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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Yeah we got a wicked little new craft beer shop opened up here, but it sure ain't cheap...
  2. I thought being shit hot is what got Samsung in trouble with the S8? *rimshot*
  3. I just refreshed my old iPhone SE to a Samsung Galaxy S9+. It's shit hot. Recommended.
  4. lol i hear ya...all my closest friends of a similar age have kids. i’m also married and own a house so have no excuses. maybe i just don’t want kids...i think i do, like, i like them and that. think i’m just being lazy. i need to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing. It's weird though, because ever since my friend told me he's going to be a father, the thought of becoming a father myself has been growing on me. But what freaks me out though is the thought of getting my freedom robbed. For instance, if I get a kid I wouldn't be able to work the way I do right now. At the moment I get up around 8 am and work until somewhere between 4 pm and 2 am. And I love doing that. I love working during the weekends as well because those are the days where I know I won't get interrupted while working on something. And I love the fact that I can be spontaneous and do whatever the hell pleases me. Also, the idea of my girlfriend's manic depressive and schizo mom getting near my kid freaks me out. Fuck. If you have any doubts, don’t.Guaranteed to lose the next 6 years of your life. I have no regrets with having my little one, cause I’d stopped making music at the time. But man it takes it right out of you, unless you have a partner willing to do everything (I don’t think that’s fair or right as a father, but just my opinion), you won’t have time or energy to do all the creative stuff you want to do. Well, at one point it's going to happen. Thing is I work from home and I do sound design and music for a living, so I need to be able to fit that in... oh well. Time will tell, I guess... Dude we have exactly the same problems and worries, you've described exactly how I feel lol...I also work from home and really value my freedom etc. Maybe I could get an au pair..
  5. lol i hear ya...all my closest friends of a similar age have kids. i’m also married and own a house so have no excuses. maybe i just don’t want kids...i think i do, like, i like them and that. think i’m just being lazy. i need to hop on the good foot and do the bad thing.
  6. BCM


    lol that’s not actually my studio, i was round my mate’s house having a few drinks and a bit of a jam. it’s my 202 tho.
  7. Beavertown Heavy Water Imperial Stout. It’s fucking well nice.
  8. BCM


    jesus christ, i was pretty fucking drunk last night...i’ll listen to your musics asap!
  9. BCM


  10. well yeah, there you go - even a trained professional didn’t want to get involved/killed. but more guns in schools yeah. go guns!
  11. turns out the armed guard sent to the school, and who was onsite as the shooting occured, didn’t actually go into the school to confront the shooter. can’t say i really blame him - he probably would have been killed. just illustrates what a ridiculous argument arming teachers is - a rational person (such as a teacher) with a gun in a chaotic and terrifying situation is most likely to panic, freeze, run away etc. a lunatic with a death wish out to kill as many people as possible has no fear.
  12. i tried the whole seperate music player and phone thing a while back but i just ended up getting annoyed with carrying two devices around. so went back to just using my iphone... i know what you mean about getting fed up of apple products, but at the end of the day they offer high enough quality audio for 99% of situations and it’s really convenient.
  13. it’s only like, colours and that innit. i can see them anytime. i could just go and look at a load of oranges and the sky. not sure what the big deal is.
  14. i watched it the other day, it’s like, alright yeah. movie innit. some kind of plot thing, bit of flying about, couple fights, big holograph woman with tits...i mean, yeah it’s not bad. wouldn’t really want to watch it again tho.
  15. thread needs more th’idiot tracks
  16. no, this is now pretty much never going to happen. like, ok no problem, shit happens...only gripe i have is that i paid for the whole series up front so basically got 1 cassette for £70, which though i like mnlth’s music very much, seems a bit steep. wonder if i can get some sort of refund?
  17. all in my signature. i need more spotify streams i do. made $5.30 from streams in russia so far this year. at about $0.0017 per stream that means i’m huge in russia.
  18. that’s a nice picture, kind of looks like something you’d see from the pre-production stages of a film project
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