well tho !
  17. By the way did he release something at Primavera as well ? I don't remember seeing anything about that !
  18. I finally bought a MIDI cable to control my MS-20 mini, and realizing that I could use my keyboard's arpeggiator on it made me want to get a looper to perform ambient synth stuff, early-OPN style. First I thought of getting a Kaoss Pad but it was too pricey so I looked upon the guitar effects and decided to order an Electroharmonix Nanolooper 360. First time the GAS hit me that hard, and I didn't even tried to resist it which can be a problem I guess lol
  19. Do people here remember upon which video-game is the GoD cover based? I remember it's from an old dungeon crawling game, been looking for its name for 2 hours yesterday... Sorry for the thread-bumping but it's driving me mad ^^
  20. Just finished Axiom Verge after a first run of ~10h and I can't recommend it enough for Metroidvania enthusiasts. Was hard to get into it at first but after an hour of gameplay it gets really, really cool. Will probably try to 100% it one of these days but it looks quite hard !
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